Basic information
In order to actualize the aim of keeping both broilers and layers especially for commercial purpose, there is need for battery cage system in poultry farming because the importance of poultry battery cage in poultry farms cannot be undermined as it enhances high and quality production of eggs and healthy broilers for meat among other importance
The poultry battery cage makes poultry farming easy and labor free for the poultry farmers, poultry battery cage has the same quality and functionality and has lower price producing chicken farming equipment, which can customer’s need. Ever since the invention of poultry battery cage there has been a change in the poultry farming business because of the benefits of the poultry battery cage
Among others, it has increased the level of eggs and meat production because the use of poultry battery cage helps to curb various challenges facing and deteriorating the well-being of birds. It has helped to boost our economic system and equally helps to meet the need of our customers. The poultry battery cage has a nipple drinking systems included in the cages these allow the chickens to get water by pecking at a nipple
Why is it called poultry battery cage
They are called poultry battery cages because they are commonly arranged back-to-back in three rows of identical small metal wire cages connected together like battery cell and they are also used in the poultry farm. In this housing system, hens have access to automatic management-controlled feed and water. Also, the wire cage floors are made in such a way that the eggs roll down to the egg tray for easy automatic collection. However, environmental problems in battery cage for layers will directly affect the growth status and production efficiency of chickens. Therefore, we recommend cleaning and disinfecting of the layer cage. Most of the cage is made of metal. Because it is metal, it will inevitably rust. If improper maintenance of the poultry battery cage for layers is not done, it will inevitably rust because of its metal component and it may be more corrosive
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
Product description
The reason is that the design of the poultry battery cage is that it provides a comfortable environment for the chicken. It uses automatic drinking system, automatic feeding system and temperature control system to ensure the healthy growth of the birds
The poultry battery cage is in housing chickens that are raised for meat consumption or laying of egg and this type of chicken’s are called the broilers or the layers. The battery cage system is currently produced and goes through a hot-dip galvanizing process which is commonly used to make chickens play a better role in these aspects feeding process
The poultry battery cage has lower level for concrete structure and the upper level for steel structure. So the chicken manure can fall into the bottom of the ground directly, no chicken manure pollution
1. It is very easy to operate
2. It has an increased hygiene which results in a lower spread of diseases
3. It makes large number of breeding possible which saves time, labor and space
4. Poultry battery cage controls the temperature and humidity together. It offers chickens a stable living environment. As the battery cage systems are cleaner, there would be less containment both on chickens and eggs. Hence, the eggshell is clean, with a high egg production rate
5. It reduces feed wastage. As the birds in the battery cage system seldom move and consume less. The need for the feed is less accordingly, with the trough placed out of the cage
1. The poultry battery cage method of housing is very useful for the area of moderated climate conditions where the day temperature in summer is not high or fall too low
2. It saves more cost because of its much lowered investment
3. .it saves more space and raises a greater number of chickens reared per unit. It helps in identifying poor producers and prompt culling
4. It is easy to deliver and install in a client’s farm
5. It is designed as layer chicken house, it can help in production of clean eggs because the egg conveyor system can deliver all eggs from different houses to egg storage room, Feed efficiency and egg weight are better in caged chickens
6. It has control over parasitic disease and worm infestation because the caged birds can make better epidemic prevention
Our services
1. We primarily focus on producing quality poultry equipment
2. We render valuables services on poultry equipment
3. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy
4. After purchasing our poultry equipment, we do follow up on our customers about the equipment they purchased
5. We offer the best equipment which meets our customer’s every requirement
6. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy
Frequently ask questions
Q: What are the precautionary measures to put in place in poultry battery cage?
A: The precautionary measure you can carry out in poultry battery cage is to ensure that the chickens do not come in contact with their manure and there should be no spillage of feed all over the cage in other not to draw the attention of other pests or insects such as ants, rats and cockroach
Q: What are the main benefits of using poultry battery cage in my poultry?
A: Firstly, it saves the cost of labor, it has a high tendency of egg production, it does not give room to carry out the act of cannibalism and lastly it provides proper ventilation for the chickens
Q: Does the poultry battery cage system require much labor?
A: No, it does not require much labor
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