Do you know that in order to give your birds the best environment the poultry equipment you use matters a lot
Time : 2024-06-26

Poultry equipment

Poultry equipment are tools used in the poultry industry to rear poultry birds examples are drinkers, feeders etc. The poultry farm production is the rearing of poultry birds, like ducks, broilers, pullets, quails, turkeys etc. In order to give your birds the best environment the poultry equipment you use matters a lot 

Since the meat is high in protein and the demand for it has increased and since this could be easily found from poultry meat and its products e.g. Eggs, there will be no loss of energy in seeking for knowledge on its rearing and management even if it is at small scale

These poultry farm equipments are of many which include manure removal system, lighting system, incubators, feeding system, drinking system, incubators, brooders, transport crate, debeaking machine, and egg crates and so on

It is produced for human consumption since poultry meat is very nutritious and supplies the required protein and the birds are very easy to manage, many people see it as a worthwhile business to venture into. The poultry equipment comes in handy in the poultry farm

Do you know that in order to give your birds the best environment the poultry equipment you use matters a lot

Poultry equipment

1. Poultry lighting systems

2. Poultry cages

3. Poultry fence

4. Poultry scales

5. Poultry heaters

6. Bell drinkers

7. Egg transport crate 

8. Poultry water regulator 

9. Automatic vaccinator 

10. Poultry nipple systems 

11. Chicken feeders and troughs

12. Egg handling equipments

13. Poultry egg scale

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation

Other poultry equipments and its uses

1. Manure removal system

For the broilers to grow in a clean environment, it is necessary to equip the system of manure removal for the broilers. First, it helps to reduce the labor intensity of the staff and it allows reduction in disease spread, since many different kinds of viruses and microbes that can cause diseases for the bird exist in the litter

2.  Lighting system

A well-managed lighting system in the poultry house affects the general condition of the birds, their desire for food and physiological development, which is directly related to the productive performance of the birds. Lighting is an important way to influence the state of health, behavior and productivity of the birds. Our equipment uses the energy efficient technologies that not only create the favorable lighting conditions, but also reduce the electricity costs

3. Egg collecting system 

This system is used for collecting eggs laid by the birds. It is fully automatic and requires no labor

4. Silos

Silos are available in different meters such as 1.08m, 2.01m, 2.75m 3.02m and capacities that is up to 30.0m ton. Silo filling either mechanic or pneumatic, or both, the pneumatic filling silos are filled by a bulk-truck equipped with pneumatic filling system. The silo is equipped with a special steel filling pipe and PVC de-aeration pipe. The system is designed to prevent feed de-mixing during filling and to fill the silo to the maximum level which is equipped with a remote opening mechanism for opening and closing of the silo roof lid. VDL offers the rigid filling auger, optionally available with movable support for multiple silo use which is perfectly sealed off for secure storage

 5. Drinking system

Water is a necessary factor when rearing chicken, so drinking fountains are very important in the farm buildings. From the perspective of water conservation and prevention of bacterial contamination, nipple drinking fountains are water supply systems that can control the ambition and can make the  broilers drink water automatically and do not require farmers to feed water manually, which is highly efficient. However, farmers should pay attention to the need to choose a high-quality water-tight drinking fountain


1. It modulate the reproduction cycles and faster maturity

It helps make it easy to provide a natural daylight simulation for improved productivity, dim–red light fixtures have proven to decrease the time to peak production by stimulating ovulation via the release of reproduction stimulating hormones, sunrise/Sunset simulation eliminates the stress inputs of switching lights on and off abruptly which can lower mortality and support immune response. The red spectrum helps maintain circadian rhythms and promotes sexual maturity. Light fixture was built to help regulate reproduction cycles and generate faster maturity for the poultry

2. It provides an animal welfare friendly environment and increase feeding

The animal welfare audits measure availability of feed for the birds and monitor flock uniformity in order to determine the overall welfare of the flock. The feeder control pan light is designed to attract birds to the main or control feeder pans. This fixture generates light at poultry specific wavelengths and draws in the birds to encourage feeding. The increased feeding activity at the control pan keeps the feed lines full resulting in evenly distributed feed for the entire line

3. It helps to increases flock uniformity and feed conversion

One of the features of chicken cage system is that it can help to improve bird weight, flock uniformity, and feed conversion. With this fixture it is crucial to have a proper production dimmer and a well-thought-out lighting program. The dim-blue light is used to calm the birds and reduce condemnation. The full spectrum with enhanced red gets birds up and moving, promotes weight gain, and increases long term of living

Our services

1.  We offer the detailed information about our product and services

2. We offer the best equipment which meets our customer’s every requirement

3. We have long time and rich experience on the products manufacturing. If any machine operation questions after sales, we will reply you within 24 hours with solution. And customers can be rest assured

4. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy

5. We give guideline to our first time customer’s on how to go about their poultry farm

6. After purchasing our poultry equipment, we do follow up on our customers about the equipment they purchased

Frequently ask questions

Q: what are poultry equipments?

A: poultry equipment  are equipments that are required in rearing poultry animals such as  layers, turkeys, chickens, and water fowl that are bred and raised for either egg production or meat production

Q: How does poultry equipments helps in providing ventilation for the chickens in the poultry?

A: The chicken cage system is designed in a way that can provide proper ventilation to the birds and protect them from lacking oxygen and the poultry cage has openings that can supply fresh air to the birds 

Q: What is the work of manure drying equipment ?

A: A manure removal machine is basically used to eliminate the manure in a poultry cage and keep the cages clean and hygienic



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