The necessary measures to consider in a battery cage to avoild poultry pollution
Time : 2020-11-19

Basic information

Farmers considering building poultry facilities on their farms must give considerable thought to the location of the new structures. Poultry farmers must be aware of concerns related to environmental issues like water quality, odors and flies, litter applications on fields and high soil phosphorous levels, nearby neighbors and public areas like churches, parks and businesses, laws and regulations that affects farming operations

Future poultry farmers must place greater emphasis on farmstead planning than has been done in the past. Considerations in site selection for buildings must include utilities, roads, topography, prevailing winds, existing buildings, neighbors, public areas, setbacks, and state and federal government laws and regulations

However, with the concentration of poultry production and increase in operation size, considerable environmental problems have occurred. During the last several decades, the environmental impact of the poultry production has received an ever growing attention and nowadays producers are under heavy pressure, from different fronts, to minimize the impact of their production on the environment and to adopt welfare friendly practices

It is in line with the regulations on pollution prevention and control of livestock and poultry breeding, meets the requirements of prevention and control measures for laying hens (such as all in, all out, regional isolation, etc.), adheres to the principle of combining agriculture and animal husbandry, and the balance of planting and breeding, according to the land surrounding the field. The ability of chicken manure to absorb

The necessary measures to consider in a battery cage to avoild poultry pollution


1. To protect birds from adverse climatic conditions

2. To ensure easy and economic operation

3. To ensure scientific feeding in a controlled manner

4. To facilitate proper micro climatic conditions in a near vicinity of bird

5. Effective disease control measures

6. To ensure proper supervision

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

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1. It should have proper ventilation

2. Litter moisture should be around 15 to 25%

3. Air flow should be 10 to 30 meters/minute

4. Reduce where possible the movements of people, vehicles or equipment into areas where farm animals are kept. This will minimize potential contamination with manure, slurry and other products that could carry disease

5. Where direct contact with farm animals occurs then cleanse and disinfect protective clothing, footwear, equipment, vehicles before and after contact, or where practicable use disposable protective clothing

6. To avoid disease in a poultry flock, it is essential to provide clean drinking water and food, preferably indoors to prevent contamination by wild birds and other animals

7. Other measures include isolating new birds, preparing a plan should the flock need to be brought indoors, and thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting housing at the end of a cycle

8. Poultry house should be located away from residential and industrial area

9. It should have proper road facilities

10. It should have the basic amenities like water and electricity

11. Availability of farm labourers at relatively cheaper wages

Things to consider in other to avoid poultry pollution

1. Litter Utilization

Is there sufficient land available on the farm to properly utilize the litter as fertilizer, or will some of the litter is moved off site, approximately 300 tons of litter will be produced each year on a 50,000 bird capacity broiler farm. A nutrient management plan will help determine if adequate land area is available for litter utilization. If not, plans must be made to remove excess litter offsite

2. Ensure an epidemic prevention

To prevent the threat of skin diseases and pollution sources. There should be no pollution sources for large scale industrial and mining enterprises, livestock and poultry slaughter processing plants and animal trading markets around the chicken farm, the chicken farms and residential areas and main traffic are 1,000 meters away from each other

3. Adequate power supply

The power supply of the chicken farm must be able to meet the production needs, and the power supply must be guaranteed. Large chicken farms must have dedicated lines or self-contained power generation equipment

4. Proper isolation method

It is not advisable to rear birds of different age groups in the same house. Wherever possible, it is advisable to practice the all-in-all-out system. Proper layout of houses, appropriate designing to prevent any entry of rodents, proper ventilation, and the designing of feeders and drinkers to avoid spillage, are basic essentials in disease prevention

5. Litter management

Wet litter is a potential source of disease transmission. Maintain proper litter conditions as suggested earlier

6. Quality chicks

Ensure that chicks are received from a hatchery where adequate preventive care is taken for breeder birds to guard against mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis and infectious bursal disease.  Check for a history of vaccination against marek's disease. Look for signs of dehydration and ensure that the received chicks are healthy and are within the normal weight range

7. Proper nutrition

A good balanced feed prepared according to nutrient requirements at different ages will ensure proper health and good immune status in birds and addition of coccidiostats and vitamin and mineral supplements are essential

8. Adequate supply of quality water

Poultry farmers often fail to provide the birds with good quality water. Both the microbial and chemical quality of the water need to be tested before establishing a poultry farm in a given area, microbial contamination of water may happen at the source, for instance in ponds, rivers, open wells and the public water supply system, or during transportation and storage, as well as in the overhead tank or bins. Unhygienic practices on the farm result in the spread of disease, the microbial load shoots up during flood conditions. The faecal contamination of water will add to the presence of coliform organisms, mineral levels in water depend on soil conditions, and show only minor fluctuations based on the season and the water table and they lead to hardness in water and affect the taste and palatability. The life of pipelines and storage tanks is also increased, and the overall growth of the birds and egg production efficiency will be improved

9. Proper disposal of dead chicken

The main principle involved in the prevention and control of current and emerging diseases is the scientific disposal of dead birds. The mortality is inevitable on every poultry farm, and it varies with the prevailing disease and sanitary conditions on the farm. When birds die, their carcasses remain as a source of infection for pen mates and other birds on the farm (or other farms), all carcasses should be removed from the pen as soon as possible, diseased and ill birds also discharge infectious material into the environment and act as reservoirs for disease-producing organisms. It is essential to eliminate ailing birds from the flock rather than jeopardize the health of the remainder of the flock. The habit of throwing dead birds on to the nearest manure pile or into an open field is dangerous and unscientific for the following reasons because the smell of the carcasses attracts street dogs and cats, which consume the infected carcasses and harbour the enteric organisms infectious to poultry

10. Litter removal

After the pen is emptied, deep litter and caged layer droppings should be removed to a field far from the poultry shed, and spread to dry in the sun, it should be disposed off as soon as possible for manure or other purposes and not allowed to remain accumulating for a long period. Composting is better, since the heat produced will destroy the pathogens

11. Ventilation requirements

In order to ensure the feeding environment of the chicken, the air quality of the site is guaranteed to meet the three-level standard of air quality

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Frequently ask questions

Q: What is the necessary procedure when carrying out a site survey for rearing a healthy chicken?

A: Ensure the area is eco friendly to the chickens, enough space for the disposal of a dead chicken and as when as a place to dump their manure

Q: What else can I look out for?

A: Ensure there is adequate ventilation in the poultry house to avoid making the chickens uncomfortable 



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