Battery cage for poultry farm in Nigeria market
Time : 2007-01-17

Basic information

Before starting a poultry farm it is important to have a list of poultry farm equipment. A standard poultry farm uses many tools and equipment. They are meant for housing the birds, care or butchering, it is essential for all poultry farmers to use the right equipment for a successful farming. Equipment such as battery cage, drinkers and feeders 

One thing to be known is that Nigeria has been doing well in layer poultry farming business for many years as have engaged in it, they have worked so hard and have acquired high technically and professionally competent guidance which are available among farmers, they therefore make provision of high quality chicks, equipment, vaccines and medicines that will aid in the frequent production of layers birds and eggs respectively

Layer poultry farming means raising egg laying poultry birds for the purpose of commercial egg production. Layer chickens are such a special species of hens, which need to be raised from when they are one day old. They start laying eggs commercially from 18-19 weeks of age

They remain laying eggs continuously till their 72-78 weeks of age. There are various types of highly egg productive layer breeds available throughout the Nigeria. Since egg is among the highly consumed food items in Nigeria and also around the world simultaneously, engaging in layer poultry farming is a business opportunity for anyone who is interested and also determined to make it in it

Depending on the size of your farm, layer poultry farming can be a main source of family income or can provide subsidiary income and gainful employment to farmers throughout the year. One thing you should know is that, no matter the amount of people rearing Layer birds for egg production, it won’t still be enough for the high amount of people consuming it; there is an extreme large open market for it

Battery cage for poultry farm in Nigeria market

Battery cages

An early reference to battery cages appears in Milton Arndt's 1931 book, Battery brooding, where he reports that his battery cage flock was healthier and had higher egg production than his conventional flock. At this early date, battery cages already had the sloped floor that allowed eggs to roll to the front of the cage, where they were easily collected by the farmer and out of the hens' reach. Arndt also mentions the use of conveyor belts under the cages to remove manure, which provides better air control quality and reduces fly breeding

Original battery cages extended the technology used in battery brooders, which were cages with a wire mesh floor and integral heating elements for brooding chicks. The wire floor allowed the manure to pass through, removing it from the chicks' environment and reducing the risk of manure borne diseases. This form of battery cage is coming into widespread use throughout the country and apparently is solving a number of the troubles encountered with laying hens in the regular laying house on the floor

Food and housing are two main factor of successful poultry farming business, Housing is also very important for raising layer poultry commercially and in small scale. A good poultry house protects the poultry birds from adverse weather condition, injury and predators. Poultry birds require a draft free and dry house. Proper ventilation system and temperature management is needed. And for proper ventilation, you can keep big sized windows or doors, which can be opened when necessary

There are kinds of chicken battery cage of different quality, but mainly divided into Imported and local made chicken battery cage; Imported and local chicken battery cage can be produced in different designs on the type of production and the price

Battery cages as a housing system, used for different animal production, especially for egg-laying poultry. Chicken battery cage consists of metal sheets in rows and columns, 

Wire mesh net, with similar cages linked as battery cell, so that is why it was called battery cage. Chicken Battery cage is popular product among chicken farmers all over the world, majority of egg production across the world are from battery cage

Poultry business, especially egg production, in Nigeria is very lucrative business, especially when festival holiday is approaching. The intensive farmer must seek advance intensive approaches to handling his chicken farming. One great improvement of chicken farming is using Chicken Battery cages. As far as we know, lots of Chicken farmers in across the globe are willing to use chicken battery cage, but they fail to achieve their purposes because of funds and that is why different types according individual capital. We consider how chicken farmers in across the globe can get a battery cage for themselves, as well as the considerations they should have in doing so

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation


1. Poultry feed

Feed is one of the major cost of poultry production and it significantly affects the production performance of the birds. So feed is the most important consideration for efficient poultry farming. Improper feeding not only affects the production performance but also causes several deficiency diseases. Also, the feed needs to have all the nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fats, minerals & vitamins) in the right proportion. Also, some additives to facilitate digestion and growth are often added in reputed commercial feed. In accordance with the age and species of chickens, food providing can control the weights of chicken. Use sufficient calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, amino acid and other mineral substance in their food. If you follow the methods mentioned above, then you can make better profit from your layer poultry farming business

2. Water management

The layers health depend on the supply of pure, clean and fresh drinking water. Ensure to provide adequate water according to the demand of your laying hens. For purifying the water, mix Aqua-cure

