Types of poultry cages
Poultry farming cage has become a widespread practice for several years. Today, more than 99% of all chicken meat and eggs produced are from chicken cages. It is fair to say that chicken cages has replaced free range farming or what was the natural way of growing, managing and nurturing livestock. Chickens that are raised for eggs or some other reason are all bred and raised through chicken cage systems
The poultry farming cage is commonly arranged back-to-back in three rows of identical small metal wire cages connected together like battery cell. In this housing system, hens have access to automatic management-controlled feed and water. Also, the wire cage floors are made in such a way that the eggs roll down to the egg tray for easy automatic collection
The poultry farming cage is manufactured using strong raw materials and advanced techniques to offer long-lasting services. The component of a chicken cage system makes rearing of poultry birds easier and with less stress. It enables large number of poultry birds to be reared at the same time
Types of chicken cages
1. Brooder cages
This can also be called chick cage because they are used rearing chicks in the poultry farm. Chick cages are arranged either as single deck or double deck system. The feeders and waterers are arranged on the cages. A nipple drinker system is followed from day-old. Newspaper may be spread over the cage floor for first 7 or 10 weeks
2. Grower cages
The grower cages are cages used for rearing pullets. This helps to create a comfortable environment for the pullets
3. Layer cages
These are cages used in rearing egg laying hens in the poultry farm. The cage allows the birds to lay more eggs because they are comfortable
4. Broiler cages. The broiler cages are used for broilers which are reared for the production of meat
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
Poultry farming cage is a kind of cage which is designed to confine the laying hens to lay eggs in cages, which is convenient for poultry farmers to raise chickens and collect eggs, the chicken cage is used in a poultry farm are usually chicken cage system for the purpose of centralized management of laying hens and increasing egg production
The poultry farming cage has some components which help to perform specific duties with little or no stress such as an automatic feeding hopper which helps take chicken feed from a central hopper or a bin out to feed the birds continuously all day
The automatic egg collector’s conveyor belt takes the eggs to the header, the flexible fingers carefully place the eggs on a cross conveyor, which then take the eggs to the classifier room and this helps to reduce broken eggs
1. There is a full automatic drinking and feeding system
2. It has quality cage fittings
3. It is durable and has strong anti-corrosion function
4. It is fully automatic and highly efficient
5. It has a lower density to protect the poultry chickens
6. The rate of disease spread is low
7. It has high durability install
8. It is not toxic and hot galvanized
9. It is easy to clean and install
1. The poultry farming cage reduces feed consumption and wastage of feeds by the birds
2. It is highly efficient in the rate of feed conversion
3. While using chicken cage system there is low spread of diseases
4. It helps to reduce the cost of medication and accurate dosage of drug will be determined
5. Keeping records of the birds will be easier with the Poultry farming cage
6. It also helps in reducing the amount of space required
7. The poultry farming cage helps in Identification of individual bird
8. With Poultry farming cage there is egg is in abundance, there is no shortage of eggs
9. The Poultry farming cage helps to create job opportunities
10. With Poultry farming cage, it is easier to care for pullets
Our services
1. We maintain good customer relationship with our customers
2. We sell quality materials that we last our customers for a very long time and also meet their needs
3. We offer answers to questions our customers may have regarding our products
4. We focus on producing quality products to satisfy our customers
5. We give explanations to our customers on the product they want to purchase
6. We give advice to customers on how to go about their poultry farm
Frequently ask questions
Q: What is Poultry cage?
A: Poultry cage is housing systems which are mostly used for chicken rearing and suitable for several methods of animal production
Q: Why is it called a poultry cage?
A: The poultry farming cage is located in big sheds which can contain thousands of cages next to each other and stacked on top of each other. This is where the name ‘poultry farming cage’ comes from stacked up together
Q: Is battery cage system different from poultry cage?
A: No, it is the same thing is either you call it poultry farming cage or battery cage system
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