What is poultry lighting in poultry farm
Time : 2013-10-25

Basic information

The egg production is associated with the length and intensity of the light received by the bird daily. Light stimulates the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland through optic nerve for the release of FSH and LH.  Light energy also penetrates through the skull, skin and feathers. FSH increases the growth of the ovarian follicles.  Upon reaching maturity, the ovum is released by the action of light

A part of my company's chicken house design, for reference only

32,000 pullets H4 automatic pullet chicken cage's house drawing8.Jpeg

Necessity for light in poultry house

Birds reared under increased day light produce more eggs due to the release of FSH and LH from the pituitary. Brightness of light also has influence on egg production.  On practical conditions, 1 ft. candle light intensity is needed in layer houses.  In multi duck cage system, minimum of 0.5 foot candle light intensity is needed at the lower deck. For maximum egg production, 16 hours light is needed during peak egg production period.  Reducing photoperiod during laying period seriously affects egg production. The artificial light can be given either in the morning, evening or both morning and evening

In understanding why lighting is important in poultry production, it’s necessary to look at the birds’ biological make up. In humans, light reaches the brain through the eyes. In chickens, light penetrates not only through the eyes, but also through the top of the skull, via the pineal gland, and through the pituitary gland next to the hypothalamus. Whereas in our eyes we have just three types of cones specialised photoreceptor cells that are responsible for our perception of red, blue and green light chickens have four: red, blue and green cones, as well as a cone for ultraviolet light

Like humans, poultry’s lives revolve around a regular day and night cycle. When birds have a proper day and night cycle, they develop the proper diurnal rhythms that is, a routine of typical activities during the day. This is important for functions like melatonin production. “It is a normal cycle that is so important for birds because it drives things like immune function and growth rate and reproductive hormones,” explains Schwann Lardner. “By giving that day-and-night cycle, you improve the health of the birds, you improve the immune status, you improve mobility and you improve alertness 

Birds tend to be more active when they have a day night cycle,” she continues. “They’ll actually grow better, which is really interesting and the total opposite of what was thought ten years ago

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation

How to install light in poultry house

The manner in which lights are installed in the poultry house has a role on their efficiency.  Some of the important points regarding fixing bulbs in poultry houses are

1. The distance between bulbs should be 1½ times the distance from the bulb to the bird level

2. The distance from the bulbs to the outer edges of the house should be only ½ the distance between bulbs

3. In cage system, the bulbs should be placed in such a way that their rays fall on the feed and on the birds

4. Clean reflectors increase the light intensity at bird level by 50%, compared with no reflector

5. Avoid cone shape reflectors since they confine the light rays to limited area.  Better to use flat type reflector with rounded edge

6. Avoid hanging bulbs by a cord in open houses

7. Very dirty bulbs emit about 1/3 less light than clean bulbs

8. Light bulbs should be cleaned once in two weeks

9. Light effects during growing period

10. Decreasing the length of light day during growing period will lead to

11. Increase the age at sexual maturity

12. Increase the number of eggs laid during the first half of the egg production (but not in total number of eggs laid)

13. Increase the size of the first eggs produced

14. Light restriction alone delays the sexual maturity at the maximum of 3 weeks.  If feed restriction is combined with light restriction we can delay up to 4 weeks period

Temperature in poultry house

We all know that suitable ventilation for chicken houses can come in many forms and finding the right solution will depend on the type of shed you’re ventilating. In an industry very much driven by costs, efficiency is essential. It’s widely known that chickens are very susceptible to respiratory problems and that stale air in the house will only heighten these problems. To combat this, ventilation is key, and the right system should help maintain the correct environment and provide plenty of fresh, clean air

Ventilation is an important factor that controls the productive performance of birds. Poor ventilation leads to low weight and food conversion rate, as well as respiratory diseases that increase the mortality rate, reduce the immunity of birds and make them susceptible to bacterial and viral diseases and eventually develop respiratory disease Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD), which is difficult to treat and causes significant economic losses, and poor ventilation leads to increased incidence of hock burn


