How to keep poultry farm chick warm
Time : 2009-03-12

Basic information

Chicks cannot maintain a proper body temperature without human help. Exposing a chick to cool temperatures in the first three weeks of life makes the chick’s life uncomfortable and less likely to eat the feed and drink the water needed for a good start. In meat-type chickens, cool temperatures can lead to permanent heart damage. Exposing the young bird to cool (20ºc or 70ºf) for the first day or two on the farm can cause the bird to die from heart problems later. Heated premises are definitely needed for brooding

It is essential that new chicks stay warm without overheating, it's a good idea to prepare their brooder at least 24 hours before their arrival. Selecting the right heat lamp and setting the ideal temperature will ensure a healthy climate for your chicks. For small chickens, the most common source of heat is a heat lamp. These lamps accommodate a 250-watt red or clear bulb. When suspended 45 to 60 cm (18 to 24") off the floor, they provide enough heat to brood up to 100 chicks for a single-light, or 300 to 500 for a four-light model

Some units of the lamp heat have thermostatic controls, while others have to be raised or lowered to provide the required temperature at bird level. As the birds grow older, lower the temperature by raising the heat lamp or reducing the wattage of the bulbs. Turn the heat on at least one day before the birds arrive on the farm. The temperature 1 cm (½ ") below the litter surface should be at least 26ºc (80ºf). Even if the air is the correct temperature, the birds can be chilled by the cold floor under them

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1. Selecting a heat lamp

Making use of a heat lamp, preferably the type that emits 250-watt infrared heat, is the best for keeping chicks happily toasty. While screw-in ceramic heaters are also effective, ordinary incandescent bulbs, electric heat pads and hot-water radiators are not recommended because they don’t provide reliable heat at an optimum temperature and run the risk of overheating your chicks. A red-tinted bulb instead of a clear or white bulb is less stressful to chicks than white light, and chicks exposed to light or dark cycles sleep better, they are calmer and are less likely to peck feathers

2. Mounting the lamp

Another to step to follow is to insert the bulb into a metal reflector with an adjustable clamp and ceramic socket, and mount the lamp off the ground, facing down into the enclosure. For best results, shine the lamp on one end of the enclosure so the chicks can self-regulate their temperature by moving from the cool end to the hot end. Make sure the lamp has no way of falling or touching anything flammable. If one of the bulbs burns out in the middle of the night

3. Keeping chicks comfortable

By adjusting the lamp up and down, ensure to fine-tune your brooder box's temperature, then start the lamp a day or so before adding the chicks. Use a non-breakable thermometer placed at the chick’s height to determine the ideal heat lamp placement. Temperature and heat lamp placement varies according to chick’s age, before adjusting the temperature, monitor your chicks' behaviour. Comfortable chicks will spread themselves more or less evenly throughout the brooding area. Cold chicks generally huddle together under the lamp, cheeping loudly. Overheated chicks often stand apart from one another, far away from the lamp, panting with their beaks open. Adjust the lamp up or down accordingly until the chicks are comfortable, the chicks' legs will also give you an indication about their temperature preference, when the legs of the chicks are cold they appear puffy or swollen and when the legs of the chicks are overheated they look dry, thin and dehydrated

4. Judging bird comfort

The behaviour and sounds of the chicks will indicate their comfort level. Comfortable birds will form a circle under the lamp, and make soft "cheeping" noises while cold birds will huddle and pile, and make sharp noises. If birds are too hot, they will crowd as far from the lamps as possible. Some birds will pant if the temperature is too high. The birds will do a better job than a thermometer of telling you if they are comfortable

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Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation

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1. We have a team that solves series of problems prior to project consultation, site survey, sample analysis and installation

2. We have long time and rich experience on the products manufacturing. If any machine operation questions after sales, we will reply you within 24 hours with solution.  And customers can be rest assured

3. We provide follow-up on technical support services to ensure a stable operation of the products our customer’s purchased

4. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy

5. We give guideline to our first time customer’s on how to go about their poultry farm

6. After purchasing our poultry equipment, we do follow up on our customers about the equipment they purchased

Frequently ask questions

Q: How can I detect when my chicks are not comfortable?

A: You can easily notice it by their body movement and changes in their feet because the chicks legs always shows indication about their temperature

Q: What type of heat lamp should I use?

A: Make use of a heat lamp that emits 250-watt infrared heat because is the best for keeping chicks happy and lively



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