How to increase egg laying rate using poultry chicken cage
Time : 2007-04-19

Basic information

Poultry business is a very lucrative business that is basically centered on meat and egg production, if you are thinking of starting a livestock farm to raise chicken for eggs production, you have to keep in mind something. You need to have a clear knowledge about the production capabilities of your flocks. You must be aware of how to gauge the number of eggs that your flocks can produce and obviously the factors that are affecting the egg production rate. You have to identify the hens, which are laying and the hens which are not laying eggs. When you have all knowledge be sure that you are prepared for starting a successful livestock business

How to increase egg laying rate using poultry chicken cage

Egg production expectation

One of the crucial ways to measure up or meet the standard expectation of eggs that the world will consume in a day is the use of battery cage. The major advantage of battery cage is the increase in the rate at which layers reared in battery cage lay that is, it increases egg production, a hen lays only one egg in a day, and in some days it may not lay any egg at all. It totally depends on the hen’s reproductive system. A hen body start to form a new egg after it has laid the previous egg. It takes about 26 hours to form an egg fully, so mathematically a hen will lay its next egg two hours late each day, the reproductive system of a hen also sensitive to light exposure. So if a hen lays egg too late in a day it will skip the next day

A flock of hens do not start laying on the same day. They also do not lay eggs for the same period of time. The time period that a hen will produce eggs varies from hen to hen. The egg level of egg production decreases each year and the size of the eggs increases. The number of eggs that a hen produces each year and the number of years that a hen produces eggs depends on some factors like, management of pullets prior to lay, Breed, Light management, Space allowances, nutrition

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation

Factors that affect egg production of poultry

1. Improper nutrition

Chickens need a balanced diet with enough level of protein and calcium to continue the maximum egg production over a certain period of time. Improper nutrition can make the hens to stop laying eggs. Imbalanced level of protein, energy and calcium can drop the egg production. That’s why it is so important to supply a continuous balanced food to get a continuous supply of eggs

2. Rejecting important food ingredients

Another important factor that makes your hens to lay eggs occasionally is the subtraction of important food ingredients

3. Daylight

Daylight is also a great factor which controls the production of eggs. Hens need at least 14 hours of daylight. The intensity of light must be sufficient to increase egg production

Factors that aid high production in egg laying

1. Battery cage

One method is guaranteed for the housing and management system of layer hens and this is battery cage system as a means of rearing layer birds and broilers in poultry business. By using this method, you can keep your hens in production throughout the year. In the caged layer production system hens are placed in a poultry battery cage with the supply of enough food and water to each cage. Each cage contains maximum 4 or 5 hens. Our battery cages come with full accessories, Nipple drinking system, Medication tanks, Adjustable foot plates for leveling, Water pipe, Pipe connect and Feeder groove, etc. The cages provide big help to manage the egg producing hens

2. Lighting

You should keep your poultry farm away from other. A good drainage system is a must for the poultry farm. To provide enough light intensity and adequate light fixtures are needed. A good supply of fresh and clean water is also a must in poultry farm

3. Ventilation

The poultry house must allow a plenty of sunlight and ventilation. Removable doors or curtains can be used so that the openings can easily be opened when the climate changes. You need to keep the house comfortable and clean by ventilating from all the sides in the time of summer and closing the openings at the time of winter

How to reduce egg breakage in layers’ cage

The major purpose of venturing into layers’ farming is to produce egg. Now, for the farmers who raise the laying hens for the production of eggs , the quality of the eggs your birds lay are the key to determining the economic benefits of the farmers. Therefore, in the process of breeding the laying hens, the farmers must pay adequate attention to the quality of the eggs and this could be determined by various factors. Having a quality eggs laid by your birds could be determined right from the types of breeds you bought, selection of right housing system (CAGE), the feeds provided to them, vaccination and lots more. No matter the quantity or numbers of eggs your birds are producing daily, if the breaking rate is too high, it will definitely affect the benefits which could eventually run the farmers to loss. How to prevent the damage of eggs should be greatly considered as we will be providing insight on this

1. Choose reasonable chicken layer cage design

As we rightly said that the type of cage you choose to rear your birds has a great effect on the egg production as we all know that the use of cage to breed layers boost their egg production. Making a wrong choice of cage now will definitely affect the egg production of your birds. Production of layer cage need better materials and high technology. Wire diameter used to 2.3-2.5mm appropriate. Cages bottom angle 7 ° --8 ° appropriate 

angle is too small to affect the eggs get out, the angle is too large egg rolls to egg collection tank too quickly, will increase the breakage rate

2. Increasing the number of eggs seized

Pick up the egg number is too small, making it easy vessel collision damage in egg collection, or individual does not roll out of bed were trampled. Increase the number of eggs pick up can be shortened eggs in the chicken coop in the residence time. Usually every day to pick up eggs of not less than 4-5 times. Before last night, should pick up once to prevent the eggs overnight in the house

