Basic information
Poultry management has to do with the practice of rearing production techniques that help to maximize the efficiency of production. Sound poultry management activities are very essential to optimize production. Poultry farming is the process of animal husbandry which raises domesticated bird such as chickens to produce meat or eggs for food. The management of poultry involves some basic points which is regular maintained under farming condition. The common practices are brooder management before the arrival of chicks, water management, incubator management, rearing materials management, a carefully controlled environment that avoids crowding, chilling, overheating, or frightening is almost universal in poultry farming. Cannibalism, which expresses itself as toe picking, feather picking, and tail picking, is controlled by debeaking at one day of age and by other management practices. The feeding, watering, egg gathering, and cleaning operations are highly mechanized. Birds are usually housed in wire cages with two or three animals per cage, depending on the species and breed, and three or four tiers of cages superposed to save space. Cages for egg laying birds have been found to increase production, lower mortality, reduce cannibalism, lower feeding requirements, reduce diseases, improve culling, and reduce both space and labour requirements
Brooding Management
Brooding of chick’s management is a critical task especially before and after arrival in the broader house. If the farmers fail to provide appropriate conditions before landing chicks in the brooder house, the business would lose at the endpoint
1. All the important items such as litter, paper, chick guard, water, hover, food container should be placed in the proper place three hours in advance
2. Turn on the hover lights two to three hours in advance and check the thermometer readings an hour later. Normally, set the lights according to the weather. For instance, 1watt/chicks are enough for the summer or hot season and 2-3 watt/ chicks for the winter season
3. Half an hour before the baby arrives, lightly placed the paper around and inside the brooder with a probiotic or without soluble in water
4. The baby should be placed in the proper place for 5 minutes before the baby arrives. Try to place the broader area in the middle of the shed
5. After the baby arrives, put the baby on the farm before placing the hoover with the box for about 5 minutes
6. Then weigh each box with the baby and record in the box with the box number followed by the removal of the empty box weight and you will gain the weight of the baby one day
Water management
Water is an essential factor for chickens. As they grow within a short time, the water requirement for the chicken is very crucial. The general function of water in chicken and other living organisms is to transport Oxygen, nutrients, drugs vaccines, and other physiologic activities to maintain proper health conditions
The following steps includes
1. Washing drinkers
Ensure to wash and disinfect chick drinkers daily. Use a reliable water sanitizer like chlorine to control disease causing organisms in the water. Ensure the drinkers are filled with fresh water after washing and never allow the drinkers to go dry
2. Water distribution
Distribute drinkers evenly throughout the whole house, alternating them with the feeders so that they are easily accessible to all birds. The furthest distance to the next waterer or drinker should be 1.5 meters
3. Provide one chick fount for 75 chicks during the first week and gradually replace them with the regular drinkers. Always adjust the drinkers and feeders levels as the birds grow to ensure that the equipment is always slightly above the level of the birds’ backs to minimize spillage
Litter management
Litter that is too dry and dusty can be one of many indications that the birds may not be drinking enough. Too much dusty material may lead to respiratory problems. Suitable litter material like sawdust and paddy husk should be spread to a length of 5 cm depending upon their availability and cost. Moldy material should not be used. The litter should be stirred at frequent intervals to prevent caking. Wet litters if any should be removed immediately and replaced by dry new litter. This prevents ammonia odour, some factors to consider which may help prevent the development of wet litter: type of material, quality of litter, litter depth, water quality, drinker line management, lighting management, ventilation and temperature. Litter that is too dry and dusty can be one of many indications that the birds may not be drinking enough. Too much dusty material may lead to respiratory problems
Monitoring during times of transition
Increasing the frequency at which barns are walked and examining the activity of the flock can help with early disease detection. Daily monitoring of temperature, humidity and ventilation inside the barn as well as outside temperature is recommended. Monitoring transition times can help with understanding what is happening in the barn e.g., from day to night, when birds are placed, during half-house brooding, feed changes, etc. Monitoring feed and water consumption helps to monitor the chicken’s progress
Stocking density
A higher stocking density of poultry in addition to crowded housing conditions has been shown to have a negative impact on performance, causing stress to both the birds and intestinal microbiota. Lowering stocking density throughout the overall production of the birds may help to reduce challenges
Environmental management
The environmental management of the cage includes many components, such as temperature, relative humidity, ventilation and lighting. Understanding that these components work both separately and together can help to guide your management
Coccidiosis prevention
Coccidiosis is a disease caused that is caused by a microscopic intestinal parasite. This parasite can have an impact on intestinal integrity and may predispose birds to other intestinal problems. Maintaining intestinal integrity during this time through innovative technologies is critical in allowing birds to perform to their maximum levels despite gut health challenges
Pre placement preparation
This process is needed before the new chicken arrives to help prevent losses during brooding and the rest of grow out. Checkpoints to keep in mind: heaters, floor temperature, temperature and relative humidity probes, ventilation, drinkers, feeders, etc. Drinker equipment maintenance
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
1. Avoid birds be subjected to heat stress when the air temperature and humidity uncontrollably increase their core body temperature
2. Heat stress can result in panting, increased water intake and eventually death
3. Access to cool, fresh water, ventilation, and adjusted feed schedules can help provide relief to the chickens
4. Control rodents, insects and wild birds on your farm
5. Properly wash and store eggs to prevent salmonella contamination
6. Have a strong and strict biosecurity program for your farm
Our services
1. We offer free guide on poultry house construction to our customers
2. We offer pre-sale services to help customers have rightful information on the business
3. Delivery of goods directly to customers’ farm after payment
4. Installation team come for installation after customers have received the goods
5. After sale service is done as we do follow-up to see the state at which the materials we supplied are
Frequently ask questions
Q: Why is it necessary to provide cage for rearing of chicken?
A: To control and prevent the control of diseases
Q: What can I do with the litter material removed from the poultry house?
A: The litter materials may contain harmful germs so when removed, it should be properly disposed using a polythene sheet to help it ferment into a safe material for use
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