Method of disinfecting an incubator for hatching in a poultry farm
Time : 2020-08-26

Basic information

It is necessary to consider that the environment of the laying house will deeply influence the shell cleanness. Even the quality of the digestion of the hens can also interfere with the quality of the egg (contamination aspect besides all the other nutrition transfers to the DOC). Indeed, after ova-position, those eggs non-contaminated vertically will still remain susceptible to the health status of the breeder flock (Salmonella) and to the pressure of bacteria responsible for hatching-egg putrefaction. Like Pseudomonas, this will be enhanced in diarrheic flocks

The hatchery has to ensure the best potency of production for the level below

Egg disinfection is a means of reaching that goal. This is a non-sufficient but compulsory part of the chick quality, and as such it has to follow accurate guidance, starting at the farm already

This invention is related to agriculture, including the incubation of the bird's eggs. The invention can be used in poultry farming for the disinfection of eggs through the treatment of chickens with natural herbal agents, and ultimately increasing the hatching percentage and survival of the hatched chickens

This new agent, for the disinfection of incubation eggs and twenty-four hour old chickens, is composed of coniferous heavy volatile oil, produced of fir and pine needles. In order to reduce the loss of chickens and increase the hatching percentage, coniferous heavy volatile oil is used in concentrations from 259 mg/m<3> to 1,000 mg/m<3>. Eggs, intended for incubation, are placed in a disinfection camera with coniferous heavy essential oil and held there for 10 minutes, while twenty-four hour old chickens for only 0.5-1.0 minutes

Method of disinfecting an incubator for hatching in a poultry farm


1. The litter in the laying house should be kept dry and in good condition. The nest box litter should be clean and adequate in quantity

2. Eggs should be collected at frequent intervals of not less than twice per day and placed in clean disinfected containers

3. Dirty, broken, cracked, leaking and dented eggs should be collected in a separate container and should not be used for hatching purposes

4. The clean eggs should be sanitized as soon as possible after collection

5. The sanitized eggs should be stored in a clean, dust free room used exclusively for this purpose and kept at a temperature of 13-15°C (55° to 60°F) and at a relative humidity of 70 to 80%

6. The eggs should be transported to the hatchery in new or clean cases which have been fumigated or sanitized with a liquid disinfectant

7. The cleaning and disinfection of vehicles must be a regular part of the hatchery routine

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Disinfecting procedure

1. Choosing the disinfectant

The disinfectant used must fulfill the different requirements such as having a broad spectrum (to be able to destroy a wide range of micro-organisms, from gram negative to gram positive and molds), to be active at a low concentration, as safe for human users as for eggs, chemically stable, without any corrosive action on metals, and comply with local regulations. Moreover, it is necessary to take into consideration that different factors will influence the activity of a disinfectant such as the kind of surface and its status, the bacteriological and physic-chemical properties of the dilution water, the concentration and the temperature. Each family of disinfectants has its own characteristics and their activity spectrum is relatively specific

2. Proper fumigation procedure

Only exposing the hatching eggs to formaldehyde is not enough to sanitize them. In a proper fumigation procedure, five different factors have to be taken into consideration: concentration of formaldehyde, temperature, humidity, time of exposure and circulation of the gas. No consensus is really established currently on the optimum concentration of formaldehyde required. Usually, three levels of concentration have been used and two different methods have been adopted. As the formaldehyde gas rapidly loses its efficiency in low temperatures and dry atmosphere, the control of these two parameters is critical. In that way, the temperature and the relative humidity inside of the chamber should be kept between 24° to 38°C and 60 to 80%, respectively. To complete the procedure, the time of exposure to the disinfecting agent should be 20 minutes. Moreover, it is crucial to circulate the gas in order to make sure that surfaces of the egg shell will have contact with the disinfecting gas. After this procedure, the gas should be expelled in a safe way

