Basic information
Environmental factors are generally recognized to have a major impact on raising chicken in the production of meat and eggs from poultry. These include temperature, humidity, light (length of day and intensity), altitude (air pressure and partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide), wind velocity (air movement), solar energy, quality of air and water, and density of population, during the last decade, the influence of environmental factors on poultry have received greater attention so that more reliable baseline values are available Most studies have dealt with only one environmental factor—with other factors presumably held constant. Yet, we recognize that in husbandry practices, be it in- or outdoors, poultry are subjected to a multiple of factors, none held completely constant, and all interrelated
Precaution to be taken on environment
A ''normal'' environment to the nutritionists for rearing poultry could be defined as those ambient conditions that maximize gain in weight or egg output with the least expenditure of nutrients. Unfortunately, the "normal" environment may not be economically feasible. A compromise is reached, and the direction of management is to achieve an "optimum" environment, one in which the ambient situation is efficiently obtainable in terms of productivity and nutrient intake with a minimum of sacrifices. For instance, if a low ambient temperature reduces productivity, then supplying a meso-environment at a higher temperature will be rewarding if the increased productivity equals or exceeds the expenditure required to supply the higher ambient temperature
Findings revealed that temperature fluctuation, increased in sunshine intensity and global warming has a negative effects on poultry production and at this time, that prices of feed grains are usually high in hot and dry seasons which may affect cost of production and number of birds to raise for egg and meat production in the farm, temperature change has effect on feed grain availability, this implies that high temperature and low rainfall are climatic factors that affect general grain harvest, their supply to the market and ultimately cost of poultry production
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
Normal environmental regulation
Temperature during rearing is a major factor in production efficiency for broilers. Temperature did not affect weight gain or feed conversion for any period, but males were superior to females for these parameters for the 7- to 14-d and 14- to 21-d periods Temperature affected mortality; most of the deaths occurred during the 0- to 7-d period and at the lowest temperature treatment. Mortality is the best indicator of the effect of rearing temperature on performance. When ambient temperature is high, chickens have higher energy (feed) needs than when in thermoneutral environments. Major losses result from a less efficient conversion of feed to meat, which detrimentally impacts poultry health and productivity. Poultry flocks are particularly vulnerable to climate change because there is a range of thermal conditions within which animals are able to maintain a relatively stable body temperature in their behavioural and physiological activities. Hence, birds can only tolerate narrow temperature ranges to sustain the peak of their production for human consumption and any unpredictable climatic changes will therefore trigger a series of adjustment and readjustments by livestock and poultry birds in the struggle for survival which may have negative consequence on the viability of poultry production. The environmental conditions affecting the performance and health productivity of chicken include temperature, relative humidity, light, sunshine prevailing at a given time, housing system and ventilation
Ambient temperatures significantly influence the survivability and performance of the poultry production. As the ambient temperature increased to ≥34oC the mortality due to heat was significantly high in meat type chickens by 8.4%, the feed consumption of the chicken decreases from 108.3g/bird/day at 31.6oC to 68.9g/bird/day at 37.9oC, the egg production also decreased by 6.4% as compared to their standard egg production. Climate change alters global disease distribution, affects poultry feed intake, encourage outbreak of diseases which invariably affects poultry output (egg and meat) and also cost of production
Our services
1. We offer free guide on poultry house construction to our customers
2. We offer pre-sale services to help customers have rightful information on the business
3. Delivery of goods directly to customers’ farm after payment
4. Installation team come for installation after customers have received the goods
5. After-sale service is done as we do follow-up to see the state at which the materials we supplied are
Frequently ask questions
Q: Why is it necessary to provide cage for rearing of chicken?
A: To control and prevent the control of diseases
Q: What can I do with the litter material removed from the poultry house?
A: The litter materials may contain harmful germs so when removed, it should be properly disposed using a polythene sheet to help it ferment into a safe material for use
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