What is calcium deficiency in broilers in poultry farm
Time : 2016-09-09

Basic information

Low intake of calcium by young layers has been shown to reduce growth and feed efficiency among the layers which causes decrease in bone ash and bone strength in growing chickens, source and level of dietary phosphorus have been shown to affect calcium tolerance

The effects of low calcium can be largely explained by its effects on intestinal ph. The proposed mechanism involves low calcium reducing the soluble fraction of minerals and the proportion of minerals in small complexes

In consequence, their availability for absorption is probably also reduced, the growth depression of layers fed on diets low in calcium may be partly caused by the decreased availability of other minerals needed for growth

Calcium tolerance of growing chickens may be increased by ensuring that there are higher than normal levels of the other required minerals in the diet. A diet not containing much calcium can be a serious problem for young chicks and growing birds under 18 weeks of age the recommended level for calcium is 1% or below for these birds. Layer feed has up to four times this amount, so you should never feed it to birds less than 18 weeks

One of the most important things to carry out in poultry is to maintain a good environment and keep the chickens healthy.  The house should be kept clean for the arrival of the new chicks rather than placing them in where the old flocks from where moved out from, this means that everything from the drinkers and feed bowls to the walls and floors have to be cleaned properly and sanitised

Calcium for laying chickens, once a hen gets to laying age they will most likely need a calcium boost from time to time in her diet. Calcium is used by the hen to produce the shell for her eggs. If she does not have enough Calcium in her diet she can begin laying mal-formed eggs, soft eggs, and her eggs can even get stuck causing her to become ‘egg bound’. If a hen does not have enough calcium she will draw on her internal resources and this can cause her to have weak and brittle bones which can ultimately cause death

What is calcium deficiency in broilers in poultry farm


1. A calcium deficiency will occur when a young layer does not, or cannot, consume enough supplemental calcium to meet her needs. Some of the factors that affect the calcium needs of individual hens will also be causes of a calcium deficiency, such as an improper diet, age, environmental factors, and overall health. A deficiency in phosphorus or vitamin D will also cause a calcium deficiency

2. Low consumption of calcium can occur when a hen consumes less supplemental calcium, there are two signs that indicate varying degrees of low calcium consumption such as not being able to eat, not being able to walk around 

3. Deposits on eggshells, calcium deposits on eggshells appear as bumps on the shell, this just means there was slightly less calcium released into the bloodstream and is usually nothing to worry about 

4. Hyperkalemia causes damage to the heart and other organs, is toxic to the liver, and causes the kidneys to calcify (gout), this occurs when there is truly low intake of calcium in the diet and the young layer’s body do not know how to handle it all

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2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

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1. Add electrolytes to your flock’s water  

2. Continue to offer nutrient dense, calcium-rich snacks, like grubblies

3. Implement measures to keep the chickens cool and to prevent them from panting 

4. Encourage your hens to eat most of their food in the morning or evening, when the temperatures are the coolest.  Try sprinkling grubs over the feed to encourage feeding time

5. Ensure your hens are getting a balanced diet high quality layer feed (along with only nutrient-dense and hydrating treats, avoid offering too many table scraps)

6. The amount of calcium growing chicks need is less than what a laying hen requires. Instead, chicks actually need more protein. A chick's protein requirements are higher than what a laying hen needs  

7. Chicks do not need supplemental calcium since they are not drawing on stored calcium every day to create an eggshell. Their main focus is on growth, and a complete high quality chick feed will provide them with the proper calcium that they need

Signs of deficiency

1. Lameness

2. Stiff legs

3. Ruffled feathers

4. A reduction in growth

5. Leg bones appear rubbery

6. Joints become enlarged

7. A calcium deficient diet may cause paralysis followed by death


1. Broken eggs, your hen may result to breaking her own eggs to eat the shell to provide her with additional calcium. If she is breaking her eggs but leaving the shell and eating the inside this can mean she also has a protein deficiency, it can also mean she is just bored or anxious

2. Swollen or enflamed joints, stiffness or problems walking. Serious cases may present these symptoms as the hen is drawing calcium from her own bones to create the egg shells

3. Soft or thin shelled eggs or eggs that are not formed correctly with wavy lines, odd shapes and unusual shell textures

4. Severe feather plucking, sometimes your hen may pluck hers or her flock mate’s feathers in search of a calcium source

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Frequently ask questions

Q: How can make my chickens to eat their feed when facing deficiency?

A: Encourage your hens to eat most of their food in the morning or evening, when the temperatures are the coolest.  Try sprinkling grubs over the feed to encourage feeding time

Q: What is one of the symptoms to look out for when there is a calcium deficiency among the chickens?

A: A calcium deficient diet may cause paralysis followed by death



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