Basic information
Broiler production is a very popular livestock business in Nigeria. As a part of poultry farming, a lot of people are into broiler farming in Nigeria. So if you have an interest in this business and need a guide or help on how to start it up; you are in the right place and this perfect guide is for you
A lot of farmers who are into poultry farming in Nigeria, ranging from layers, turkeys and so on, most times prefer to venture broilers poultry farming because it’s a fast and reliable way of raising poultry meat for human consumption and also at the same time, make a good income from it
In simple stating, of all commercial poultry farming in Nigeria, commercial broiler production or broiler poultry farming is the raising or keeping of chickens (broilers) primarily for meat production. Chickens are easy to raise and as lucrative this business might be, it might be surprising to know that some farmers who venture into broiler production have lost their investment and couldn’t gain from it
So to add, that the solution to successful broiler production or broilers poultry farming depends on a methodical and efficient management program the farmer has adopted when setting up this business
Supplementary feed for broilers
Poultry feeds are considered to include all the protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients essential for proper growth, egg production and health of the birds. Feed mixed with any other ingredients upsets the stability of the nutrients in the total poultry feed but nevertheless, supplementary feed can be given to both broilers and layers
As the feed is the major cost of poultry production and which considerably affects the production performance of the birds. So feed and feeding are the main important consideration for efficient poultry farming. Improper feeding is not affecting production performance but also causes several deficiency diseases
At times, the poultry ratio needs to be supplemented to develop the nutritional value of the poultry feed. Poultry feed supplement is always in the form of premixes which is commercially obtainable. Poultry feed supplements are added to several types of poultry feeds. For layer feed, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D are very important for the production of a good quality shell and bone creation. Calcium necessity varies with age, ambient temperature, the rate of lay and egg size. Normally, laying hen requires 3.4g of calcium per day and 3.8g of calcium per day after 40 weeks of age
When broiler feed is in the right quantity and quality, the chicken produces faster and healthier. For effective costing; you need to know the amount of feed per chicken. In case, broiler chicken will consume 2.5 to 4kg or more of broiler feed, depending on the predetermined market age
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
Steps in breeding broilers
1. Sanitation
Clean the house thoroughly between flocks. Remove all litter. Wash the ceiling, sidewalls and equipment. Disinfect after the buildings are washed. Nothing should be left behind from the previous flock that has not been washed and sanitized. Clean the drinker lines with citric acid (or whatever is recommended by the manufacturer) to remove bacteria that may bind or kill vaccines introduced during the next flock
Remember to flush the lines before the next flock arrives. Some folks look at the sanitation of a poultry house as something extra, but there is no doubt that this is one of the most important investments that can be made to ensure your next flock is a success. Prevent problems by practicing good sanitation, rodent and fly control, and biosecurity during the life of the flock
2. Temperature
Make sure the temperature (86 to 90°F) is right at bird height. In the coldest weather, run the heat long enough to make sure the floor is comfortable. If you feel any coolness when sitting on the litter, the birds will be chilled (with their body temperature of 106°F). Cold chicks don't go to feed and will be picked up as mortality or starve-outs several days later
3. Water
The water in the drinkers should be like cool bath water (80-85°F). If the water in the waterline is cold (below 55 F) before the chicks arrive, try turning the brooders/furnaces on earlier to prevent chilling the chicks as they get their first water. Dump the chicks at the drinkers
Provide plenty of watering space. If you are using nipple drinkers, have the light level high enough that the chicks can see and be attracted to the metal nipple (first 2-3 days). With low light levels some chicks do not find the nipple before they are dehydrated. In addition, the first day have the nipple drinker lines low so that the chicks actually run into the nipples. As the birds find the water, inch the lines up to encourage the birds to stretch their necks up for a drink and prevent water spilling onto the litter
4. Feed
Make sure the chicks eat the first day and several times each day until daily restricted feeding starts. Feeding is encouraged by freshen the feed available to the chicks (i.e. top dressing the feeder lids each day or twice a day) and running the automated feeder (sound attracts them). Start out with the feed and water together when the chicks arrive. There is variation in all feed
However, pay particular attention to broiler breeder starter feed. If it does not look and smell right, it is probably not right. Call your field representative. This is not the time to have an error in the type or quality of the feed. One common problem is whole kernel corn getting into the starter feed
Baby chicks can't eat these kernels, and they will miss some important nutrients, causing the flock to be off target body weight. One look in the feeder will show you the problem. Eventually, the birds will eat the corn, but it is weeks in being consumed
5. Vaccinations
Water vaccinations are among the most practiced method of delivering vaccines to birds. This is also the most abused method of vaccinating birds. What should be a quick and easy method of vaccine administration is often poorly executed resulting in low disease protection and/or low titres. All birds in the house must get a drink of the vaccine within a two-hours of vaccine dilution. The secret to successful water vaccination, is getting all the birds to drink the vaccine. Water deprive the birds the afternoon before or morning of the vaccination. Drain the water lines
Our services
1. We provide farmers with necessary information to help them overcomes challenges in their business by giving them detailed articles on our websites regards anything in poultry farming
2. We encourage poultry farmers to use the right poultry equipment that will help them curb risk and loss in their business
3. Our company make all poultry equipment available locally and internationally for all poultry farmers to access at affordable price
4. We have Research and Development team that provide our customers with adequate information on any question that may arise
Frequently ask questions
Q: What specie of bird is called broiler?
A: Broilers are birds basically raised for meat consumption
Q: What is the best method to rear broilers?
A: Battery cage is most preferable as it can be used to rear them from chicks to grown age?
Q: Where can I get broiler cage in Nigeria?
A: Our company supplies broiler cages locally and internationally
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