Reasons why poultry farmers prefer automatic egg collecting system for layers
Time : 2015-12-30

Basic information

Egg consumption is one of the most eaten foods consumed by human worldwide. It is the nutritional base of millions of families in many countries. For this reason, poultry production systems must guarantee the transport of eggs until the egg reaches the people’s dining room and is completely safe. In laying hen farms is necessary to study, implement and know what mechanisms are going to be used to collect the eggs laid by the hens. Economic, geographical and technical factors are involved there

Chicken eggs are one of the most important food sources globally. Therefore, optimizing all its production stages allows higher yields and lower costs, as well as ensures food safety lengthwise egg collection system operates on the level by level basis, the crosswise conveyor adjusted for specific battery level actuates the respective lengthwise belts, so the egg is transported to the conveyor

Then the egg moves along the inclined conveyor portion and arrives at the stacking table, when out of operation, the crosswise conveyor rests at the upper level in order to avoid interference with the personnel activities. The lengthwise belts may operate at different speed rates. The speed rate is selected by the poultry farm personnel depending on the egg laying performance of the flock and the cross-wise conveyor utilization level

In order to prevent egg contamination during handling at the egg collection belt, the equipment incorporates a dedicated lengthwise belt cleaning brush with the waste container. The lift based egg collection system may be integrated into thegeneralegg  hand ling system of the poultry farm

Reasons why poultry farmers prefer automatic egg collecting system for layers

Product description 

Automatic egg collecting system uses an automatic tray which employs a mechanical system powered by energy which collects the egg that has rolled to the front of the cage, and moves it to a collection point for identification, classification and packaging

Its proper functioning should be constantly checked, and periodic maintenance must be carried out, the egg production cycle to ensure good efficiency, high quality, and safety, it is an important step to the egg collection

The eggs are transported using this system, it is highly recommended that the time elapsed between egg laying and transport must be as short as possible. The egg collecting system is a probability that the egg will be not be contaminated or suffer damage that may affects its safety

Elapsed between egg laying and transportation must be as short as possible. Reducing the times in each of these stages favours the hygiene of the egg since it reduces the probability that the egg will be contaminated or suffers damage that affects its safety

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation


1. Automatic egg collecting system have the function of preventing the eggs from falling and breaking, which can reduce the expenditure of manpower and material resources, and at the same time reduce the breakage rate of the eggs, improve the quality and efficiency of the egg collection, and is suitable for various large scale chicken farms

2. The eggs are transported from the cage net egg trough to the head end of the chicken house through the conveyor belt transmission device or sent to the egg storage through the central egg collection system. The degree of automation is high, manpower is saved, and labour productivity is greatly improved

3. With soft broken egg filtering function, the transmission mechanism of the soft broken egg filtering system adopts chain, sprocket drive, and the transmission is stable. This system is mainly installed according to the needs of customers, and the soft eggs are leaked into the soft egg tray which prevents the egg mucus that is broken during the transportation of soft eggs from sticking to the upload system and contaminate the finished eggs

Reasons why farmers prefer automatic egg collecting system

1. It provides efficient handling

It has a plastic packaging that is extremely stable, it has Full pallets that can be stacked higher than usual systems and the dividers facilitate the stacking of the trays easily and conveniently. Full pallets can be loaded, unloaded and moved more quickly, the system eliminates costly labour to stack and unstack pallets, making a logistics process more flexible, more efficient and more reliable

2. It provides a better use of space

The transport capacity is used to the maximum, while the storage and return transport use a minimum of space

3. It reduces loss

The choice of material and the ingenious design give the trays maximum load capacity, the trays offer the eggs better protection than conventional ones and loss due to breakage and damage during transport are kept to a minimum

4. It helps improves the hygiene

The plastic trays can be completely disinfected, and any source of infection is eliminated

The automatic egg collection system is made of special materials, is corrosion resistant, has a long service life, and can be used for more than 20 years


1. Avoid the entry of external infectious agents through vehicles or external personnel to the farm, keep entry and exit records, carry out complete disinfection of vehicles, utensils, and staff

2. Carry out periodic cleaning and disinfection inside the vehicles used to transport eggs to avoid contamination of these during the trip

3. Qualify the personnel who carry out the transport of eggs in measures of good hygiene and food handling practices, to avoid the loss of safety of the eggs due to improper handling

4. Minimize any risk of egg breakage, including environmental, human, or mechanical factors: this will prevent the entry of microorganisms into the egg

5. Ensure that the load of eggs is secured correctly inside the transport truck, to avoid accidents that could damage the eggs

6. Collect the eggs after feeding the hens to avoid stress during their feeding and not to interfere with this stage

7. Make a complete collection every 2 hours approximately, to avoid damage to the shell or integrity of the egg

8. Use new cardboard trays and never from another farm, to avoid the entry of infectious agents

9. Place the eggs with the flattened side up and the sharper side down. This will protect the air chamber of the egg ensuring a longer shelf life

10. Classify the eggs by their size

11. Never use dirty or broken eggs for human consumption

12. Change the litter material of the posture places; never reuse material from the shed floor

13. Clean and disinfect egg collection containers or replace them with new ones when possible

14. Staff should wash and disinfect their hands before manually collecting eggs

15. Avoid placing the egg containers directly on the floor or against the walls, they should be placed on wooden pallets or other material that ensures their distance from the floor

Our services

1. We offer the best equipment which can meet our customers every requirement

2. We have long time and rich experience on the products manufacturing. If any machine operation questions after sales, we will reply you within 24 hours with solutions. And customer can be rest assured

3. We offer excellent services in all our equipment

4. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy

5. We recommend suitable products based on customer’s availability resources

6. Installation team come for installation after customers have received the goods

Frequently ask questions

Q: How can i maintain an automatic egg collecting system?

A: Ensure to carry out a proper periodic cleaning and disinfection inside the vehicles used to transport eggs to avoid contamination of these during the trip

Q: Is there a particular location the egg collecting system should be situated at?

A: The system does not actually have a fixed location. It is mainly installed according to the needs of customers

Q: Do chicken eggs need to be collected every day?

A: Fresh eggs need to be collected daily. Eggs should not be allowed to sit in the nest boxes for several days. Twice a day seems to be the good number of collection times to shoot for, in average weather conditions that should suffice

Q: How can we increase egg production in poultry?

A: Introduce birds to their new environment one to two weeks prior to lay and ensure to increase the amount of feed or the energy content of the diet and lastly, the feed formulation to meet higher calcium requirements



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