Basic information
Day old chick quality matters immensely to poultry businesses. Poultry farming involves raising chicks from day old which involve lots of work. Raising day-old baby chicks is not a difficult task, and it more delightful when everything turns out right. You can easily raise some day old chicks to happy and healthy laying hens or broilers for meat if you know the basics of raising chickens. Doing it the right way to have more success and fewer risks involves a number of steps if the following procedures are put in place
Set up brooding house
Setting up brooder is a must for raising chickens from day old. Brooder provides adequate temperature, shelter and protection to the chicks for their first weeks of age. Ensure that the brooder is dry, clean and safe. Use at least 4 inches litter in the brooder. You can make the litter with wood shavings or newspaper. In case of using newspaper, the litter does not need to be 4 inches. It will be better if you use a few layer of papers. Temperature management is very important in the brooder. DOC require about 95° Fahrenheit temperature for the first week. Reduce the temperature each week at the rate of 5° Fahrenheit per week until the temperature reaches 70° Fahrenheit. You can use a heat lamp above the brooder for maintaining the temperature
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
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Before chicks arrival
1. If this is the first batch of the season, turn on the brooder several days before the chicks are due to arrive to make sure it still works. For later batches, start it at least 24 hours in advance
2. Buy fresh baby chick feed (chick starter)
3. Check the temperature under the brooder to make sure everything is okay. Do this enough in advance that you can do whatever it takes to keep from being chilled after they arrive
4. The floor under the brooder must be warm and dry to the touch before the chicks arrive
5. Make sure there are plenty of light for the chicks to see by. Baby chicks can’t eat or drink in the dark
6. Clean, inspect, and repair your automatic watering system, feed troughs, tube feeders, waterer stands, and other equipment that will be brought into use as the chicks get older
7. Double-check that your brooder is set up for day-old chicks
Get your equipment
Get your equipment before the supply of day old chick. Smaller sized equipment are good for this purpose. For example, using chick-sized feeders or drinkers will make the first few weeks easier. Using smaller drinkers will help the chicks not to drown. And chick-sized feeders will help the chicks to take food easily. Bedding is also needed for the baby chicks. Ensure, you have all the required supplies before starting
Arrival of your chicks
First determine the number of birds you want to raise and select a breed according to your need. Then purchase chicks from any reliable hatchery near you and get the day old chicks delivered to you in your state or locality. After getting your chicks, check everything and make sure you ready for them. Then settle them into the brooder so that they stay warm, probably your chicks are stressed due to the shipping process from hatchery or store. Gently bring them out from the box and dip their beaks into water, then let them take rest and get use to their new home. Monitor their activities in the brooder, if they scatter all over, they may be too hot, so you will need to raise the lamp and reduce the temperature. And if the chicks huddle under the lamp in clusters, they may be too cold, so lower the lamp/heater. For the first week, you need to check on them at least five times daily. Always try to keep their feed and water fresh and clean
Medication and vaccination
Ensure you get your necessary vaccinations required to help your DOC fight against virus and bacterial infections. This vary from location to locations. Speak to a vet near you to prescribe the necessary vaccines and their dosage. This is very important and should not be over-looked
Feeding & watering
Start feeding of your chicks with a starter mash and continue feeding for a few weeks. Depending on the type of your chickens (broiler or layer), you need to upgrade to grower or finisher afterwards. Also ensure availability of sufficient amount of clean and fresh water at all time, this help to reduce the spread of diseases
How to care for your chicks
1. Make sure they are actively drinking water and eating
2. Add probiotics or apple cider vinegar to their drinking water (2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per quart) or give them plain unsweetened yogurt
3. After a day or two add electrolytes in their water
4. If you notice sign of droppings sticking to vent be sure you gently clean the faeces off with a warm damp cloth. Do not rub it too hard and make sure you are not irritating or removing any skin
5. Be sure you know the hatchery replacement and refund policy before you order and let them know immediately you notice dead or sick chicks
1. We offer training for customers starting poultry farm for the first time
2. We offer pre and after sales service to all our customers
3. We give free design for PEN construction
4. We link customers with registered hatcheries for purchase day old
Frequently ask questions
Q. What temperature does a day old chick need?
A. The chick should be housed at a temperature between 87, at a relative humidity between 40 60%
Q. What should I look for in a chick?
A. Get an active chick and of and get a good weight size
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