Poultry equipment
The poultry equipment are equipments which are necessary in rearing poultry animals such as chickens, layers, turkeys and water fowl that are bred and raised for either egg production or poultry (meat) production. These poultry equipments comprise of manure removal system, lighting system, incubators, feeding system, drinking system, incubators, brooders, transport crate, debeaking machine, and egg crates and so on
The poultry equipment are the tools used in the poultry industry to rear poultry birds examples are drinkers, feeders etc
The poultry farm production is the rearing of poultry birds, like ducks, broilers, pullets, quails, turkeys etc
Since the meat is high in protein the need for it has increased and since then this could be easily to derived from poultry meat and its products e.g. Eggs, there will be no loss of energy in seeking for understanding on its rearing and management even if it is at small scale
And it is rear for human consumption since poultry meat is very nutritious and contributes the required protein and the birds are very easy to manage, many people see it as a worthwhile business to progress into
The poultry equipments
1. Manure removal system
For the birds to grow in a clean environment, it is require to equip the system of manure removal for the broilers. First, it helps to decrease the labour potency of the staff and it allows reduction in disease spread, since many contrasting kinds of viruses and microbes that can cause diseases for the bird exist in the litter
2. Transport Crates
It is use for easy transportation. Transport crates is very useful for the purpose of transferring birds from one place to another place
3. Vaccination Equipment
This equipments are very necessary in poultry house and it is use to administer vaccines and drug to the birds in poultry farm. Intravenous injectors are very common in poultry farms.
4. The ventilation system
The ventilation system is very necessary in a poultry farm so as to modulate the air for the poultry birds. It helps to decrease heat in the poultry farm
5. Egg collecting system
This system is used for collecting eggs laid by the birds. It is fully automatic and need no labour
6. Lighting system
This is also a necessary system needed in the poultry farm because the poultry birds require light to grow well
7. Chicken Cages
This is use to keep birds of different types such as layers brolers.Cages are structured with either wood or iron rods and they come in various sizes and structures
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
Characteristics of poultry equipments
1. It reasonable slope decrease the amount of broken eggs
2. It is made easy for cleaning and installation system
3. The feeding and drinking system is automatic
4. The automatic manure remover removes manure which thereby reducing harmful gases
5. It contract adequate and well distributed feed for each tier
Frequently ask questions
Q: Does the poultry birds require much light?
A: Yes, the poultry birds require much light in order to increase their production of eggs
Q: what are poultry equipments?
A: poultry equipment are equipments needed in rearing poultry animals such as chickens, layers, turkeys and water fowl that are bred and raised for either egg production or meat production
Q: What is the work of transport crates?
A: Transport crates use to transferring birds birds form one pace to another place
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