Basic information
Feed formulation is one of the most parts of livestock. The main objective of feed formulation is to utilize the knowledge of nutrient requirements, locally available feed ingredients and digestive capacity of fish for the development of a nutritionally balanced mixture of feed stuff
In feed formulation, a method known as Pearson square is often used. In this method, the digestible crude protein is the basis for measuring nutrient requirement during feed formulation. The following are the DCP values for each of the common ingredients used in feed making
Feed production is a crucial segment in poultry farming i.e. Itis a must to have if you are planning has your poultry farm or to make your own poultry feed at home or in a small industrial plant. Aside from being a poultry farmer, an individual may decide to start producing feed mill and supply to poultry farmers or other animal farming sectors like pigs, goats and ducks
It should be noted however, that each category of poultry bird i.e. Layers, broilers all have specific nutrient requirements and feed formulation should be based on their requirements, feed manufacturing contains a series of steps in which individual ingredients are combined into a homogeneous mix, further processed into customer desired forms, and packaged or delivered to the customers
Product description
Feed processing equipment processing plants, etc. Poultry feed mill equipment is suitable for animal and poultry farms, such as small and large chicken farms, pig farms, etc. The mixer can be used for grinding and mixing various livestock, poultry and animal feeds such as chickens, pigs, sheep, fish and rabbits
Feed processing equipment means a source or equipment at a source that produces food, including premixes, supplements and concentrates, for animal (non-human) consumption from grain, grain byproducts or alfalfa and other ingredients, without cooking, but not including wet or dry corn mills, soybean mills, flour mills and ethanol plants
It has the advantages of compact structure, low power consumption, small occupied area, convenient loading and unloading, less dust, safe and reliable work. In the feed mixer the propeller starts to rotate, the small feed hopper impeller chamber is forcibly sent into the conveying pipeline, and then lifted by the propeller to the top of the mixing barrel, at which time the material will be evenly scattered in the mixing barrel
The material rises and falls in the mixing tank and rotates left and right continuously to form a mixing process, thereby achieving a uniform mixing effect, one of the most essential and critical operations in the process of feed manufacturing is mixing. This is where the individual ingredients that make up the feed are combined into their proper ratios and uniformity distributed throughout the entire mass. This is achieved using a mixer. Creating a completely homogeneous blend is the objective of mixing. If the ingredients are not properly mixed, then the nutritional quality cannot be assured
Eight series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
Capacity is 2 tons/hour
Suitable for producing livestock feed
Item type is called feed mill
Item condition is new
1. Feed formulation is the process of quantifying the amounts of feed ingredients that need to be combined to form a single uniform diet for livestock to supply all of their nutrient requirements. Since feed accounts for 65 to 75 per cent of total production costs for most farm animals throughout the world, a simple mistake in diet formulation can become a disaster
2. Feed formulation requires thorough understanding of the nutrient requirements of the particular livestock class for meat or breeders, feed ingredients in terms of nutrient composition and constraints in terms of nutrition and processing, and cost and availability of the raw materials
3. Feed formulation is both a science and an art, requiring knowledge of feed and the particular animal, and some patience and innovation when using formula. Typical formulations indicate the amounts of each ingredient that should be included in the diet, and then provide the concentration of nutrients in the diet. The nutrient composition of the diet will indicate the adequacy of the diet for the particular class of livestock for which it is prepared
4. Feeding the most suitable feed in a manner that encourages fast growth and efficient feed conversion, results in more efficient production and increased profits. About half of the variable production cost in animal production is feed, so a wise farmer reduces the overall cost of production by using the most appropriate feed and feeding it in the manner that most efficiently produces quality livestock
Method of maintenance
1. Check components for iubrication
Regularly checking lubricant levels and ensuring that the moving parts in the mixer are properly lubricated can extend the life of your mixer for years. This is one of the most important general mixer and ribbon blender maintenance tips to keep in mind, and one that is easy to take care of. Some parts within the mixer, such as the drive components, make up a significant part of the mixer’s cost, so replacing these will be almost as expensive as buying a new mixer. Pay special attention to the lubrication around the drive, reducer, and shaft bearings especially. Set aside time once a month to check these levels
2. Maintain the seal
Mixer and agitator seals keep ingredients in the mixer, and also protect the movement of the shaft. If a seal is damaged, material will escape or the alignment of the shaft may shift. There are many different types of mixer seals, and the best mixer maintenance tips for each will depend on which your machine has the followings,
Air purged seal
Check the air pressure and air quality to make sure this air-tight seal is holding
Stuffing boxes
Check the packing material for wear or damage and tighten or replace the stuffing boxes where necessary
