How to increase high hatchery rate in egg incubator
Time : 2022-09-14

Basic information

One of the things to be put into consideration when aiming for high hatchering rate in egg incubator is to put the lay house environment in order, which will deeply influence the shell cleanness. Even the quality of the digestion of the hens can also interfere with the quality of the egg (contamination aspect besides all the other nutrition transfers to the DOC)

Indeed, after ova-position, those eggs non-contaminated vertically will still remain susceptible to the health status of the breeder flock (Salmonella) and to the pressure of bacteria responsible for hatching-egg putrefaction. Like Pseudomonas, this will be enhanced in diarrheic flocks

The hatchery has to ensure the best potency of production for the level below. Egg disinfection is a means of reaching that goal. This is a non-sufficient but compulsory part of the chick quality, and as such it has to follow accurate guidance, starting at the farm already, this invention is related to agriculture, including the incubation of the bird's eggs

The invention can be used in poultry farming for the disinfection of eggs through the treatment of chickens with natural herbal agents, and ultimately increasing the hatching percentage and survival of the hatched chickens. In poultry farm hatching systems, eggs are transported at the 18weeks of incubation to the broiler farm, where chickens have immediate access to feed and water after hatching, in hatchery-fed systems. Newly hatched chickens have immediate access to feed and water in the hatchery and are transported to the farm thereafter

Conventionally hatched chickens can remain without access to feed and water up to 72 h after hatching until placement on the farm. Each room contained 2 duplicate pens with approximately 1,155 chickens per pen, 2 rooms with each 2 duplicate pens were assigned to 1 treatment. The experiment was repeated during 3 consecutive production cycles

The incubator temperature was gradually decreased throughout incubation to obtain an egg-shell temperature of 37.8°C, relative humidity was set at 75% and decreased gradually toward 30%, and CO2 concentration was maintained below 3,500 ppm (embryonic day 0 to 18). At E18, all eggs were transferred to either hatching baskets or trays



1. To ensure the reasonable outcome in poultry farming, it is necessary to be vigilant about the signs that show possible failures in the way which the production is managed

2. In fertile egg production, for instance, there are some performance indicators that might contribute to avoid pointless losses and to optimize profits of grange’s profit

3. The amount of hatched eggs may also reveal possible obstacles within the production process. With a high conversion of eggs into chickens, one can observe the effectiveness of handling and quality in the prevention of pathogens

4. When we control the efficiency of eggs that are hatched in the safest and healthiest way, in addition to increasing revenue, because it generates more chicks, the rate at which the eggs hatch is an important indicator of productivity and health

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1.Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2.Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3.Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4.Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5.Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6.Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7.Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8.Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9.Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

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How to increase high hatchery rate

1. Chick mortality rate

Even after the eggs have hatched, it is possible to assess the quality of fertile egg production in the grange, watching the chicks. How many die just after birth? A high mortality rate could e related to problems in egg handling. The scraping, for instance, is a cleaning method used by some poultry farmers. However, it is a method that may render the egg’s interior more vulnerable to infections. Beyond reducing hatching rates, it could affect the number of healthy newborn chicks as well. Thus, improving the egg disinfection method also enables a greater quantity of chicks in the grange. Finding out the cause to a high rate of chicks that do not survive and eliminating these flaws in how the management of fertile egg production is being done is fundamental to ensure better results in poultry farming

2. Number of cracked eggs

Another indicator related to egg loss is the number of cracked eggs. In addition of not being suitable for incubation, those are also non-edible eggs. Therefore, they must be discarded which explains the fact of a high rate of cracked eggs is responsible for harming the grange’s income. One of the reasons for a high rate of cracked eggs is the lack of proper care in handling, as at the moment that they are put in the incubating tray. Another possible cause is the egg build up in the barn. To avoid losses for this reason, it is recommended that the collection is made, at least, four times a day six when is at its peak production. The usage of inadequate equipment to carry out the collection such as baskets, buckets, sharp plastic trays could also add to the increase of the number of cracked eggs (choose fiber trays over plastic)

3. Number of hatching eggs

Poultry farmers know that it is usual that some eggs do not hatch, but when the un-hatching egg rates are too high, there is something wrong about the way that the eggs are being handled. Besides that it is a strong indicator of how is the grange’s productivity, it also helps in local hygiene control, once that one of the causes for un hatching might be related to egg contamination. To the noted example, embryo death by egg contamination, enhancements could be verified in the disinfection method. In this case, a method that ensures higher egg hatching rates can generate a raise in the grange’s production

4. Chick size

How the chicks develop in the grange? If many of them are not growing strong, it is also a sign that something might be wrong in the eggs. Chicks that come from cracked eggs, for example, tend to be smaller than those born in un-spoilt eggs. Eggs like these should not be put in the incubator, because they could explode and contaminate other eggs. However, sometimes the crack might be invisible to the eyes of the farmer. The egg candling helps to identify the integrity of the egg and reduce the risks of infection by explosions on the incubator

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Frequently ask questions

Q: What are the factors affecting the production performance of poultry industry?

A: The results showed that the factors that most influenced the performance of broilers were temperature, ventilation rate, and genetic strain

Q: What is the importance of efficiency indicators in poultry?

A: Without them, poultry farming is purely guesswork. Each of them works in the same way dials and readings on a car dashboard keep a driver aware of vital car functions. These indicators help you to steer clear of going off track

Q: What measures can be taken to improve egg production?

A: Introduce birds to their new environment one to two weeks prior to lay and increase the amount of feed or the energy content of the diet

Q: Which of the following factors are most important for better egg production?

A: Calcium is important, especially during the time of initial egg production because of its use in the development of eggshells and vitamin D is also necessary for calcium absorption. Without it, calcium sources will be depleted and reduce egg production



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