3. Safety measures critical

In order to ensure the efficacy of the whole process, the hatching eggs should be placed on wire racks, in wire baskets or on cup-type egg flats stacked in a manner that will permit air circulation and exposure to the formaldehyde gas, nevertheless, during the fumigation process, safety measures are critical and must be followed carefully. Some of these precautions include avoiding the use of plastic or polyethylene containers as the heat generated by the chemical reaction could set fire in those materials. Besides, to avoid possible fire hazards, the containers should slope outwards. It is also important to use containers large enough so that the two chemicals occupy no more than one quarter of its total capacity (volume). Preferably, the container should have a capacity of at least ten times the volume of the total ingredients. Furthermore, the operator is advised to use a mask in order to prevent irritation of the eyes and nose

4. Alternative solutions

Even though, formaldehyde has always been used as the product of choice for a long time, it remains the disinfectant of choice for hatching eggs. In the hatcheries, no embryonic mortality is observed under good practices of use. Moreover, used as fumigation, formol vapours show real efficacy to destroy microorganisms on the shell, the box, the hatching machines or every material used (only if, obviously, they are previously cleaned). Another explanation is nevertheless its relative efficacy in presence of residual organic matter, besides, it seems that few cases of resistance of micro-organisms against formol have been found. However, research is no longer focusing on this molecule since, in some more regulated countries, it will belong to the past as the international agency for research on cancer (IARC / WHO) pointed out this molecule as carcinogenic for human beings. Several countries are thus looking for alternative solutions for egg disinfection, to replace the undesirable characteristic of this disinfectant, but keeping its efficacy

5. Requirements for spraying

In order to ensure any of the disinfecting procedure, the spray has to follow some requirements in order to properly sanitize the eggs such as selection and dilution of the disinfectant, besides some other criteria related to the activity of the disinfectant. Do not use any compound which can impair the exchange of gases through the eggshell, correct application to kill as many organisms as possible. The disinfecting solution has to be applied in a manner which will thoroughly wet the shell surface. Undoubtedly, this is one of the limitations of this method of disinfection as it depends on the proper spraying and, at the farm level, it is not unusual to find that the bottom of the eggs were not reached. In very cold weather, in order to avoid any thermal shock, it is advisable to heat up the water before preparing the disinfecting solution and spraying it on the eggs

6. Very careful dipping

Ensure that this method is carried out very carefully. The temperature, for the reasons seen before, has to be monitored strictly to avoid any risk of a temperature shock. Especially after dipping dirty eggs, the dirtiness remains in disinfectant solution and it can induce lower activity of disinfectant contamination of other batches of eggs. In order to avoid these problems, a pre selection of the eggs before dipping is required (do not dip dirty eggs) and change the disinfecting solutions often (at least once a day)

7. Implications of improper sanitizing

Proper selection and use of a sanitizer is essential for good sanitation management and can prevent additional problems in the hatchery, especially when the bacterial population on one eggshell can reach 300,000 CFU instead of about 300 on a sanitized shell. Since most incubators have greater than a 40,000 egg capacity, thousands of eggs and chicks could become contaminated if an infected egg explodes, breaks or becomes cracked inside the incubator. The proper practice of good management strategies will prevent microbial problems and aid in the production of quality chicks


1. Egg handlers in the hatchery should wash their hands with soap and water and change to clean outer garments before handling hatching eggs received from the poultry farm

2. Chick sexes and chick handlers must wash and disinfect their hands and change into clean protective clothing and boots before commencing work and between different lots of chicks

3. Day old chicks or other poultry must be delivered or distributed in new chick boxes or in used boxes made of suitable material which have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected or fumigated

4. The chicks should be delivered directly from the hatchery by personnel wearing clean, disinfected outer clothing. Outer clothing should be changed or disinfected between each delivery

5. The delivery truck must be cleaned and disinfected before loading each consignment of chicks

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Frequently ask questions

Q: Why is it important to disinfect an incubator used for hatching in a poultry farm?

A: It is important because cleaning of your incubator thoroughly will not only improve hatch rates. It will also hugely extend the use full working life of the incubator and improve the health of hatchlings and reduces the risk of spreading any bacterial diseases that are hiding inside the incubator

Q: How do you disinfect an incubator?

A: Soak in warm water with mild bleach or disinfectant and if necessary clean the incubator immediately after using

Q: Can I spray the eggs during incubation or when they are due to hatch?

Q: Spraying only increases humidity for a very short time and will not 'soften' the egg shell, spraying the eggs can also transmit or spread infection and is therefore not recommended



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