Layer poultry farming
The poultry birds which are raised for egg production are known as layers. Commercial hen starts laying eggs between the age of 12-20 weeks, they start laying eggs regularly at 25 weeks of age which after 70-72 weeks of age egg production of layer poultry gets reduced. In commercial layer poultry farming, hens are typically kept for 12 months after their first laying season. They then sell them to be slaughtered. Chickens, on the other hand, can live for more than 6 years in the wild. In some nations, hens are force molted to stimulate egg-laying. Producers frequently adjust the environmental conditions automatically. For example, the presence of light encourages the bird to lay eggs earlier. As a result, producers should provide a greater lighting period to boost the likelihood of beginning to lay eggs. The egg-laying bird lays more eggs in the warm months. Thus, keeping the temperature of the room moderate will be very helpful for better egg production. Surprisingly, few commercial egg-laying chicken breeds can also produce more than 300 eggs a year. Layer poultry is raised in different methods. Here we will explain the common and most popular layer poultry farming systems
Free range farming
Free-range poultry farming means giving freely roaming facilities to the poultry birds for a certain period of a day. In this method of farming, poultry birds are kept inside the house at night to keep them free from predators and adverse weather. Poultry birds generally roam freely throughout the whole day. It can be said that they spent half of their life outside the house. For this type of farming, select a suitable land that has the facilities of the adequate drainage system, good ventilation, appropriate protection from prevailing winds, good protection from all types of predators and free from excessive cold, heat or dampness. Excessive cold, heat and damp is very harmful for poultry birds which reduces their productivity. It requires less feed than cage and barn systems. The poultry manure from free range farming is used as fertilizer for crops directly. Besides, all its advantages it has some difficulties too. Here, the poultry birds can be a victim of predators easily and may caught by different type of diseases
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
Battery cage method
Interestingly, it is one of the very common methods used in many countries. In this system usually small sized metal cages are used. Every cage can accommodate about 3 to 8 hens. Generally, the walls of the cages are made of mesh or solid metal and the floor is made of sloped wire mesh which allows the faeces to drop down. When the hens lay eggs, then all the eggs gather in the egg collecting conveyor belt of the cage. In Battery Cage Method, food is given in front of the hens by a long bisected metal or plastic pipe, and water is served to them by using overhead nipple systems. The cages are arranged in long rows in one above another system. There may have many floors in a single shade which can keep many even thousands of hens together
The main benefits of battery cage are as follows
1. Taking care of the birds is very easy
2. Easy to collect eggs of birds
3. Cleaner eggs
4. Requires less feed to produce eggs
5. Thousands of hens may be housed in a specific floor space of the house
6. The birds suffer less from internal parasites
7. Labor cost is also very low
Broiler poultry farming
Broiler poultry farming means raising meat chicken or other poultry birds for the purpose of meat production. Broilers are just like other common poultry birds. Broiler are specifically used for producing meat in a short period of time. That is why broilers are raised mainly for meat production. Broiler chicks can be consumed after 5 to 6 weeks of age if contemporary farming methods are used
Factors to consider in broiler farming
1. Have a good rood connectivity and transport facility
2. The farm location should be far from residential area and housing estates
3. Land area should be sufficient
4. Access to good water supply and electricity
5. Access to market for procurement of farm inputs and produce
Poultry housing
Good and well-managed housing plays a crucial role in raising all types of poultry birds. Some birds grow and live happily on the floor of poultry houses and some in cages. According to the types of your birds, you have to make a suitable house and ensure the availability of all types of necessary facilities for them
Factors to consider when building a poultry house
1. Always keep enough space in your poultry house, depending on the birds. It will help your birds to live, grow and produce happily. Avoid overcrowding the poultry house
2. A good ventilation system is a must. One should ensure that their poultry houses are well ventilated
3. Ensure sufficient flow of fresh air and light inside the house
4. For commercial production, make the proper distance between two houses
5. Clean the house and equipment on a regular basis. Must sterilize the house before bringing new chicks into your farm
6. Must take steps for preventing all types of predators and harmful animals
7. Maintain a good temperature so that birds do not suffer by excessively hot or cold
8. A suitable drainage system inside the house is a must for cleaning it properly
Frequently ask questions
Q. How long does it take to grow a broiler chicken?
A. A broiler can reach maturity as early as 6 weeks
Q. Do broilers lay eggs?
A. Broiler hens can lay eggs known as parent birds or stock breeders
Q. Where is the best location for setting up a farm?
A. Location far from residents and have access to good water and electricity
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