Basic information
The environment should be put into consideration for a better farming management such as the housing and waste handling in order to achieve an efficient farming and also to maintain a good environmental quality. A literature review was carried out to find out the kinds of waste discharged from poultry farm, the effect of waste to the environment, health and its handling and monitoring methods. Environmental problem of poultry farm comes from manure that causes bad odour. The source of odour is from the formation of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide gases, nitrate, and nitrite during decomposition process of manure. Air polluted by those gases can cause disturbance to chicken health and people who live near the farm. Ammonia can inhibit the growth of chicken. Methods of odour handling using zeolite, lime, and microorganism have been attempted. Those materials, which are added into manure, can reduce the formation of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide gases. The manure can also be used as an organic fertilizer, and the farmer obtains good benefit from it, because it has high nitrogen content. To maintain a good environmental quality, especially from manure odour, their perception about manure odour has to be taken into consideration and they should also be asked to report any problems caused by the pollution of manure odour, in addition, consideration should be put in place to the physical environment
1. The environment should be highly controlled depending on the production practices, especially on manure management practices
2. Odour emission and flies can be controlled by minimizing the surface of manure in contact with air
3. Frequent collection of litter once in a week in dry seasons and twice a week in rainy seasons in a closed storage such as bags or closed sheds
4. Water and food borne disease propagation can be prevented by storing manure in a closed buildings
5. Dead chicken management and disposal, which must comply with legally accepted practices including rendering, composing, incineration and burial; a contingency plan should be in place for disposal of large numbers of dead chickens in the event of disease outbreaks
6. Cooling of chicken manure using a system that is equipped with bio filters and air scrubbers that trap odours from the ventilation airflow
7. Lowering of litter’s water content achieved by the incorporation of hydrophilic products such as hashes, rice husk, peanut husk, dust or sawdust or available dry crop residues
8. The use of construction materials to minimize visual impact
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
1. There are fewer maintenance requirements to consider for poultry farmers, a poultry farm does not necessarily require a high level of maintenance, especially if you are thinking about operating your business as a family operation. When you follow the recommended guidelines for hygiene and care when working with your birds, then you can easily prevent the spread of disease and illness throughout your population. This effort will prevent the transmission of germs from them to you as well
2. Most poultry farmers do not require a license to get started, most of the chickens that you will consider raising as a poultry farmer are domestically-based, which means there is no need for a special import/export license before you can get started with your work. Most households will select a farm or poultry catalogue, choose the species they want to raise, and then pick up their chicks at the local post office when they arrive. You can then purchase an incubator to start hatching your own eggs at home to continue building a chain of food products for sale
3. You are raising agricultural products that have immediate demand, new poultry farmers do not realize how easy it is to market their products until they actually start trying to do so for the first time. People eat poultry products all of the time
4. High Returns in Short Time Period, Interestingly, poultry farming business ensures high return of investment within a very short of time period. Poultry birds such as layer chickens doesn’t take much duration of time to mature before generating profit
5. High Maintenance not required, high maintenance is not required in poultry farm structures. Also, you can minimize diseases and illness in poultry by following proper hygiene and care, Diseases are less when using a battery cage
6. Huge Global Demand, Poultry gives fresh and nutritious food and has a huge global demand, therefore, global consumers of poultry products prefer them due to their nutrients and freshness
1. Integrated control system decision factors
The Integrated electronic control system helps to provide a consistent control over the in-house environment 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Such systems add significant cost, but can pay off in improved bird performance by limiting temperature swings above and below the target optimum, an integrated controller also eliminates the labour of changing individual settings on separate controls such as thermostats. However, a good human manager is still needed to oversee and operate the integrated control system. It should be capable of keeping heating and ventilation systems from fighting each other and moving the house automatically from heating to minimum ventilation to transitional to tunnel and evaporative cooling. It also should have enough data channels so you don’t have to add extra contactors. An important part of a good integrated controller is adequate built-in protection against power line voltage spikes and surges. A good control system also will include zoning capability, allowing the manager to place temperature sensors in various parts of the house and set up the controller to use different sets of sensors for different conditions
2. Air inlet design considerations
The designs of air inlets used during minimum and transitional ventilation is very important for achieving good mixing of cool incoming and warm in-house air, without allowing cold outside air to flow directly onto birds. As mentioned earlier, there are several variations in placement of fans and inlets that can accomplish these goals; the fundamental principle is to bring air in high and at high velocity. Adjustable hinged-door inlets mounted high around the perimeter of the house (on sidewalls or in ceiling openings) have been found superior in producing the airflow pattern needed
3. Managing a modern tunnel
The tunnel ventilation was invented to provide growers with a tool to keep chickens eating and gaining weight in warm to hot weather. The method has become so popular and the setup is so distinctive that houses with this setup are usually called “tunnel ventilated houses”, although they are operated in the tunnel mode for only part of the year. Tunnel ventilation is not needed in all climates, but is widely used in many poultry-producing regions. There are actually three basic ventilation modes used in most “tunnel” houses. Terminology used to describe these ventilation modes varies; for convenience in this publication we describe them as: minimum mode for cold weather and small birds (brooding), transitional mode for moderate weather and medium-size birds
4. When heat removal is needed, and tunnel mode for additional cooling in hot weather
Climatic factors in housing and ventilation decisions
The factors influencing the type or style of housing is climate. Different climatic conditions call for different ventilation and heating strategies and affect the possible or desirable bird stocking density. Generally, extreme conditions require more and more sophisticated inside environmental control equipment and management. Where seasonal variations in weather are pronounced, a house may require ventilation systems for hot and cold weather. In a given situation, housing and ventilation choices must be based on calculating the benefits of providing technology to cope with weather, or prevailing seasonal weather, that is the conditions which generally persist over at least several months, chickens most efficiently convert feed to meat when they are given consistently optimum environmental conditions, with temperature being the most critical factor Whether producing meat, eggs, milk or other animal products, it is well established that effectively managing environmental conditions reduces the total cost of production
Our services
1. We offer free guide on poultry house construction to our customers
2. We offer pre-sale services to help customers have rightful information on the business
3. Delivery of goods directly to customers’ farm after payment
4. Installation team come for installation after customers have received the goods
5. After-sale service is done as we do follow-up to see the state at which the materials we supplied are
Frequently ask questions
Q: Why is it necessary to provide cage for rearing of chicken?
A: To control and prevent the control of diseases
Q: What can I do with the litter material removed from the poultry house?
A: The litter materials may contain harmful germs so when removed, it should be properly disposed using a polythene sheet to help it ferment into a safe material for use
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