Factors that causes low egg production in layers
Time : 2019-03-06

Basic information

Layers are poultry birds which are reared for quality egg production in poultry farming and in commercial egg production every poultry farmer expects to obtain an optimum yield of eggs from layers. When this expectation falls short, it becomes a source of concern because a decline in egg production can be one of the first signs of a problem on the farm

Usually, the laying cycle of layers covers 12 months, and they lay eggs commercially from 18 to 19 weeks of age until their 72 to 78 weeks of age. Their production reaches a peak of about 90 per cent in the sixth or eighth week from the day they started laying and then declines to about 65 per cent after their laying cycle

However, there are some instances where farmers have witnessed their layers suddenly dropping their egg production to even less than 40 per cent before the 12 months laying period. Therefore, unravelling the cause of a sudden drop in egg production requires a thorough assessment of the birds by the poultry farmer, as there are checkpoints that often identify the specific cause for low egg production in a poultry farm

With these checkpoints, you can easily recognize when a drop in egg production is caused by a problem that requires your attention and take the necessary measures to increase the production of eggs on your farm. Also, remember to consult with your veterinarian. As long as your layers have all they need to be healthy, they will produce as they should

Factors that causes low egg production in layers


1. Poor quality feed and water consumption

Layers cannot produce eggs optimally without a proper and balanced diet because to be healthy and productive, they require adequate nutrients in the right form daily. Hence, to ensure optimal egg production and maintain egg quality, feed the birds with feed made from high-quality raw materials and proper feed formulation according to the age of the birds. Do not feed them mouldy feeds and avoid too much feed in feeders. Check the feed for rodents and wild bird infestation

2. Decreased exposure to light

Egg production is affected by the length of exposure to daylight, as light trigger layers’ pituitary gland to produce eggs. Hence, laying hens should enjoy adequate lighting for at least 14-16 hours. This means that increased lighting stimulates egg production and decreased daylight hours can cause a drop in or stop to egg production. To prevent this, provide artificial light to maintain a constant day length of at least 14 hours per day. Lights should be checked regularly so that they do not get dimmer. Also, layers should not be exposed to too much light, as they reach sexual maturity at an early stage and lay very small eggs

3. Diseases and parasite infestation

Most times, one of the first symptoms of a disease is a decline in egg production. Diseases that result in a drop in egg production include newcastle, fowl Pox, fowl cholera, coccidiosis, bird flu etc. Egg drop syndrome (EDS), which is caused by a viral infection in layers, is characterized by the production of soft-shelled and shell less eggs in birds, leads to a sudden drop in egg production. Also, the infestation of Ector parasites like fowl mite, lice, and fleas, as well as endo parasites like roundworms, tapeworms, gape worms among others, could result in a drop in the production of eggs by layers 

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

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1. Collect the eggs after feeding the hens to avoid stress during their feeding and not to interfere with this stage

2. Make a complete collection every 2 hours approximately, to avoid damage to the shell or integrity of the egg

3. Use new cardboard trays and never from another farm, to avoid the entry of infectious agents

4. Place the eggs with the flattened side up and the sharper side down and this will protect the air chamber of the egg ensuring a longer shelf life

5. Classify the eggs by their size according to the current regulations of each country 

6. Never use dirty or broken eggs for human consumption

7. Change the litter material of the posture places and never reuse material from the shed floor


1. To prevent this, ensure you follow a proper vaccination schedule and deworming program. Deworm the birds monthly by using kepromec oral. Use ectoblast for delousing and to handle flies in poultry. Manage your litter well to prevent diseases such as coccidiosis

2. Also, follow good biosecurity measures and general sanitary precautions, however, if you suspect a disease, contact a skilled veterinarian to examine your flock and get an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Your best protection against disease is to buy healthy stock and keep them isolated from other birds. If you wish to increase your flock, buy chicks from a reputable hatchery or hatch some of your eggs

3. Also, some drugs are poorly soluble in hard water and can deduce the efficacy of vaccines. Always provide clean and fresh water for the birds, as unclean water could cause lower egg production. Sanitize and clean pipelines and tanks with hydro-care

4. Clean and disinfect egg collection containers or replace them with new ones when possible

5. Staff should wash and disinfect their hands before manually collecting eggs

4. Stress

A drop in egg production occurs when laying hens are stressed for any reason. For instance, most layers are usually affected by sudden changes in their usual pattern, such as a change of pen location or layout. Other stressors that can trigger egg production decline include being harassed by a predator at night, and severe weather including extreme cold or extreme heat. Therefore, poultry farmers should avoid handling or moving their birds as soon as they start laying eggs, and amend security lapses on the farm

5. Moulting

Moulting is the natural process of feather shedding and regrowth. Hens divert protein and energy away from egg production to concentrate on feather growth. Poorer layers and older hens often moult more and lay less. Supplementing a hen’s diet with extra protein during a moult can aid in feather growth and egg production

6. Faulty cage design

The improper slope of cage floor could result in egg breakage or egg eating by birds. Also, space between the feeder and egg tray will allow eggs to roll out for birds to extend their neck and peck or break the egg

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Frequently ask questions

Q: What can possibly affect egg production in the poultry?

A: Egg production can literally be affected by the length of daylight exposure to layers, as light triggers layers’ pituitary gland to produce egg

Q: What can I give to my layers to reduce low egg production?

A: Ensure to provide proper nutritional feed for the layers for they require adequate nutrients in the right form daily to being able to produce



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