What is the popular type of poultry cage for sale in Ghana
Time : 2023-08-18

Basic information

Now to actualize the aim of keeping both broiler and layer especially for commercial purpose is to give you the optimum outcome of production in terms of meat and egg and to achieved this to the utmost, there is need of poultry cage in Ghana poultry production because the importance of battery cage in poultry production cannot be undermined as it aids high and quality production of eggs and healthy broilers for meat among other importance

Battery cage system used in a poultry farm is usually for the purpose of concentrating on laying hens and increasing egg manufacture to poultry farmers. Battery cage system is one of the professional battery cage system manufacturers and suppliers from all over the world. Poultry cage system is made of quality mild steel and the surface is heavy-duty galvanized or galan coated, strong and durable, the service life is up to 30 years, whether you own a medium or large chicken farm or even a small chicken house

Poultry cage for sale in Ghana is basically centered on production of eggs and meat has its efficiency in the kind of housing system in which the birds are being kept. For instance, broilers are basically reared for meat consumption while layers are reared for egg production

What is the popular type of poultry cage for sale in Ghana

The popular types of poultry cage for sale in Ghana

Poultry cage for sale in Ghana, sometimes called a conventional cage, it is designed to house laying hens, meaning female chickens that produce eggs. After being born in hatcheries, undergoing the process of debunking, and awaiting maturity (which usually takes about 18 weeks), hens are sent to the poultry cages in Ghana where they will spend the remainder of their lives, which generally last for about two years. This are some poultry cages sold in Ghana

1. Battery layer cage

2. Poultry cage for broilers

3. Layer chicken cage

4. Chicken battery cage

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation

Product description

They reduce disease spread among hens, and they are, restrict movement prevent many natural behaviors, and increase rates of disease spread. The number of bird kept in battery cage system, determine on the size of the cage. While the space per bird is more limited enforced the size of the cage itself is less. Poultry cage system can increase from the size of a bathtub to the size of a desk drawer. Usually each one contains between four and ten birds. Poultry cage system is designed for clean and easy egg packing as well as minimal feed spillage

Poultry cage is housing system used for various animal production methods, but basically for layer. Although the term is usually applied to poultry production, similar poultry cage systems are used for other animals 


1. Feeding grooves

2. Medication tank

3. Galvanized steel

4. Full automatic drinking system

5. Adjustable foot plates for leveling

6. Nipple drinker

7. Silo


1. Easy maintenance and operation

2. Cost efficient in feeding, drinking and save labor

3. Full automatic drinking system with water tanks

4. Automated controlled system

5. Hot galvanized, anti-corrosive, long durability

6. High stock density, floor saving & cost efficient


1. It also helps in reducing the amount of space required 

2. The poultry cage helps in Identification of individual bird

3. With poultry cage there is egg is in abundance, there is no shortage of eggs

4. The poultry cage helps to create job opportunities

5. With poultry cage, it is easier to care for pullets

6. The poultry cage reduces feed consumption and wastage of feeds by the birds

7. It is highly efficient in the rate of feed conversion 

8. While using poultry cage system there is low spread of diseases 

9. It helps to reduce the cost of medication and accurate dosage of drug will be determined 

10. Keeping records of the birds will be easier with the poultry cage 

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2. We build trust with our customers 

3. We make our customers happy and make them feel appreciated when they buy our product

4. We provide our customers with quick responds as soon as possible

5. We create a strong on boarding experience with our customers

6. We supply our customers with details information on what they are buying

Frequently ask questions 

Q: Is the poultry cage really effective for layers?

A: Yes, it is really effective for layers because it helps in reducing disease transmission creates a stable environment for the birds which help them produce more eggs

Q: At what age can the birds be placed in a poultry cage?

A: The birds can be placed in a local poultry cage from 12 weeks or 16 weeks

Q: What number of birds can be placed in a poultry cage?

A: The number of birds placed in a poultry cage depends on the size of the cage



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