Basic information
Despite numerous advances in the technique and method of rearing poultry birds, there are still few challenges that poultry owners face. It is therefore important to know these challenges before starting your poultry business so that you will be better informed and equipped. Some of the major challenges poultry farmers face include
1. Disease outbreak which could lead to loss of all birds
This certainly is still a challenge to this present day. Although poultry disease varies from country to country, with little research on vaccines, these diseases still pose to be a great threat to the lives of the birds. Ensure you use standard vaccination schedule during vaccination. Diseases and parasites is a great poultry farming system problem: Diseases and parasites can cause losses in egg production. Some breeds of birds are resistance to certain diseases which make them superior to those that are easily infected by many diseases. More over if you want your laying birds for maximum production, do all you could to prevent them against any kind of diseases. In case of any outbreak of diseases treat them immediately so that their production will not be tampered with
2. Lack of a clean and stable supply of water
This could be a real challenge to the growth of poultry farming, most areas in the country are not accessible to clean waters. Water related Problem in poultry farming system: This problem should not be underrated, the quality of water available is very important, the acidity of the water must be checked and balanced before we give to the birds. Acidic water will imply negative effect to the life of the birds as this will affect them in many ways
3. High cost of feed
This can also be a great challenge as the country has failed to research more alternative rescues for creating the birds feed. Feed related problem in poultry farming system is another problem we need to consider as this determines the growth rate of our birds. Feeding is more than just given the birds feeds, they need balanced diets if you want them to do well. Some producers mix complete feeds with cheaper scratch grains, but doing so dilutes the levels of nutrients the chickens are receiving, and nutrient deficiencies can occur. Nutrient deficiencies can adversely affect the growth of pullets and the level of production of hens. Adulteration of poultry feed due to scarce or limited resources used in producing suitable feeds
4. Poor funding of research institutes by the government
These institutions research a possible vaccine for farm diseases, but due to poor funding by the government, the institute has become obsolete and inadequate to help farmers fight against bird diseases. Financial problem in poultry farming system is the most important problem which affect more than 80% of farmers globally. In one area or the other, capital contributes to the success of your farm. Access to capital will make your farm to grow faster than those that do not have access to any financial assistance
5. Lack of vital information
There is a wit that says, if you are not informed, you will be deformed. So getting vital information is a way of accumulating knowledge on the business you are about to start. Lack of information is a poultry farming system: This problem is as bad as the first point. If you want to succeed in life in any business or in anything at all, you need the right information about that thing. Some people just rush into poultry farming system without the proper information, while some got information from the wrong source. Getting the right information will help you in all area of your farm and you will get the reward on time
6. Drugs related problem in poultry farming system
This is a big threat to poultry farmers, not all drugs requires are available in the market, sometime those available are not effective, meaning they are fake
7. Management related problem in poultry farming system
This refers to the general hygiene of the entire farming system, if you apply the above listed solution and you are not properly taken care of the birds you will end up spending big money that will not materialize
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
Solutions to these challenges
1.The major way to curb outbreak of diseases when it happens is poultry farming system is the use of battery cage as birds are separated into cells in columns and are not exposed to their as the cage is designed in such a way that birds do not have access to their waste. When a farmer noticed any strange thing in farm as regards the birds’ healthy, it is expedient that such farmer consults a veteran doctor for drug prescriptions
2. There should provision of good and clean water for birds. Equally, the use of accessories for drinking should be given a proper consideration .Nipples for birds reared in cage are the best accessories as the water drops directly to the birds’ mouth. This implies that birds do not deep their peak into water
3. Government should be ready at all time to be of help in terms of financial capacity. Government should encourage our researchers by financing them so as to make available the knowledge needed to be successful in poultry farming business
4. Farmers should endeavor to sources for feed locally and they can as well venture into crop farming especially cereals (grains) so as to start their chicken feed production themselves with the help feed mill mixer and crusher machine
Our services
1. We provide farmers with necessary information to help them overcomes challenges in their business by giving them detailed articles on our websites regards anything in poultry farming
2. We encourage poultry farmers to use the right poultry equipment that will help them curb risk and loss in their business
3. Our company make all poultry equipment available locally and internationally for all poultry farmers to access at affordable price
4. We have Research and Development team that provide our customers with adequate information on any question that may arise
Frequently ask questions
Q: How can I curb disease outbreak in my poultry farm?
A: Using the right equipment and taking necessary precaution?
Q: What should I do if I discover any sick bird in my farm?
A: With an immediate effect, separate such bird from others and consult a veteran doctor
Q: How do I manage the daily inflation in the cost of feed?
A: Get your own feed mill processing machine and start producing your own feed and you can as well sell to other poultry farmers
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