Detailed introduction of poultry slaughtering equipments in poultry farm
Time : 2014-03-20

Basic information

Over the years of experience in mechanical farming and its application in the food processing industry especially for poultry meat processing, we possess the technical knows how in this fast changing food processing niche. We are probably the best in our chosen field of work and we believe if you partner with us for your needs in poultry meat processing, we will deliver exceptional value to your company in terms of returns and operational efficiency with our cutting edge chicken meat processing equipment

Broiler chickens (the type raised for meat) generally take up to seven weeks to reach market weight . Once they have reached the proper size and weight, workers trained in humane care arrive to catch each chicken at the farm, by hand. During this process, chickens are transferred into holding cages or modular bins, specifically designed for transport to the processing plant, aimed to ensure that birds do not hurt themselves or other birds, and that air is able to circulate

In general, most of our customers who require poultry meat processing process chickens, turkeys and ducks. We have extensive experience in this area and in fact we already have top of class poultry meat processing machines that can perform highly specialized task in your food production processes that provides you with high return on investment from lesser reliance on manual labour and the increase output generated by our poultry processing equipments, currently our range of poultry meat processing machines can assist you in poultry skinning, poultry de-boning, mid-wing tulip processing, poultry spare-rib cutting and poultry fillet splitting

Detailed introduction of poultry slaughtering equipments in poultry farm

Product description

The slaughtering equipments are machines that are intended for large-scale slaughtering of chickens and were originally designed for a slaughterhouse abattoir project. A complete poultry slaughter line basically comprises different slaughter equipment combined with a conveying rails, it is the core part of a successful slaughterhouse operation

The Poultry Slaughtering Machine Line is used to slaughter all kinds of poultry: Chicken, duck, goose, or other kinds of birds like quail. The entire machine in the production line is made of stainless steel. The production line can be designed according customers’ demands. The semi automatic production line includes scalding pot, small plucker, Control panel, blood letting table and eviscerating table

It is specially made for small slaughtering factory. The automatic production line includes the slaughter line, main transmission tensioning device, electrical control, tank, groove for blood, scalding machine and defeatherer machine. The working process is slaughtering, blood-letting, scald defeatherer, eviscerate and then the poultry is processed wellThe Poultry Slaughtering Machine Line is used to slaughter all kinds of poultry, the entire machine in the production line is made of stainless steel. The production line can be designed

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation


1. Advanced design and technology

2. High quality guarantee

3. Long service life

4. High degree of automation

5. Easy operation and straightforward maintenance

6. Labor and energy saving device

The slaughtering equipments and their functions

1. Automated chicken skinning machine

Designed specifically to achieve the optimal yield for skinned poultry (chicken), our automatic chicken skinning machine process wet and air chilled chickens. The machines can automatically remove skin from the chicken’s whole breasts, breast caps, split breast bones and whole legs of chickens

2. Automated chicken de-boning (bone removal) 

Using our own patented technologies to achieve maximum yield for deboning poultry, our chicken processing equipments can center the bone and push it (chicken thighs and drums) through a hole is the diaphragm which automatically strips off the chicken meat with the highest yield possible. This machine is also commonly referred to as chicken (poultry) de boner machine

3. Automated chicken mid wing tulip processor machine

Designed from scratch and catered to create trendy and unique “tulip” chicken wing snacks, our chicken mid-wing tulip processor has the ability to automate the very difficult and tedious manual task of cutting one end of the chicken wingette with one bone being removed automatically

4. Automated chicken “spare rib” cutter

Optimize the revenue of your chicken thigh production by value adding your chicken thighs to become high value “snacks”. The Spare-rib cutter is a small, versatile machine with a high capacity, handling a throughput of 100 thighs per minute with only two operators

5. Automated chicken fillet splitter

Also known as chicken fillet machine or chicken filleting machine, optimize the yield of chicken fillet splitting when removing the membrane of the chicken butterfly fillet for making single chicken fillet out of butterfly. Our chicken cutting machine (equipment) provides maximum yield with low need for manual manpower

How to process chicken

1. Arrival at the processing plant

Just as careful attention is paid to the welfare of chickens while being raised on the farm, the same is true for their short trip to the processing plant. This trip is typically less than 60 miles away, so the birds do not travel long distances

