Poultry farm equipments
Time : 2014-02-12

Basic information

Poultry farm equipment's are devices that aid in accomplishing tasks around the farm. They are instruments or apparatus used in performing operations around the farm such activities include incubation, hatching and brooding. It would be out of thought in this dispensation to want to carry out most tasks on the farm by manual labour

However, with the introduction of machine tools and equipment on the farm, work around the farm is easy breezy. There are many types of poultry equipment available which are necessary for successful poultry farming. Having all of this equipment will help you to run your farm smoothly

The demand of animal protein is increasing due to high population growth and poultry farming is a great solution of it, so the demands of poultry products are increasing. The poultry equipment makes work easy and faster. For large-scale farming, the use of farm equipment will aid high production. This means more sales. Also, with the use of these add-ons, you can reduce labour for you as the farmer

Poultry farm equipments

Necessary equipments to be considered in a poultry farm

1. Feeders

2. Waterers

3. Cages

4. Coops

5. Incubators

6. Perches

7. Egg tray

8. Brooders or heaters

9. Waste disposal system

10. Lighting instruments

11. Ventilation system such as odour vents or perforated walls

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation

The various types of equipment

1. Incubation equipment


It is a machine in which proper temperature, humidity and turning are provided for the first 19 days of incubating chicken egg


It is similar to that of setter but turning mechanism is not available and the trays are designed to hold the newly hatched chicks and here, the eggs are placed for the last three days of incubation and the various styles of setter and hatcher found around the world include,

Walk-in or Corridor incubators

Tunnel type incubators

Vertical fan incubators

Compressed air system

Some incubators require compressed air to actuate the turning mechanism for the racks of eggs. A large central compressed air system is needed for blowing down dust and other dry cleaning in the hatchery

Emergency standby electric plants

When there is a failure in the local electrical supply, the incubators must have a secondary source of electricity. Therefore, a standby electrical generator located on site, generally within, or next to the hatchery building is imperative. The standby electrical generator should have the capacity to support the all essential services of the hatchery

2. Hatchery automation equipments

Hatcher tray washers

Waste removal systems

Egg transfer machines

In ovo vaccination equipment

Chick box washers

Rack washers

Vaccinating, sexing and grading systems

High pressure pumps

3. Egg handling equipments

Hatching egg trays

Generally hatching eggs are set in the flats or bug-eye type trays. The capacity of each tray is either 90 or 180 chicken eggs

Hatching egg transfer machines

This is used to transfer the eggs from the breeder farm trays to hatcher trays and the vacuum egg lifts usually employed in the hatcheries handling large volume of eggs

Egg candler

It is a lighting device, used to find out the internal structure of eggs and the two types of egg candlers are available, individual and mass candlers

4. Brooder equipments

Equipment used to provide warmth and light and to rear the baby chicks during the first few weeks of life are called brooders. The brooders consist of some heating source, reflectors to reflect the heat and light towards the chicks, light and heat adjustment devices such as stands, thermostats and other accessories, depending on the model and the different equipment used for brooding are,

Charcoal stove and kerosene stove

These are used in places where electricity is not available or costly and where power failure is quite common. These stoves are covered with plates or pans to sustain the heat in the brooding are

Gas brooder

Natural gas, LPG or methane is connected to heating element which is hanged 3 to 5 feet above the chick to provide heat. It is attached with canopy type reflectors to reflect the heat towards the chicks

Electrical brooder

The electrical brooder is a thermostatically controlled heating system. It is often referred to as the most convenient brooder equipment because it spreads a uniform required amount of heat above a large area. With this equipment, farmers can prevent overcrowding of chicks under the brooder. By design, one electrical brooder can warm 300 to 400 chicks

Infra-red bulbs

A 150 and 250 watts infrared bulb provides warmth and light for 150 and 250 chicks, respectively  

Reflectors and Hovers

This is another type of poultry farm brooder equipment that provides heat and light, it usually comes in various sizes and types. Some of it includes flat type hover and canopy type hover 

Brooder guard or chick guard

Brooder guards are farm equipment used to restrict the movement of chicks, using this equipment, the chicks will always stay closer to the source of heat and light. Thereby, preventing chilling, it is usually about 1 to 1.5 feet high. Also, you can use thin sheets of metal, hardboard, or bamboo mat to make it

Electrical heaters (heating rods or coils)

