Factors millitating against poultry farming
Time : 2009-09-25

Basic information

Poultry farming embraces all domesticated type of birds for the purpose of meat and egg production intended for human consumption. It includes domestic fowl, turkey, duck, geese, pheasant, guinea fowl etc. the need to provide sufficient animal protein for the human race is the paramount concern to animal scientists and vegetarians. Agriculturists and nutritionists are generally agreed that developing the poultry industry is the fastest means of bringing the protein deficiency gap presently prevailing in the country

Poultry production is one of the best available systems for the production of high biological value animal protein for human consumption and thus has emerged as a good substitute of beef and mutton. Therefore, poultry farming particularly, is playing a pivotal role in bridging the gap between supply and requirement of animal protein and it also stabilizing the prices of theses commodities

No doubt poultry industry has developed tremendously in the last four decades but still it is far behind the advanced countries while fulfilling the nutritional requirements of the Nation. Poultry production is one of the best available systems for the production of high biological value of animal protein for human consumption. Poultry birds occupy a prime position for improving animal protein consumption of both rural and urban households

Poultry contributes about15% of the total annual protein intake with approximately 1.3kg of poultry products consumed per head per annum. Poultry industry goes a long way in providing animal protein for the populace because it provides meat and egg in a short time, poultry production in the past was not counted as an important occupation, it has developed and occupies a place of pride among the livestock enterprise due to rapid

Factors millitating against poultry farming

The major factors

1. Capital 

One of the major factors of production known to man is capital. Capital is needed to set up a poultry production and processing farm and capital is needed to sustain productivity. It is one of the major constraints of a poultry industry, especially in developing countries, financial Inadequacies have led to slow growing animal industries or moribund ones or even destroyed animal production industries. Low income earners who dominate the animal industry are not able to cope with the demands of the industry especially when production is not at its optimum level.  This implies that farmers are not able to afford a lot of infrastructural and other facilities that they need for maximum productivity. To worsen matters loan facilities are hardly available and where they are available there are lots of bottle-necks and constraints to accessing such loans. Many of the farmers involved in animal production have to find other sources of income to better the quality of life of their families

2. High cost of poultry feeds 

Nutritious animal feeds are essential for full development and productivity of animals, animal feeds are not readily available and where they are they are not easily affordable for an average farmer.  Since farmers go into animal production for profit they need to obtain feed at a price where they do not only break-even: but also make reasonable profit. Perhaps the livestock industry of ruminants does not feel the impact as much as the poultry industry which is mostly intensive in nature requiring constant supply of feeds for  maximum productivity  unlike the  livestock which  can still be  fed on pastures  and forage or allowed to scavenge for food. Due to the high cost of feeds various research alternatives have been sought for other means of providing animal feeds to ameliorate the effects  of cost of feed such  as the use of activated sludge. Many livestock and poultry farmers compound their own feed themselves for their poultry farm animals but they face the challenges of raw materials for compounding the feed which may be very expensive or unavailable

3. Animal diseases 

Livestock diseases remains one of the veritable threat to the animal production industry, animal products are constantly under threat by diseases that affect livestock and hence reduce productivity. Endemic animal diseases and many others have devastating impacts upon the  animal  industry  leading  to  losses  in  hundreds  of  millions  of  dollars  every  year  in  developing countries. The poultry industry is even more devastated by viral infections disease, even in spite of several attempts at vaccinations. Some of the reasons for these may be vaccine failure and the involvement of quacks in fighting these endemic animal diseases in the country 

4. Access to veterinary services-Vaccines and drugs 

Most  animal  production  activities  are  located  in  rural  areas  or  remote  areas inaccessible  to  proper veterinary services and  many that  are accessible  find the high cost of veterinary services  prohibitive. Hence they resort to easily available quacks that wreak havoc on the animal industry by using expired vaccines, fake drugs and wrong prescriptions for treating diseases. Sub-standard and all manner of low quality drugs and vaccines are in the market now and can easily be purchased and used by practically almost everyone. In order to  have  a  viable  and good  animal production system in the country the government should subsidize veterinary services to farmers

5. Level of education of farmers 

It is a well-known fact that most farmers have a low level of education making it difficult for  them to  employ modern  animal production  techniques  where traditional techniques  have failed  or  yielded  less  profit.  A study carried out found that education level had significant and positive relationship with average production. This means the higher the educational level of farmers the higher the productivity of their farms.  Therefore, farms managed by educated entrepreneurs will perform better than those managed by those that have lower quality of educational background, It will be a good idea and for the development of the animal production to have more graduates encouraged into animal production to develop the sector. Such graduates will bring in modern animal production methods that guarantee food security in the country and the development of animal production

6. The Role of the Government  

The failed policies of the government are most of the times inimical to the progress of the animal industry. Sometimes politicians ban the importation of goods not readily available in the country in an attempt to help home grown industries but without providing viable alternatives.  The poultry industry sometimes suffers from egg glut and the government can help by mopping up eggs to prevent egg glut as happens  in some developed economies theirs. Market for animal products is crucial for the sustainability of the industry. The animal production market is poorly organized and often farmers lose instead of making profit because most animal products are perishable goods that expire within a short period of time. To encourage maximum animal productivity there should be provision for storage of animal products in deep freezers and other storage facilities that are now been used with technological advancement

7. Inadequate manpower 

There is a short supply of skilled labour personals in the animal production industry. For example in some quarters one man does the work of many people leading to inefficiency in productivity. There is inadequate labour supply in the country and many times farmers have to hire temporary workers or forfeit it at the detriment of their farms due to cost.  In spite of all these the manpower is still inadequate for the industry and for sustainable animal production. Many countries have problems with infrastructure for animal production and  there is generally a lack of proper mechanized animal farming using modern infrastructure such as improved milking machines that could reduce the incidence of diseases like mastitis and good animal houses to help productivity of the animals by focusing on intensive farming, instead  of  allowing  small ruminants  for  example, to  roam  about scavenging  for food  and  the large ruminants invading crop farms in the community and destroying harvests meant for human consumption, an issue which has often been a source of communal conflicts. It means meat has to be prepared for consumption immediately after slaughter or additional costs of utilizing generating plants to store the meat will be incurred. Water supply is also inadequate even though it is very essential to have water always for maximum animal productivity

8. Climatic and environmental factors 

Certain climatic factors are natural and some are man-made due to human activities but affect animal production. Animals are an important part of the renewable energy for the country, which is beneficial to the environmental but with human activities such as deforestation this potential is diminished as animal production is affected. One of the reasons for constant deforestation is the failure of the government to provide alternative reliable sources of fuel for the people

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation

Our services

1. We provide you with professional guidance and design in all of our poultry farm equipment 

2. We offer excellent services in all our equipment

3. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy

4. We give guideline to our first time customer’s on how to go about their poultry farm

5. After purchasing our poultry equipment, we do follow up on our customers about the equipment they purchased

6. We offer the best equipment which meets our customer’s every requirement

Frequently ask questions 

Q: What is the solution to this problems associated with poultry farming?

A: One of the solutions to look out for, is to ensure that there is a modern chicken cage in your poultry which can help prevent egg breakage and help in the reduction of disease spread

Q: What kind of modern cage can you recommend for me and why?

A: We will recommend battery cage for you, because it helps to save labour and time consumption



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