Breeding birds are often kept in houses similar to broiler houses, although the shed should be sub-divided to keep birds in manageable numbers. In this type of shed, either conventional or reverse-flow ventilation would be recommended. As strict light control is essential, the addition of light baffles fitted to both inlets and outlets will add resistance to the system and should be considered in your initial calculations

What is the main importance of ventilation in poultry houses

1. Elimination of many harmful gases in the respiratory system of the bird, such as ammonia and gases resulting from the operation of heaters and replace the proportion of carbon dioxide gas by oxygen to breathe birds well

2. Heat distribution inside the poultry houses and get rid of excess heat

3. Distribution of moisture inside the poultry houses and disposal of excess moisture

4. Get rid of bad dust

Factors that control the amount of air inside the poultry

1. Building type (insulation grade)

2. Relative temperature and humidity inside and outside the house

3. The type and age of birds

4. Intensity of birds inside the house

Ventilation in poultry farm

Ventilation varies in the summer than in the winter season. Ventilation in the summer season is the highest rate in order to rid the birds of excess heat resulting from birds inside the house. Ventilation in the summer is much easier than ventilation in the winter. While ventilation in the winter (less ventilation rate) is intended to renew the house air to prevent the increase of moisture inside the house while at the same time maintain the temperature of birds and heating system and control moisture of the litter. Through good ventilation, the ammonia, dust, carbon dioxide rarely occur problems within the amber

Poultry farms are generally ventilated in two ways

1. The first system

Ventilation using exhaust fans, in this system, the air is withdrawn from the inside of the farm through suction fans and this creates a low pressure inside the farm and as a result, the air enters from outside the farm into the system and also called this system tunnel ventilation system

2. The second system

Ventilation through the opening of side curtains (Side-Wall Curtains) where ventilation is by opening and locking the side curtains

The two systems may be put together so that the curtains can be locked and the closed system is operated with suction fans and this is at high and low temperatures

Minimum ventilation

The following table shows the incubation temperature and the lowest ventilation rate of the meat type birds by age of birds

First week 0.5 m 3 / kg/hour at 30°C

Second week 1.0 m3 / kg/hour at 28°C

The third week 1.7 m 3 / kg/hour at 26°C

Fourth week 2.6 m 3 / kg/hour at 24°C

The fifth week 4.5 m3 / kg/hour at 22°C

The sixth week is 5.5 m3 / kg/hour at 22°C

Note: Optimal humidity of the bird 50% to 70% relative humidity and degree of warm-up of birds after the fourth week from 18 to 24 °C

Our services

1. We have a team that solves series of problems prior to project consultation, site survey, sample analysis and installation

2. We have long time and rich experience on the products manufacturing. If any machine operation questions after sales, we will reply you within 24 hours with solution.  And customers can be rest assured

3. We provide follow-up on technical support services to ensure a stable operation of the products our customer’s purchased

4. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy

5. We give guideline to our first time customer’s on how to go about their poultry farm

6. After purchasing our poultry equipment, we do follow up on our customers about the equipment they purchased

Frequently ask questions

Q: How can I detect when my chicks are not comfortable?

A: You can easily notice it by their body movement and changes in their feet because the chicks legs always shows indication about their temperature

Q: What type of heat lamp should I use?

A: Make use of a heat lamp that emits 250 watt infrared heat because is the best for keeping chicks happy and lively

Q: Are LED lights good for chickens?

A: The answer is yes, if light levels are adequate during brood and grow periods, if the light dimmer does its job correctly, and if the birds are cared for properly. Birds perform just as well under LEDs as under other typical light sources found in chicken houses

Q: What are the elements of light that are essential to poultry production?

A: Poultry researchers are interested in three segments of the spectrum, each of which can have an effect on birds' behavior, ultraviolet light, visible light and infrared light

Q: Do layers need light at night?

A: Chickens do not need light at night. They require at least 6 to 8 hours of darkness to get a good night's sleep. This downtime is imperative to the chicken's health and well-being, just as much as daylight or artificial light for 12 to 14 hours per day is critical for laying eggs



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