3. Feed fodder

Feed nutrients directly related to eggshell thickness feed with fodder, 

not only to maintain the flocks have a higher egg production, but also improve eggshell quality and reduce breakage rates. Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and VD3 are the main factors affecting the nutritional quality of the eggshell, in formulating diet of laying hens must meet the supply, calcium should generally be 3.0% - 3.75%, total phosphorus 0.6%, 0.5% phosphorus , calcium, phosphorus ratio of 4-6: 1. Dietary protein content sufficient for laying hens absorption of calcium is very important. Amino acid protein hydrolysate with calcium to form soluble calcium salts, thus improving calcium absorption. Therefore, the protein content in the diet of laying hens should not fall below 17%

4. Fixed feeding, avoid all kinds of stress

Chickens are very sensitive to changes in the environment, and very timid, easily frightened. The sudden noise, shaking the lights and bright colours so may cause shock group layers, resulting in damage to the eggs

for rearing laying hens should be done feeders, feeding method and formulated feed three fixed. As far as possible away from the road and farms built in the residential area, the environment is quiet place, avoid all kinds of startle stimulus. In the hot summer should be prepared to stay cool, you can add Vcl00mg / Kg in the diet, while increasing the fed mineral supplements and multidimensional factors. For the necessary vaccinations work best to reduce illumination at night after

5. Strengthen disease prevention

Should effectively do preventive work against Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis and egg drop syndrome and other diseases. Regularly disinfect the environment inside and outside the house. When the rainy season and the sudden drop in temperature, can be added in the feed 0.05% - 0.1% ox tetracycline powder to enhance the disease resistance of chickens to prevent infections. Sick chickens’ timely isolation and treatment

Factors affecting egg production in layer farming

1. Feeding as a factors affecting eggs production in layers

Feeding is the first factor to be considered, generally when flock are fed with feed of high nutritive value, they will surly produced good eggs of good quality. The quality of the eggs depends largely on the green feed and the yellow corn or maize present in the feed. Clean and cool water must always be available to avoid heat stress. Lack of water results in reduced egg production. The amazing part of this is that, they will not eat much when the feed has no taste

2. Quality of feed intake is one of the factors affecting eggs production in layers

You cannot just be feeding your birds with any how feed and think they will produce eggs to your expectation. Make available to your birds feed of high quality not quantity. There are some essential elements that must be present in the feed, if they are absent you will not achieved the maximum result from them

3. Management issues is another factors affecting eggs production in layers

Management of the poultry compound is very important and contributes greatly to eggs production in the farm. If the compound or the entire place it dirty, this will surly welcome some agent that will have negative influenced on the birds.  These agents include reptiles, outbreak of diseases among others

4. Genetic factors of the breed birds as factors affecting eggs production in layers

Maximum production of high quality eggs starts with a closely controlled breeding program emphasizing favourable genetic factors

5. Hen age at egg laying period as a factors affecting eggs production in layers

Age of laying birds determine the sizes of eggs produced, early starter lay more eggs of small sizes. The sizes keep increasing as they are getting to more maturity in life, so this early eggs are called starter eggs

6. Diseases as a factors affecting eggs production in layers 

Diseases and parasites can cause losses in egg production. Some breeds of birds are resistance to certain diseases which make them superior to those that are easily infected by many diseases

7. Moulting flock as a factors affecting eggs production in layers

Moulting or less feather is natural phenomenon common to all poultry laying birds regardless of their species and breeds

8. Housing is another factors affecting eggs production in layers

This is another important factor that affects eggs production in laying birds. If your hens are comfortable and not stressed they will lay better battery cage is the best if you want to have maximum production from them

9. Egg collection as a factors affecting eggs production in layers

Collecting eggs several times a day is important especially if you have birds that tend to go broody. The more eggs that are in the nesting boxes and the longer they stay in there the more birds may want to sit on them

10. Laying bird behaviours

Laying birds behaviours is also an important role in eggs production, as matter of fact is one of the factors affecting eggs production in layers. Sometimes eggs get broken accidentally and the chicken will eat it, that does not make them an egg eater, but if they (layers) break the eggs purposely and eat them they are egg eaters

Our services

1. We manufacture, supply and sell battery cage to poultry farmers

2. We deliver battery cages directly to customer’s farm across the globe

3. Our company equally supply other related poultry equipment

4. We give free poultry house design to our customer

Frequently ask questions

Q: What are the advantages of battery cage in poultry production?

A: It increases egg production, it curb cannibalism, it reduces mortality rate and lots more

Q: How can battery cage be beneficial to poultry birds?

A: It reduces aggression and cannibalism among birds

Q: How many birds does a cell of battery cage contain?

A: It can take 3-4 birds per sell depending on the type of cage you buy

Q: What is the lifespan of your battery cage?

A: Battery cage lifespan is 15-20 years



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