2. Stunning

Once birds arrive at the processing plant, workers trained in humane handling carefully suspend them by their feet on a moving line. In a matter of seconds, the chickens become calm due to “rub bars,” which provide a comforting sensation on the chicken’s chest. This, combined with low lighting, is used to keep birds calm

In modern poultry processing plants, every attempt is made so that chickens are processed quickly and painlessly. First, they are rendered unconscious and unaware of pain, prior to slaughter

3. Slaughter

Technology makes slaughter extremely quick to minimize discomfort. While making a single cut to the throat of an unconscious bird is largely effective, should the blade miss for any reason, trained workers stand by to quickly euthanize remaining birds, proper maintenance of equipment and this back up “human” system is key to a fast and humane slaughter process

4. Evisceration

After slaughter, birds enter a process where their feathers are removed. This is necessary in order to prepare the bird for processing. This begins by putting the chicken through a bath of hot water, which is designed to help loosen feathers. Feather removal is performed by a machine called a “picker,” which includes hundreds of little rubber “fingers” that rotate around to remove the feathers. After feathers are removed, the birds are sent to an “eviscerating” line which removes internal organs and feet, also known as “paws

5. Cleaning and chilling

After the organs are removed, the carcasses are then cleaned before being inspected as an added measure to further reduce bacteria, water and an organic rinse may be applied to each bird. Any substance used for this purpose is closely regulated by both the USDA and food and drug administration (FDA) and has been approved for use in food production. Research has confirmed that the use of these rinses do not pose human health concerns; rather their use does improve the wholesomeness of finished products. Before this process, which includes chilling the birds to a lower temperature to keep fresh and clean, company quality assurance and food safety personnel inspect them once again for quality, food safety and wholesomeness 

6. Second processing

After properly tested and chilled, the carcass is typically cut and deboned to accommodate a variety of different products. Depending on the processing plant, these products may include the fresh or frozen chicken sold in stores, chicken used in restaurants or exported. This includes convenience products sold in “tray-packs” most commonly seen at your local grocery stores, such as drumsticks, thighs, leg quarters, wings, breasts and more. All in all, before reaching consumers, each piece of chicken is inspected for quality, wholesomeness and food safety with more than 300 safety checks throughout the entire process

7. Packaging

Once chicken is cut up into parts, it is packed in trays and wrapped. The wrapped product is then inspected again to ensure that it meets or exceeds both consumer and customer expectations. Wrapped product is placed into baskets and sent through a “blast tunnel” to receive a chill. This is done so that the product can have an extended shelf life by keeping it fresh longer. Though the product is significantly cooled during this process, it does not freeze. After the product is properly chilled, it is weighed and price and safe handling instructions are affixed to the package. The product then passes through a metal detector for one final check to ensure that there is nothing present in the package that does not belong there

Our services

1. We provide you with professional guidance and design on all poultry equipment

2. We have long time and rich experience on the products manufacturing. If any machine operation questions after sales, we will reply you within 24 hours with solution.  And customers can be rest assured

3. We offer excellent services in all our equipment

4. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy

5. We give guideline to our first time customer’s on how to go about their poultry farm

6. After purchasing our poultry equipment, we do follow up on our customers about the equipment they purchased

Frequently ask questions

Q: How is a chicken processed?

A: Primary processing refers to that chicken are slaughtered, plucked, cleaned, cooled and either filleted, cut into pieces or left 'whole'. Then this processed meat is frozen, packaged, and sent to dealers or for further processing

Q: What is the first process of preparing poultry?

A: Firstly, put raw poultry or game at the bottom of the fridge to avoid it dripping on to other food. Always wash your hands, using warm water and soap, after handling raw meat, poultry or game, and before touching other food. Clean the preparation area thoroughly before and after you start gutting the bird

Q: How many chickens can I process in a day?

A: On the line itself, one employee can process more than 14,000 chickens each day. Depending on the job, each worker can process around 35-45 birds per minute which rounds out to about 2,000 chickens per hour or nearly one chicken every two seconds

Q: How long does it take for a chicken to be ready for slaughter?

A: Birds can be slaughtered anywhere from 21 days to 170 days old



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