Detailed introduction of egg hatching equipment in poultry farm
Time : 2018-10-11

Basic information

The chick hatcheries are modern buildings that provide separate rooms for each hatchery operations, but each room has its individual requirements. The hatchery area should be a separate unit with its own entrance and exit, unassociated with those of the poultry farm. The hatchery should be situated at least 1,000 ft from poultry houses to prevent horizontal transmission of disease-producing organisms from the chicken houses to the hatchery

The size of the hatchery is based on the egg capacity of the setters and hatchers, number of eggs that can be set each week and number of chicks hatched each week.  Also, necessary space to be allotted for future expansion

Hatchery should be constructed in such a manner that the hatching eggs may be taken in one end and the chicks removed at the other.  In other words, eggs and chicks should flow through the hatchery from one room to the one next needed in the hatching process.  There should not be no backtracking.  Such a flow affords better isolation of the rooms and there is less human traffic throughout the building

Detailed introduction of egg hatching equipment in poultry farm


1. It consists of a big middle fan with automatic heating and roller humidifying system

2. It has a backup emergency and alarming system for insurance using

3. It has an automatic air cooling system and automatic ventilator

4. It has an inner light

5. It is made of polyester, double wall construction for a perfect insulation

6. Trolley egg-frame for easy operating, inside disinfecting and cleaning

7. Microcomputer that makes each incubator completely automatic

8. Hatching rate of more than 98%

9. Combined incubators feature the setter and hatcher incubator together in one unit

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation


1. Hatching eggs receiving counter

Employees delivering hatching eggs to the hatchery must not enter the hatchery in the course of their duties.  Eggs should be delivered to the hatchery through a specialized door

2. Fumigation room

The fumigation room should be as small as possible in order to reduce the amount of fumigant used.  A fan should be used to circulate the air and exhaust the fumigant

3. Egg holding (egg cooler room)

Egg holding room should be about 8 ft high, insulated, slowly ventilated, with complete air movement, cooled, and humidified.  The room must be refrigerated to maintain a temperature of 650c  A forced-air type of refrigeration unit is required in order to keep a uniform temperature throughout the room

4. Pre incubation warming room

Here eggs are kept for the purpose of drying the ‘sweat’ over eggs.  It can be achieved by providing sufficient number of ceiling fans in this room

5. Setter room

Setters (incubators) are kept in this room.  The size of the setter room will depend on the make of the equipment used.  The incubating equipment takes relatively little floor space.  The exact room size involves the aisle and working area necessary to move the eggs and chicks in and out of the machines.  A minimum space of 3 ft should be allotted between the sides of adjacent setters and from wall to sides or back of the setters.  Similarly, minimum of 10 ft should be allotted in front of two setters when kept face-to-face arrangement

6. Egg candling (darker room)

This room is usually constructed in between setter and hatcher room for candling eggs.  Candling is usually practiced when eggs are transferred from setter to hatcher. Provisions should be made to dark the room to facilitate easy candling

7. Hatcher room

Hatchers are kept in this room.  Here sufficient spaces are to be allowed around hatcher similar to that of setter room.  Since it is prone for contamination with fluffs and debris at the time of hatching, the door towards setter room is to be tightly closed unless the necessity arises (at the time of egg transfer

8. Chick holding room

Next to hatcher room, chick holding room is present.  A relative humidity of 65% is maintained to prevent excessive chick dehydration.  Here, the chicks are sex separated, graded, vaccinated and placed in chick boxes

9. Wash room

After chicks are boxed, the trays are washed in a tray washer in the washroom.  Necessary pipelines with high-pressure pumps are kept in this room

10. Clean room

After the trays are washed, they are placed in their trolleys and moved to the adjacent clean room


1. Securing hatching eggs

Hatcheries can get the hatching eggs from any one of the following ways, from own breeder flock, other breeder flocks and other hatcheries

2. Traying hatch eggs

The eggs from the breeder flocks should be transferred to the egg setter trays in the hatchery immediately after receiving

