Basic information
The demand of chicken cage both for broilers and layers basically resolve around their uses in poultry farm sector. Advantages of battery cage poses high demand on it over other methods devices for rearing poultry birds. Several times we have talked about benefits, uses, purposes and others related to battery cage which are meant for eye opener to poultry farmers so as to see the needs to employ the use of battery cages in their various farms as it is generally accepted globally as the best means of rearing poultry birds
Reasons for its demand
Poultry rearing revolves around development i.e. there are developmental stages in poultry farming. Before you have your layer birds, it starts from hatching, then you have chicks or pullets before you now have layers which is purposely reared for egg production. Cages for layers are specially designed for them so that they may have a successful laying period, there is a place the egg will roll to so as to avoid breakage. This means that ones the hen lays, it does not have access to it again till the workers come for packing or if it’s an automatic cage ,the belt conveyor will roll it to the appropriate place
Pullets should be moved to cages or the laying house at 16 weeks of age, before the onset of sexual maturity and this answers the question when one should purchase a layer cage. The purchase can be done when the birds have grown to maturity for laying and that is about 16-18 weeks old
During the rearing and growing period for breeder stock the major objective is to control body weight, particularly to ensure that all the birds reach target weight-for-age uniformly. Body weight targets are achieved by controlling feed allowances. Feed amounts during rearing are based on body weight and maintenance; during lay, egg production and egg weight are also important
In meat and layer type birds, body weight uniformity is critical during the first six weeks of the breeders’ growth. Weekly body weight increase is a good indicator of how successful the brooding has been. High-quality feed of appropriate particle size must be provided to obtain adequate feed intake in the first week. When the birds reach 16 weeks, they are stimulated by providing up to an hour of additional artificial light per day, to promote sexual development. Particularly in layer strain breeder flocks, it is essential that the female parent achieves sufficient body weight between 16 and 20 weeks of age, to maximize peak egg production and achieve consistent egg production throughout lay
Breeder flock egg production can be optimized by appropriate feeding programmes that ensure that the pullets have uniform body weight. It is also important to keep the breeding flock body weight in check after maturity, by handling and weighing birds often and adjusting the feeding levels as required. Layer breeding stock should be fed daily from hatch to end of lay
During the laying period, from about 21 weeks of age, broiler breeders are typically fed a restricted amount daily. The restriction at this time is considerably less severe than it is during the rearing period. Separate-sex feeding is normally practised during the laying period, with males having no access to females’ feed, and vice versa. This has more to do with diet composition than quantity, as males have a far lower calcium requirement than females
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
Needs for battery cage
1. The system helps you keep birds within a small space and allows very limited movement, This makes the chickens conserve their energy and hence enjoy an increase in production level
2. It provides comfort and stability for the birds
3. Feeds are less consumed, and it avoids wastage
4. Records keeping of individual egg production and culling of poor layers are made easier
5. A farmer can easily do a stock count of the chickens
6. It is easier to care for pullets
7. It is much easier to evacuate the waste in the battery cage system. Faeces drop through to the floor or metal trays which are cleaned regularly
8. It is easier to operate
1. Poultry house should be located away from residential and industrial area
2. It should have proper road facilities
3. It should have the basic amenities like water and electricity
4. Availability of farm labourers at relatively cheaper wages
5. Poultry house should be in an elevated area and there should not be any waterlogging
6. It should have proper ventilation
7. The sheds should be so located that the fresh air first passes through the brooder shed, followed by grower and layer sheds. This will prevent the spread of diseases from layer houses to brooder house
8. There should be a minimum distance of 50-100 feet between chick and grower shed and the distance between grower and layer sheds should be of minimum 100 metre
9. The egg storeroom, office room and the feed storeroom should be located near entrance to minimize the movement of people around the poultry sheds
Why you should choose our company
1. We offer the best services as regards battery cages
2. Our company products’ quality are incomparable
3. We deliver to time to our customers’ location
4. We have local branches all around the globe
Our services
1. We deliver goods directly to customer’s location within 24hours
2. We give accurate guide to poultry beginners
3. We enlighten our customers on how to maintain our products for long lasting use
4. Our company have installer team that install our cages and equipment
5. We have engineers that help our customers to build suitable poultry house
Frequently ask questions
Q: Which method of rearing layers is the best?
A: Without any doubt, battery cages remain the best method of rearing layer birds
Q: Where can I get battery cages in Nigeria?
A: Vanke Machinery and Equipment is the number one supplier of battery cage in Nigeria and its environment
Q: What is the reason for raising layers on cage?
A: It increases birds’ productivity
Q: Do I need to build a poultry house before I install cages?
A: It is important to do that
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