Peculiar to this equipment is the presence of an adjustable temperature knob, 

So, it can be adjusted depending on the season

5. Poultry feeding equipments

Feeding equipment is basically for feeding the flock. They can be manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic. Also, they can come in various designs and shapes and they include,

Automatic feeder

As the name sounds, it is fully automatic and It is specially designed feeding trough that lines up from end to end of the poultry house. Also, it uses the auger type or chain type devices to move the feed from the feed bin to the eating site, it can be adjusted to the height depending on the age of the birds

Linear feeder

This type of feeding equipment is adjustable. Usually, some produce it using galvanized iron. But today some have been made from wood and bamboo

Circular feeder

Circular feeders are semi-automatic feeders that can hold 5 to 7 kg feed at a time. It is made of high plastic and usually suspended from the roof or from separate pipelines. It can be adjusted to the height of this poultry farm equipment can be easily by a simple clamp mechanism

Shell grit box

As the name states, the shell grit box is used to make available shell grit to the layers as a supplemental source of calcium

Feeding trough

Feed troughs are commonly used for feeding large farm animals. Essentially a community eating area, a simple trough can be built out of an old plastic barrel. Not only is it durable and capable of standing up to the test of time as well as the interaction with large animals such as cattle and horses, but a plastic feed trough is transportable so you can move it as you need, such as for switching between corrals or fenced in areas

6. Water equipment

Water softeners and filters

Water softeners and filter systems are used to reduce the TDS content of the water used for hatchery operations. Both large-scale and small-scale farmers need this

Water heaters

Most hatchery and other cleaning operations on the farm will require the use of hot water, hence the need for a water heater. This farm equipment will be used to heat water to perform the needed activities around the farm

7. Waterers or drinkers

Waterers or drinkers are used for providing water to the flock. Usually, they come in different sizes, designs and shapes depending on use and they are as follows,

Pan and Jar type

This farm poultry equipment is used to provide water for the chickens. It is circular in nature. It has a jar for filling water and a pan for delivering water

Linear waterer or channel type waterers

This type is usually attached to the cages one end of it is designed as a funnel to receive water from a tap and the other end has an opening to drain excess water

Water basin made of plastic or wood

Basins have varieties of diameters available (10”, 12”, 14” and 16” diameter), some have a separate grill attached to prevent birds from entering the water

Bell type automatic waterer

This has control over water flow and maintains the required water level always, with this, farmers can be sure of a continuous water supply for the birds throughout the day

Nipple drinker

By design, this farm equipment looks like a nipple. When they are pressed, water drops out. And one of the advantages of this water farm equipment is that it can be used for all types and classes of birds but most commonly, it is used in laying cages. A nipple drinker in each cage housing 3 layers is enough

Manual drinker

Manual drinkers are used to providing water for chicks during the first week of brooding. They are mostly referred to as “fountain drinkers” because the water flows out of the holes like a fountain. It is the best waterer for giving the birds vitamins and other probiotics, medicines and vaccines through the water     

8. Vaccination equipments

Vaccination equipment helps to vaccinate the birds without having to chase them around the farm and the equipments is as follows,

Syringe with needle or vaccine droppers

It is used to give intranasal or intraocular vaccines

Automatic vaccinator

This is pretty cool poultry farm vaccination equipment. the automatic vaccinator injects different doses of vaccine to large numbers of birds in a shorter period, these vaccines can either be through an intramuscular or subcutaneous route

Fowl pox vaccinator or lancet

As the name states, it is used to give the vaccination against fowl pox disease at an intradermal route. Usually, it is given in the wing web region

9. Miscellaneous equipments


Feed bin



Egg washer


Egg scale

Nest boxes

Cages and coops

Beak trimmer

Dressing machine

Perches or roost

Dropping board

Weighing balances

Our services

1. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy

2. We recommend suitable products based on customer’s availability resources

3. We offer free guide on poultry house construction to our customers

4. We offer pre-sale services to help customers have rightful information on the business

5. Delivery of goods directly to customers’ farm after payment

6. Installation team come for installation after customers have received the goods

7. After-sale service is done we do follow-up to see the state at which the materials we supplied to our customers are

Frequently ask questions

Q: Why do I need to introduce poultry equipment into my poultry farm?

A: With the introduction of poultry equipment on the farm, work around the farm is easy and less stressful. There are many types of poultry equipment available which are necessary for successful poultry farming

Q: What poultry equipment can I use for the hatching of eggs?

A: You can make use of the incubator it works for the hatching of the chicken eggs to produce young chickens known as pullets



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