Basic information
The mechanized poultry production adversely affects the environment in numerous ways through poor management of manure and litter, waste streams from processing plants, blood, bones, feathers, birds’ carcasses, dust, insects, and odour. The major challenges, which will affect animal production in the future, will likely deal with the environment. In this paper, the environmental impact of poultry production and the differences in this respect between the different production systems are presented
Furthermore, intensive poultry production is held responsible for the emission of greenhouse gasses, acidification, and Since environmental burdens depend, to great extent, on chosen management practices, one can say that poultry industry will not threaten the environment only if both economically and environmentally acceptable management practices are applied
Unfortunately, it is still not the case and there are still many issues, related to environmental impact of poultry production, which have to be solved in the future (together with health and animal welfare issues). Unfortunately, existing scientific knowledge is sufficient for problem recognition, however it is still not capable of presenting a final solution. Farmers must be aware of ways in which their production threatens environment. Only thus, they will be able to find and adopt solutions that will provide both profitability and sustainability of poultry production
However, with the concentration of poultry production and increase in operation size, considerable environmental problems have occurred. During the last several decades, the environmental impact of the poultry production has received an ever-growing attention, nowadays, producers are under heavy pressure, from different fronts, to minimize the impact of their production on the environment and to adopt welfare friendly practices
1. As poultry production provides an affordable dietary item of a good quality for consumers and profit for producers, additionally it generates up and downstream
2. It provides investment opportunities and it contributes to the development of the local economy
3. Therefore, one can say that it clearly meets first two dimensions of economic and social sustainability
4. However, intensification, concentration and increase in operation size, have been coupled with some detrimental
5. The production cycle is quite short, so capital is not tied up over a long period of time
6. Finally, eggs are one of the major products of poultry production and are more affordable for the common person than other sources of animal protein
7. Poultry birds are good converters of feed into useable protein in meat and eggs production costs per unit remain relatively low, and the return on investment is high
8. Poultry meat is very tender and acceptability to consumers which is high regardless of their religious beliefs
9. In a controlled environment the incidence of diseases could be minimized and cut down the cost of vaccine and medication as compared to conventional farming
10. Mortality rate seems decreased to 2 to 3 percent in controlled environment farm as compared to 10 percent in conventional farm
11. In a controlled environment farm only low manpower is required as compared to conventional farm
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
Factor to be considered
1. The farm size
2. Production system
3. Diet composition
4. Type of bedding used for the poultry farm
5. Waste generated in the poultry
1. Odour and flies can be controlled by minimizing the surface of manure in contact with frequent air collection of litter once a week in dry seasons and twice a week in rainy seasons, closed storage such as bags or closed sheds
2. Water and food borne disease propagation can be controlled by storing manure in a closed buildings or bags such storage system allows producers to hold manure until a convenient and optimum time for use
3. Storing of poultry manure in closed buildings reduces the emissions of gaseous compounds to the air and the risk of environmental contamination as compared to the risk associated with leaving the manure exposed
4. Dead-bird management and disposal, which must comply with legally accepted practices including rendering, composing, incineration and burial; a contingency plan should be in place for disposal of large numbers of dead birds in the event of disease outbreaks; in addition, consideration should be given to impacts on the physical environment e.g. burial pits should be at least 3 meters above the maximum groundwater
5. During the dry season is advisable to put dead birds in a holding area, such as a covered trailer, where they can remain frozen until burial is possible in the spring
6. Disposal of oil, fuel and antifreeze should be done through a licensed oil contractor. Disposal of refrigerant is regulated under the regulations for refrigerant, Contact your regional Government Services Centers for information on proper disposal methods for these materials
7. Reuse and recycle whenever possible. If this is not possible, equipment must be collected and disposed of at an approved municipal waste disposal site or facility or to a scrap dealer
Our services
1. We offer the best equipment which meets our customer’s every requirement
2. We have long time and rich experience on the products manufacturing. If any machine operation questions after sales, we will reply you within 24 hours with solution. And customers can be rest assured
3. We offer excellent services in all our equipment
4. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy
5. We give guideline to our first time customer's on how to go about their poultry farm
6. After purchasing our poultry equipment, we do follow up on our customers about the equipment they purchased
Frequently asked questions
Q: What are those things that can affect the environment when going into poultry farming?
A: The thing that can affect the environments are poor management of manure and litter, waste streams from processing plants, blood, bones, feathers, birds’ carcasses, dust, insects, and odour
Q: What can I do to prevent those environmental disasters?
A: By storing of poultry manure in a closed buildings which reduces the emissions of gaseous compounds to the air and the risk of environmental contamination as compared to the risk associated with leaving the manure expose
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