3. Layer farm sequence

A standard procedure is followed for the Layer Farm Sequence. This procedure starts when female chicks are raised into pullets for commercial egg production. This stage is called ‘rearing’, and there are several common rearing systems. Some farms raise layer chicks on a litter floor in a shed similar to a meat chicken shed. Other pullets are either finished off or reared entirely in wire-floored cages

4. Brooding for layer (day old to 6 weeks)

When a layer sits still for a prolonged period without eating or drinking normally, it is said to be ‘broody’. This is a normal process during which the hen stops producing eggs in order to incubate a nest full of eggs. When the eggs hatch the hen then cares for the chicks by keeping them warm and finding feed and water for them. Modern strains of chicken have been selected not to go broody so that more eggs are laid over a period of time, When rearing chicks commercially the aim is to do the same thing as the hen. The stage of life when chicks need some additional heat is called the brooding stage. It lasts up to six weeks, depending on the temperature of the environment until the chicks can control their body temperature themselves. From day-old they usually receive chick starter feed which aims to ensure they have plenty of protein (19%) and energy for body growth

5. Growing layer (6 to 20 weeks)

Once chicks can control their body temperature they are also need to be protected from climate extremes. At this stage they receive pullet grower feed which is less expensive and contains only 15% to 17% protein and 7% less energy than the starter feed. Beak trimming and some vaccinations are done during the grower stage to prepare the birds for their adult life as laying hens. Anything that limits growth at this time can affect their ability to lay well, however, excessive feeding at this time can be harmful, again leading to poor production, restriction to feed supply to birds during growing stops them from growing at a fast rate and results in both feed savings and increased egg production when the birds mature. Weekly weighing of the birds is essential to restrict body weight and work out how even the flock is growing

6. Adult layer (20 to 78 weeks)

Adult layers are the real workers of the industry. For best performance they need to be fed carefully and kept in a house at 21-28oC. This means that hen houses are designed to keep as near as possible to this temperature year round. The hens are checked regularly to monitor their health and medicines may be administered as needed. Tinted egg strains usually require less feed (105g feed/hen/day) than brown egg strains (120g feed/hen/day)

7. Egg collecting and grading

Mechanical collection of eggs is common in modern layer farms. It takes about 26 hours for each egg to develop and each hen lays an egg a little later each day. This is not an exact thing and most eggs are laid in the morning. Eggs should be collected regularly and transferred from the hen house to an egg room where they are graded or checked for weight and for damaged shells

8. Marketing of eggs

Eggs are stored in a cool room at about 13oC and transported in an insulated truck, unfortunately, many shops selling eggs do not store them under ideal conditions. In the home and shop situation it is best to store them at normal refrigerator temperature (4-6oC), marketing involves a range of prices, depending on the different sizes of egg, different brands, or other differences which attract particular buyers. Free-range and fat modified eggs are among the varieties available

9. Bio security measures

This enables the prevention of disease spread onto the poultry farm

1. Keep all animals and wild birds out of poultry houses

2. Practice sound rodent and pest control program

3. Inspect flocks daily and recognize disease symptoms

4. Good ventilation and relatively dry litter

5. Keep areas around houses and feed bins clean

6. No exchange of feed and equipment

7. Disinfection and sanitization of poultry house & types of equipment

10. Equipment register

This includes registering of the various farm equipment pieces of machinery like feed mill, vehicles, cages, incubators, feeders, waterers, etc. The date, source, number, and cost of purchase of equipment must be recorded. The repairs carried out along with the details of repairs also must be indicated. The annual depreciation should be calculated for equipment and the actual post-depreciation value for equipment must be brought forward for the next year

Our services

1. We provide you with professional guidance and design on all poultry equipments

2. We have long time and rich experience on the products manufacturing. If any machine operation questions after sales, we will reply you within 24 hours with solution.  And customers can be rest assured

3. We offer excellent services in all our equipment

4. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy

5. We give guideline to our first time customer’s on how to go about their poultry farm

6. After purchasing our poultry equipment, we do follow up on our customers about the equipment they purchased

Frequently ask questions

Q: What supplements can I include into their feed?

A: Calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, amino acid and other mineral substance should be included in their feed to enable them maintain weight

Q: What can affect the production of egg in layers?

A: Excess feed can be harmful to them and it may led to poor production of eggs

Q: Which method is the best used in rearing chickens?

A: Without any doubt, battery cages remain the best method of rearing chickens

Q: Where can I get battery cages for chickens in Nigeria?

A: Our Company is the number one supplier of battery cage in Nigeria and its environment

Q: What is the reason for raising chicken on battery cage?

A: It keeps the chickens save and healthy



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