Do you know the differences between hot and cold galvanized layer cage
Time : 2004-02-04

Basic information

One of the most important key component of a breeding equipment is the chicken cage, the chicken cage is in direct contact with the chicken, and the material is very important, the chicken cages are divided into hot dip galvanized chicken battery cages and cold galvanized chicken cages according to their materials

So in terms of service life, hot dip galvanized chicken cage has greater galvanized steel wire chicken cage than cold galvanized chicken cage. Ranked from high to low prices, it is also hot dip galvanized chicken cage that has greater galvanized steel wire chicken cage than cold galvanized chicken cage. So when you buy chicken battery cages system, you must make a clear distinction and don’t confuse unscrupulous merchants

In its simplest form, galvanizing refers to the application of a zinc coating to the surface of a metal usually steel or iron. It is mainly used as a protective measure to prevent corrosion and, by extension, increase the serviceable life of the protected metal component. When properly applied to a steel surface, zinc coatings offer two main types of protection such as barrier protection and galvanic protection

Do you know the differences between hot and cold galvanized layer cage

Product description

1. Hot galvanized layer cage

The hot dip galvanized layer cage is welded with cold drawn wire and then processed by the hot-dip galvanizing process. The craftsmanship of this kind of chicken coop is complicated, it is also corrosion resistant, and of course the price is the highest. Hot dip galvanizing is also called hot-dip galvanizing and hot dip galvanizing, it is an effective method of metal anti-corrosion, mainly used in metal structure facilities in various industries. The rust removed steel parts are immersed in a molten zinc solution at about 500°C to attach a zinc layer to the surface of the steel parts to achieve the purpose of corrosion protection. The chicken cage after hot-dip galvanizing has the best corrosion resistance and will not rust after decades of use

2. Cold galvanized layer cage

The cold galvanized layer cage is also welded with cold drawn wire and then processed by electroplating. This kind of galvanized surface has a very thin zinc layer and poor corrosion resistance. Electroplating is the process of plating a thin layer of other metals or alloys on the surface of some metals using the principle of electrolysis. It is the process of using electrolysis to attach a layer of metal film to the surface of metal or other materials to prevent metal oxidation. This process is the simplest and the price is the cheapest

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Comparing hot and cold galvanizing

1. Although hot and cold galvanizing both serve similar purposes, their method of application and performance differ significantly. Cold galvanizing, unfortunately do not offer the same level of protection as its hot counterpart, because cold galvanizing is simply a coating, it cannot bond with the metal on a chemical level and, as such, does not have the same durability, abrasion resistance and cathodic protection capabilities as hot galvanizing

2. Unlike hot dip galvanizing, cold galvanizing can provide barrier protection and also some degree of cathodic protection. However, the zinc dust present in the paint or coating must be in high enough concentrations to promote electrical conductivity between the steel and the zinc

While cold galvanizing does not live up to the performance of hot dip galvanizing, it does have its benefits. Cold galvanizing is ideal for cost effective and rapid application on smaller structures and components, hot galvanizing processes are more expensive and better suited for larger structures, typically for heavy duty industrial uses

3. In hot dip galvanization the base metal is dipped into a bath of molten zinc so that a layer of zinc is formed on the base metal where the zinc coat very strongly adheres to the base metal. This process helps in the prevention of the base metal from being corroded thereby enhancing its durability

On the other hand, cold galvanizing where the zinc salt solution is plated on to the base metal by the process of electrolysis. This process does not involve any kinds of heating. This form of galvanization does not allow the zinc to adhere strongly to the base metal and a wet environment causes the coating to fall off very easily. Cold galvanizing is also referred to as plating

4. Hot dip galvanizing may seem simple but the process consists of several crucial steps. The steel first goes through three cleaning stages to prepare its surface for galvanizing. These are degreasing, pickling and fluxing. Degreasing is used to remove dirt, oil and other organic residues, a mild acid bath, or pickling, etches the steel and removes mill scale and iron oxide and fluxing further removes any oxides and coats the steel with a protective layer that prevents from corrosion 

The cold galvanizing is simply the application of a zinc rich paint to the surface of a steel element to protect it from corrosion. The cold galvanizing is considered to be a misnomer among some professionals in the coating industry

5. The hot dip galvanized base metal is first degreased and then followed up with a number of process of like pickling, dipping, drying, immersion in molten zinc & finally cooled in case of hot dip galvanization

On the other hand, in case of cold galvanizing involves a process of electrolysis of a solution of zinc salt in which the zinc gets deposited on the base metal located at the anode during the process of electrolysis. The base metal so placed at anode during the process of electrolysis goes through the process of degreasing and picking prior to the process

6. Hot dip galvanization is actually a chemical treatment in which an electrochemical reaction takes place

But in case of cold galvanization, a physical treatment takes place in which a layer of zinc just gets brushed on the base metal

7. Hot dip galvanizing involves much lesser emissions and the galvanized pollutants includes the parts of waste acid pickling mainly

But the cold galvanized pollutants include parts of electroplating waste, waste acid pickling, and liquid waste such as passivation

Why you should choose our company

1. We can handle your entire projects from sample to shipping including projects management for the production runs 

2. Our equipment are quality guaranteed  

3. Our battery cages are strong and durable

4. Our company’s products are with years of warranty

5. We give customer good review rate of 100% sincerity

6. We have our own poultry equipment factory

Our services

1. We have long time and rich experience on the products manufacturing. If any machine operation questions after sales, we will reply you within 24 hours with solution. And customers can be rest assured

2. We offer excellent services in all our equipment

3. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy

4. We give guideline to our first time customer’s on how to go about their poultry farm

5. After purchasing our poultry equipment, we do follow up on our customers about the equipment they purchased

Frequently ask questions

Q: Are you the direct manufacturer or trading company of all your poultry equipment?

A: Yes we are the direct manufacturers of all our poultry equipment and battery cages for the past 20 years

Q: What is the major difference between the hot and cold galvanized layer cage?

A: The hot galvanized has the best corrosion resistance and will not rust after decades of use while the cold galvanized layer cage has a poor corrosion resistance 



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