Basic information
Battery cages are a housing system used for various animal production methods, but primarily for egg-laying hens. The name arises from the arrangement of rows and columns of identical cages connected together, in a unit, as in an artillery battery. Although the term is usually applied to poultry farming, similar cage systems are used for other animals, Battery cages have generated controversy between advocates for animal welfare and industrial producers. What differentiates the chicken battery cage from most other cages is that its floors slope from back to front
The reason for this is so that eggs can roll from the back to the front of the cage for easy collection. A lot of experts recommends the chicken battery cage, especially for egg production in a layers poultry farm. If you are in the business of egg production or hatching, then you will agree with me that a layer bird is the essence of poultry farming. After going through the chick stage safeguarding your birds with chick cages. Then, what followed was accomplishing a splendid grower stage of uniform growth in grower cages. By now, the birds are ripe to start laying their golden eggs
It is at this stage of your poultry farming that you will see the efforts you invested in your chicks and grower birds. You will start making money from your poultry business as the birds mature and start laying eggs
Layers are raised in battery cages for the following reasons
1. The system helps you keep birds within a small space and allows very limited movement this makes the chickens conserve their energy and hence enjoy an increase in production level
2. It provides comfort and stability for the birds
3. Feeds are less consumed and it avoids wastage
4. Records keeping of individual egg production and culling of poor layers are made easier
5. A farmer can easily do a stock count of the chickens
6. It is easier to care for pullets
7. It is much easier to evacuate the waste in the battery cage system. Faeces drop through to the floor or metal trays which are cleaned regularly
8. It is easier to operate
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
Type of battery cage system for layers
1. The single-layer battery cage
This type of cage has only one layer. At best, you can only connect another set of cages parallel to this one. So, what you will have are two cages facing opposite sides
2. Double-deck poultry cage
As the name implies, this has two decks. One at the top and the second row on the bottom of the cage. With this cage system, you can save more space
3. Triple-layers cage system
The triple-layers cage system provides even more space for you to keep more birds. With this cage system, you can have about three times as much birds on your poultry farm
4. four-tier chicken cage
For ease of operation and management, the four-deck chicken cage system is the highest for this category. At this height, workers can still easily pick up eggs and do other daily activities without stressing a muscle. With four layers available for your birds, you can produce more chickens and eggs in this system. It is a good option if you want to keep a very large quantity of birds but lack enough space to keep them
5. Flat-deck poultry cage system
The flat deck poultry cage system is just like the single-layer battery cage. The only difference this time is that the flat deck cage has more parallel lines of cages than the single layer. Because of the arrangement of the battery cages in this system, workers cannot walk between cages to pick eggs. As a result, the egg collection method for this system is automate
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1. Quality is our priority and customer comes first
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4. Customer get value for their money
Frequently ask questions
Q: Is battery cage good for layers?
A: It makes the chickens conserve their energy and hence enjoy an increase in production level. It provides comfort and stability for the birds
Q: How are caged chickens raised?
A: They eat, poop, and lay their eggs in this little cage
Q: How long do caged chickens live for?
A: When the number of eggs a hen lays drops below a profitable level she is of no more use to the farmer
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