Product summary
BEST started our experience with laying aviaries as early as in the 1981s. Alternative systems were an early focus of our work so that we can offer you a wide range of modern aviary systems today
Whether you are planning a house with free range or barn egg production or an organic system, have small or large barns, new or renovated houses: our modular and modern systems always meet the requirements of our customers and are successful worldwide
Artificial intelligence controlling system in poultry house
Efficient and secure poultry house management today means that successful poultry farmers manage feeding, egg collection, climate control, data collection and data analysis with the aid of the computer, either in the office or on the tablet before going to bed
Modern information technologies have become a central part of daily routine. Our product range reflects this change
Birds rearing cage system for poultry such as layer, breeder and broiler
We have been designing and distributing poultry cages for efficient egg production for half a century. Whether the producer operates in tropical climates and uses natural ventilation, the birds are housed in closed barns on Siberian farms at temperatures much below freezing point or the birds receive feed and water manually or fully automatically and computer-aided
BEST can provide the perfect system for any part of the world
1. Layer breeders: healthy parents, healthy chicks
Housing equipment and feeding systems play an important role in layer breeder management. Only healthy birds guarantee high reproduction rates. Breeders are especially sensitive to changes in the house environment
With the correct equipment, temperatures and air speeds can be regulated as required by the birds, and ammonia and CO2 emissions are easy to monitor
2. Enriched colony systems for efficient poultry management
In 1988 the Swedish parliament adopted a law that banned layer cages. This decision led to the development of the first enriched colony systems. Big Dutchman accompanied this development closely from the very beginning
As a consequence, we were able to offer alternatives to cages long before the EU banned them in 2012 – and our solutions had already proved themselves in practical life by this point. Today, our enriched colony systems are used successfully in many different versions
3. Broiler rearing: aviaries for vital pullets
Update Experts recommend: if you want to produce barn, free range or organic eggs in a laying aviary, rear your pullets in a similar system! Our engineers have devised special aviaries for pullet rearing. The birds are trained for their future life in a laying aviary from day 1
Only when pullets learn how to move around in the system from the very beginning will they have an ideal start into the laying period
Feeding processing system such as feed storage and feed transport
BEST offers high-quality silos for inside and outside use along with all the accessories required for hygienic feed storage
This includes: silos made of galvanized sheet steel, silos made of glass-fibre reinforced plastic, inside silos made of Trevira fabric, systems for silo weighing, an electric silo discharge aid
Select the right silo from a wide range of different products. The silo size depends on daily feed consumption and required storage time. All silos can be filled pneumatically or mechanically
Manure processing system of poultry and animals
BEST have 4 types of manure processing system such as composting, anaerobic digestion, drying and pellet
When choosing a manure processing system, it is important to consider factors such as the type and quantity of waste being produced, the available resources, and the desired end products. By choosing the right manure processing system, farmers can reduce their environmental impact, create valuable resources, and improve the overall sustainability of their operations
1. Composting: Composting is a natural process that involves the decomposition of organic matter, such as manure. Composting systems can range from simple piles of manure to more sophisticated systems that use controlled temperatures and airflow to speed up the decomposition process
2. Anaerobic digestion: Anaerobic digestion involves the use of microorganisms to break down organic matter in the absence of oxygen. This process produces biogas, which can be used as a renewable energy source, as well as a nutrient-rich fertilizer
3. Drying: Drying manure involves removing the moisture content from the waste, which can make it easier to handle and transport. Drying can be accomplished using a variety of methods, including natural drying, mechanical drying, and solar drying
4. Pelleting: Pelleting involves compressing and shaping manure into small pellets, which can be easier to store, transport, and apply to crops. Pellets can be used as a fertilizer or as a fuel source
Egg processing system using in egg laying chicken production
BEST Egg processing systems can be highly automated, with computerized systems controlling many aspects of the process, it is formed to clean, sort, and package eggs for consumption. The process begins with the collection of eggs from the hen houses and ends with the packaging of the eggs for sale. It designed to handle large quantities of eggs efficiently and effectively, while also ensuring food safety and quality
1. Egg collection: Eggs are collected from the hen houses and transported to the processing facility. They may be collected manually or using an automated egg collection system
2. Egg washing: Eggs are washed to remove dirt, fecal matter, and other contaminants that may be present on the eggshell. Eggs are washed using a combination of water and detergents, followed by a rinse with clean water
3. Egg grading: Eggs are sorted by size and quality using automated grading machines. Grading machines use various sensors to measure the weight, size, and shell thickness of each egg to ensure that they meet the required standards
4. Egg packaging: Eggs are packaged into cartons or other containers for sale. Packaging machines can automatically place eggs into cartons, seal them, and label them with the required information
5. Quality control: Quality control checks are performed throughout the processing system to ensure that eggs meet the required standards for freshness, quality, and safety. Quality control checks can include visual inspections, microbiological testing, and other tests
Air exchange system for poultry house
It has not only proven its worth as a climate computer, but it is also a very professional production computer. It records all important data concerning growth and feed and water consumption of your pullets. This enables you to react quickly to changes and to take the required action
This includes: fresh air, exhaust air, heating, especially in the rearing house, air mixers, cooling, emergency opening, alarms
Constant temperature system
Only happy hens lay efficiently. One important parameter is the optimal thermal environment in the barn. Many years of experience with poultry house equipment in all climate zones of the world have given us this crucial insight
Our product range therefore includes climate technology for any application and equipment for small farms as well as large, fully-integrated farm complexes
Generator, poultry house lighting, sun battery, cage free system, bird slaughtering system...
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