How to ensure calcium and protein in poultry feed
Time : 2007-07-19

Basic information

Calcium and protein are the most important feed constituents needed to maintain health, growth, and production. Although the interaction of protein sources with the main energy sources influences the overall energy supply and utilisation

Calcium is an essential nutrient that helps your hens lay well, but it also plays many other roles in keeping your hens health. Calcium is an essential nutrient in the diet of poultry, not only do chickens need to build and support healthy bones, but they also need enough free calcium to produce a hard eggshell 

While protein is not only essential to chickens but also a wide variety of living things. Almost all animals need this nutrient in their life. Protein plays an essential role in the overall growth of animals, because they are responsible for building muscle, DNA replication, cell structure, molecular and enzyme transportation that determines and helps in chemical reactions. Protein needs will vary from time to time, depending on age and activity level

How to ensure calcium and protein in poultry feed

Reasons why protein is needed

1. Fall molting

Molting is a strange time during a chicken’s life. Their bodies push out their old feather to make room for new ones. It's sort of like the weird puberty stage we all go through in our teen years, so protein is needed to grow new feathers on their body. So, when you see the chickens heading into their fall molting period, give them extra protein. Believe it or not, feathers are made up of 85-90% protein. So, your chickens send a lot of their protein into feather making, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need it throughout their bodies

2. Winter

Winter is hard on chickens because they are not able to forage as much as they do throughout the rest of the year. Our chickens range all over our property, eating bugs, worms, plants, and other goodies. Those foods are high in protein

3. High-stress situations

Lastly, the chickens need extra protein when they face high-stress situations. For example, if your flock is attacked by a predator, they'll be under more stress. This is a great time to give them more protein to help their bodies relax.  Protein is important for humans and chickens alike. In poultry, protein is needed to form feathers, beaks, and toenails. How much protein your chickens need will vary based on age and activity level

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

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Reasons why calcium is needed

1. It helps control muscle spasms, especially those used while laying an egg  

2. Triggers hormone production for a healthy reproductive system 

3. Essential for breeding hens to lay strong eggs that will hatch into healthy, strong chicks 

4. Helps with blood clotting 

5. Helps maintain a healthy nervous system  

6. Activates enzymes in the digestive system  

7. Ensures proper bone growth and development  

8. Helps the hen’s body maintain a proper ph level 

9. Helps control the heart rate of a hen  

10. It is needed for the absorption and utilization of phosphorus

Sources of protein

1. Fish or fish meal

Fish and fish meal contains between 61-72% protein. Best of all, fish is one of the easiest protein sources for chickens to preserve for the winter time. You can dehydrate fish and then feed it to your chickens, or allow them to dry then blend and mix it in their feed

2. Mealworms

Anyway, mealworms are a high-protein food source for chickens. Dried mealworms contain 53% protein

3. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are one of the top protein sources for chickens because they contain up to 33% protein

4. Kelp

It's high in protein and other essential vitamins that your flock needs. Just add a 1-2% ratio to your chicken's dry feed. It's the easiest way to give them this high protein snack

Sources of calcium

1. Crushed oyster shells

Crushed oyster shells are among the best sources of calcium for birds as they contain various vitamins and minerals essential for your bird’s health. The shells should be crushed for easier consumption by chickens and enhance the absorption of minerals in their bodies

2. Crushed limestone

Another excellent source of calcium for your chicken is crushed limestone, which is also used as chicken grit limestone which contains a high level of minerals, and it is often used in preparing human foods and animal feeds because it has been proven to be very healthy for chickens

3. Used eggshells

Eggshells make an excellent alternative to calcium in a chicken diet. If you are a fan of eating eggs every morning, do not discard their shells but rather feed them to your chicken you may have to crush it in tiny pieces to aid absorption, additionally, give them fresh eggshells as they tend to lose their calcium content over time

4. Dairy products

Most chicken owners avoid feeding their chicken with animal products. Unfortunately, they lose a chance of providing an impressive source of calcium for birds. If possible, give your birds a fresh supply of dairy products to significantly improve your bird’s health. The best thing is to use low-fat dairy products to prevent weight gain and related health problems

5. Vegetable scraps

Most chicken owners do not consider using vegetable scraps as a source of calcium for their chickens. This is far from the truth because vegetable scrapes are a healthy way to ensure that your birds receive proper calcium content. Furthermore, they also provide the chicken with a wide range of nutrients, vitamins, and fibre essential for good health

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Frequently ask questions

Q: Is it necessary to include protein and calcium into my chicken's feeds?

A: Yes it is very important because they contain a lot of nutrients required to boost their growth, egg production, and helps maintain their nervous system 

Q: Is it required to be given to them on a daily bases?

A: It is not required to feed them too much of protein and calcium because too much of it may cause problems to their health, which may result to their death. So it is advised to feed them less of it in certain amount on weekly bases



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