Lip seals
Check for leaks and damage regularly. If these mechanical seals wear out more frequently than normal, the seal material might be incompatible with the material being mixed, especially if you are working with corrosive or abrasive materials
Single seals
Measure and adjust the spring compression to meet the manufacturer’s recommendations. Replace the seal faces if the wear is obvious or the seal is not holding
3. Monitor the drive system tension
The drive system is one of the ribbon mixer’s and other mixer’s most valuable components. Keeping the reducer, belt, or chain-and-sprocket mechanism properly lubricated (see the first point, above) is one of the best ingredient system mixer maintenance tips to keep in mind. It is most important to regularly check the tensioning on the belt or chain. The belt or chain slip if it is too loose and could cause damage to the sprocket or burn the belt. If the belt or chain is too tight, they will start to wear out bearings prematurely. Keep the tension within the manufacturer’s recommendations and check it monthly to be sure it is correct
4. Check the discharge gate operation
Over time, dust, dirt, powder, or foreign objects can get lodged in the discharge gate, causing it not to completely close. Check limit switches to make sure the gate is completely closed or open when the limit switch is used, observe the discharge gate during operation to make sure it opens and closes properly. If the gate does not fully open, it can cause material to remain in the mixer. If the gate doesn’t fully close, material will leak out
5. Protect the mixer tub
The body of the mixer is also an important part of proper ingredient system mixer maintenance. Whether you have a ribbon mixer, paddle mixer, or another type of mixer, the body of the machine can be damaged if the agitator is too close to the walls. Foreign objects, such as bits of metal or small rocks, can also damage the mixer as it operates. Over time, the shaft can shift, causing the mixer blades to move too close or too far away from the tub. This will not only damage the mixer, but it can introduce metal fragments into the mix, and disrupt the overall mixing operation
6. Clean intervents
Intervents allow displaced air to escape as ingredients enter the mixer. These intervents can easily become clogged with dust. Clean them regularly to allow air to escape and your ingredients to enter the mixer easily. If the air can’t escape through intervents, dry materials can create clouds of dust as it escapes through other exits. Dust introduces risks of fire and explosion
7. Inspect electrical
Check electrical cords for breaks. As people and machines move around the facility, cords often get in the way. A broken electrical cord is a safety hazard, exposing workers to risk of shock and fire. Combine a damaged electrical cord with the previous issue clogged intervents creating clouds of dust and two seemingly minor problems can become a very serious problem, including a powder fire or explosion. Using a damaged electrical cord can also damage the machine’s internal components. To make sure your ribbon blender or other mixer operates at the proper level, check the current consumed while it’s operating. If it’s consuming too much or too little, there may be damage somewhere in the electrical system or motor
8. Check the coefficient of variation
One of the best ways to make sure your mixer is working property is to check the coefficient of variation (CV). Once a year, take a number of samples of your mix and send them to a lab to check the CV. This might seem like an overly meticulous step, but it can help to prevent over- or under mixing, and it can show if your mixer is not operating properly. If your process changes, such as automating a hand-add step, you might also be able to speed up your mixing time to suit the new speed. Checking the CV will show if the new mixing time is adequate, or if other adjustments should be made
1. It reduces the feed expenses of all poultry farmers that can afford to get it
2. Feed mixer is used simultaneously in poultry farms to crush and mix batch after completion
3. Feed grinder and mixer is less power consumption and easy to operate
4. It provides self-employment job for individuals or organizations that invest on it
5. Feed mixer can temporarily do the deposit silo use and then run out of processing
6. It enhances large productivity of chicken
Our services
1. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy
2. We recommend suitable products based on customer’s availability resources
3. We offer free guide on poultryhouse construction to our customers
4. We offer pre-sale services to help customers have rightful information on the business
5. Delivery of goods directly to customers’ farm after payment
6. Installation team come for installation after customers have received the goods
7. After-sale service is done as we do follow-up to see the state at which the materials we supplied are
Frequently ask questions
Q: How does feed processing equipment work
A: The feed moves along the flighting of the auger. In one- and two auger mixers, the flighting moves feed toward the middle of the mixer, and it bubbles to the top toward the sides and back down to the augers. Feed is also moved to the discharge door from both ends of the mixer
Q: How do you carry out a proper feed processing equipment maintenance
A: Oil the moving parts, adjust the agitator height and always keep it dry
Q: What is feed processing equipment
A: Feed processing equipment are used in feed mills for the mixing of feed ingredients. The machine plays a vital role in the feed production process, with efficient mixing being the key to a good feed production. If feed is not mixed properly, ingredients and nutrients will not be properly distributed within a precised time
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