Basic information
Broilers are intensively characterise for productive traits. Extreme selection pressure towards either growth rate or feed conversion ratio puts high demands on the metabolic processes in broilers. This has resulted in anatomical and physiological limitation of blood flow through their lungs, with deficient oxygenation of their tissues as a consequence
Oxygen requirement is the most critical trigger of ascites in broilers. Ascites susceptibility is particularly pronounced during the period of rapid juvenile growth when the metabolic rate is very high although the peak incidence of ascites occurs in the fifth or sixth week of the growing period, the etiolgy of the disease may be initiated much earlier, even during the embryonic stage
Rapid growth increases the oxygen requirement, cardiac output, and blood flow and may result in increased pulmonary arterial pressure primarily by increasing the metabolic demand for oxygen5. Chicken embryos grow rapidly over the last seven days of incubation, resulting in a 60 per cent increase in the oxygen consumption during the interval between the start of breathing and hatching
Oxygen supplementation should be administered from 18 to 21 days of incubation and it could be used as an effective means of improving hatchability of broiler eggs. Right ventricular failure and ascites are responses to the increased workload by the right ventricle as a result of pulmonary hypertrophy. Right ventricle to total ventricle ratio can be used to determine the ascites status of a bird before gross lesions are apparent
1. Ventilation in a poultry house supplies fresh air that is essential to sustain life. It also helps reduce the extremes of temperature, humidity and air contamination to tolerable limits for confined chickens
2. Improved ventilation systems have also made possible the high density populations of livestock and poultry in confinement, thus reducing the building cost per unit housed. This is economically important since it reduces production and labour costs
3. Ventilation air removes excess heat, moisture, dust and odours from the building and, at the same time, dilutes airborne disease organisms. Properly designed winter systems also conserve energy by utilising heat generated by the birds. Providing proper ventilation to poultry is an art but it can be mastered by any determined and willing poultry grower. It is a challenge, however, since poultry houses are different and ventilation requirements change with time of day, season, temperature, humidity, wind, bird age and density. This publication discusses the general principles of poultry house ventilation
4. If air is not replaced in an enclosed building where poultry is confined, the air composition changes. The concentration of carbon dioxide, ammonia and other harmful gases will increase to unacceptable levels. Table 1 indicates the level of some of the gases that research has shown to be critical and the level that is desirable. As the ventilation system exchanges the air in the building, it brings in the oxygen needed to sustain life and carries out the harmful gases and undesirable odours caused by respiration and waste decomposition. The system also dilutes airborne disease organisms and keeps them at a tolerable level for the birds’ health
5. Ventilation must be used to remove excess moisture from the house. Proper ventilation reduces relative humidity, promotes health and prevents moisture from condensing on the walls and ceiling. When heated, air expands in volume and can hold more moisture. The moisture-holding capacity of air doubles each time the air temperature is raised approximately 20°F
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
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1. Natural air flow system
The basic Requirements for a good ventilation system must have an adequate supply of air to the building and an adequate air distribution system inside the building. The prevailing wind direction, building orientation and site features control air availability, ensure to orient the houses in an east-west direction. Ventilated shelters must be exposed to the wind, so place the building on a high site rather than in a low place. Keep natural or man-made wind barriers at least 100 feet away from the side where the prevailing wind enters the building. Windbreaks reduce natural air movement for a distance five to 10 times their height. Proper design and construction details will ensure good distribution and air movement
2. Mechanical ventilation system
Mechanical air movement is required to properly ventilate a house in all extreme climatic conditions. These mechanical systems use electric fans as principal components to exchange air in the building. They are divided into two distinct types of negative pressure and positive pressure
Negative (exhaust) system
In the negative pressure system, fans are arranged to expel air from the building. In doing so, they create a partial vacuum or negative pressure inside the house. The pressure difference pulls fresh air through inlets into the poultry house and distribute inlets uniformly around the perimeter of the building
Positive pressure system
A positive pressure system uses fans to push air into the building and create a positive pressure. The pressure difference causes the air to move in this case out through louvres or other outlets. A number of positive pressure systems are used in the poultry industry. One system pushes warm air into the house and mixes it with inside air throughout the house. In another type, the warm air is pushed the length of the house through plastic tubes or ducts with outlets. This system distributes heat and mixes air in the poultry house
Components of mechanical ventilation system
1. Fans
In selecting fans for a specific ventilation system, the wide range of climatic conditions must be considered as well as the ventilation system under which they will be used, must be rugged, top-quality equipment must be used when operating under adverse conditions, the Air Movement Control Association has set up a standard test codes and procedures for fan manufacturers to use in rating the performance of fans. These ratings assure the buyer that the fan will deliver the volume of air specified
2. Inlets and outlets
The rate of air exchange is determined by the fans but the uniformity of air distribution depends primarily on the location, design and adjustment of the air inlets
3. Fan control
Fans are usually controlled by thermostats or thermostats in combination with interval timers. A single stage thermostat will control one or more single speed fans by activating the fan when the temperature rises and stopping it when the air temperature drops to a selected level. A thermostat with a double throw switch will control a two-speed fan, automatically changing from high to low speed as temperature changes to a selected level. Fans with motor-operated shutters should be controlled by the same thermostat to ensure their simultaneous operation
1. Ensure to design the system with extreme climatic conditions of the area in mind
2. Follow the design and specifications when you install the ventilation equipment
3. For system balance, the building should be filled with birds to the designed capacity
3. Insulation of the structure must be based on the intended use and local weather conditions
4. Insulation should be of the proper type and installed so as to be protected from rapid deterioration
5. Clean the ventilation system regularly and adjust it seasonally
6. Provide supplemental heat and cooling for extreme climatic conditions
7. All equipment such as fans and controls should be serviced periodically and maintained in good condition
8. Provide good management for the poultry, the building and the ventilation system
9. A suitable alarm system or stand by electric generating equipment should be available in case of power failure
Our services
1. We give guideline to our first time customer’s on how to go about their poultry farm
2. We have long time and rich experience on the products manufacturing. If any machine operation questions after sales, we will reply you within 24 hours with solution. And customers can be rest assured
3. We offer excellent services in all our equipment
4. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy
6. After purchasing our poultry equipment, we do follow up on our customers about the equipment they purchased
Frequently ask questions
Q: What are the requirements to providing oxygen in the poultry house?
A: Provide supplemental heat and cooling for extreme climatic conditions such as fans, inlet and outlets which can produce a conducive environment for the broilers
Q: How can I maintain a proper ventilated environment for my broilers?
A: ensure to always keep the ventilated equipments clean and away from damage in other to maintain a proper supply of oxygen to the broiler
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