3. Fumigation of hatching eggs

After traying, eggs are to be kept in the fumigation chamber for fumigation. Fumigating with 3x concentration of formaldehyde for 20 minutes will kill about 97.5 to 99.5% of the organisms on the shells.  One ‘x’ concentration means 20 g of KMnO4 with 40 ml of formalin for 100 cubic feet (3x means 60 g of KmnO4 + 120 ml of formalin for 100 cubic feet)

4. Cold Storage

When the eggs are not set immediately after receiving, they should be kept in cold rook at the temperature of 65 of and 75% relative humidity

5. Warm eggs prior to setting

Approximately 6 hours prior to placing eggs in the setter they should be moved from the egg cooler room to normal room temperature.  Here, atmospheric air condenses over eggshell and form water droplets over eggshell, which is called as ‘Sweating’. It is advantageous to warm eggs before placing them in the incubator by avoiding creation of low temperature in the machine by placing cool eggs directly

6. Loading of eggs

Placing of eggs in the setter is called ‘Loading of eggs’.  Eggs can be set in the setter either all-in all-out basis or batch basis.  Most of the commercial hatcheries are practicing batch system of loading eggs in the setter that will minimize the initial time taken to reach normal incubation temperature in the setter.  In this case, each setter is having hatching eggs with different stages of embryonic developments

7. Candling

Candling is a process in which eggs are kept in front of a light source to find out the defects in eggshell, embryonic development etc. Candling can be done as early as five days of incubation, but errors in candling often occur at this time. Under commercial operations, candling is done when the eggs are transferred from setter to hatcher (at 19th day for chicken eggs).  There are two methods of candling that can be used. The fastest method involves the use of a table or mass candler. An entire tray of hatching eggs may be placed on the mass candler and examined with one observation. Candling with a spot candler or individual candler  is a little slower, but it is more accurate

8. Transfer of eggs

In modern incubators, eggs are transferred from setter to hatcher at 19th day of incubation (for chicken egg) or when approximately 1% of the eggs are slightly pipped. In general, one-seventh of total incubation period is needed to keep eggs in the hatcher

9. Pulling the hatch

The process of removing the chicks from the hatcher is often called pulling the hatch.  Chicks should be removed from the hatcher as soon as all are hatched and about 95% are dry.  Excessive drying in the hatcher should be avoided

10. Hardening the chicks

When the chicks are first placed in the chick boxes they are soft in the abdomen, are not completely fluffed out, and do not stand well.  They must be “hardened” by leaving them in the boxes for 4 or 5 hours.  Such hardening makes it easier to grade the chicks for quality, and the chicks are more easily vent-sexed

11. Grading the chicks

No chick below the minimum standard must be allowed to go to a customer.  Some standards for quality are no chick deformities, no unhealed navels, above a minimum weight, not dehydrated and stand up well

12. Sexing the chicks

Layer type day old chicks are need to be sex separated either by vent sexing or auto-sexing (feather sexing). In case of meat-type day-old chicks sexing is not practiced

13. Vaccination

Most chicks are vaccinated against Marek’s disease in hatchery before delivery. Most common method of vaccination of day-old chicks is by subcutaneous method in the nape of the neck

14. Chick delivery

Baby chicks should reach the customer’s farm early in the morning.  Not only the weather is cooler during this part of the day but the early arrival allows a full day for close observation of the chicks by the caretaker

Our services

1. We offer the best equipment which can meet our customers every requirement

2. We have long time and rich experience on the products manufacturing. If any machine operation questions after sales, we will reply you within 24 hours with solutions. And customer can be rest assured

3. We offer excellent services in all our equipment

4. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy

5. We recommend suitable products based on customer’s availability resources

6. Installation team come for installation after customers have received the goods

Frequently ask questions

Q: What are the factors affecting the production performance of poultry industry?

A: The results showed that the factors that most influenced the performance of broilers were temperature, ventilation rate, and genetic strain.

Q: What is the importance of efficiency indicators in poultry?

A: Without them, poultry farming is purely guesswork. Each of them works in the same way dials and readings on a car dashboard keep a driver aware of vital car functions. These indicators help you to steer clear of going off track

Q: What measures can be taken to improve egg production?

A: Introduce birds to their new environment one to two weeks prior to lay and increase the amount of feed or the energy content of the diet



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