Basic information
Hatched chicks should be active, uniform in size and healthy. Although newly hatched chicks can survive on their own body reserves for up to 72 hours, depending on environmental conditions, their survival is increased if they are provided with food and water within 24 hours of hatching. The sooner they are provided with these and a warm area, the higher the rate of survival. Chicks must not be chilled or overheated at any time
In small village poultry settings, hens can care for up to 15 chicks. Ideally, chicks should be provided with a commercial ration or other feed for at least the first two weeks, to improve the survival rate, spot brooding for small flocks of up to 20 chicks, a small enclosure in the poultry house or a confined area can be set up. This can be made from cardboard or timber, with a heat lamp suspended over the enclosure to keep the chicks warm
When the chicks are provided with an ideal temperature, they spread uniformly over the enclosure, when chicks feel cold. They crowd under the heat source. If the pen is too warm, the chicks move away from the heat and pant with their wings spread out. For larger flocks of up to 400 chicks, circular enclosures are set up in the poultry house to retain them. There should be sufficient space for chicks to move away from the heat source. Temperatures in the outer part of the enclosure may be as low as 20 °C. As the birds age, the stocking density is reduced by moving chicks to other growing cages
When this system is used, the house temperature is lowered by about 2 to 3 °C per week until it reaches ambient temperature, provided this is not below 18 °C. Chick feeders at one day old, feed for the chicks can be scattered on paper. After three to four days, the paper can be removed, and chicks provided with feed in shallow feeders on the floor or cages
These should be cleaned and refilled daily. Feed and daily management of chicks should be checked four times a day, taking note of any abnormal behaviour and ensuring that they are healthy and not heat- or cold-stressed. They should be observed to see if they are able to eat and drink successfully from the equipment provided. Any dead chicks should be removed, and litter should be dry
1. Proper cleaning and disinfection of grower house is needed before introduction of grower birds
2. Provide sufficient floor space, feeding space and water space
3. Spread litter material to a height of 4” in case of deep-litter system
4. Change the feeder and water trough according to the need
5. Arrange feeder and water trough in the grower house
6. Adopt restricted feeding program during growing period to prevent fattening of pullers and early sexual maturity and thus to improved egg production
7. Follow good litter management to avoid diseases like coccidiosis
8. Only 12 hours lighting program is sufficient in case of open-sided houses. No artificial light is needed
9. Aim for the uniformity of the flock. Sample weights are taken once in a week to find out the average body weight as per the breeder suggestions
10. Follow strictly the recommended vaccination, medication and other management programs like deworming, debeaking etc. for the growers
Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...
Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation
1. Restricted feeding during growing period
Quantitative feed restriction
It is a process in which the amount of feed is reduced below the normal requirement of the birds. This can be done on day-to-day basis or skip-a-day program or skip-two days in a week program. But this restriction depends on the matching of the flock average body weight with standard body weight provided by the breeder
Qualitative feed restriction
It is a process in which the quality of the feed is reduced below the standard requirement of the bird. This can be done by including unconventional feeds or lesser nutrient feed ingredients in place of high protein or high energy diet. Here the quantity of allotment to the bird is not restricted. During restricted feeding program, provide more number of feeders and see that all the birds are taking feed simultaneously or otherwise dominant birds will take more amount of feed and the weaker will be subjected feed deprivation and hence the uniformity will be affected
Advantages of feed restriction
1. A considerable saving on feed cost because, only 80% of the calculated feed requirement will be offered
2. They are likely to consume less feed per dozen eggs even during laying period when they are offered ad libitum feed
3. The pullets accumulate less fat and therefore produce more eggs
4. It is easier to identify weaker birds at an early age during feed restriction. Culling of such birds helps not only saving feed but also promoting layer house survivability because, healthier birds will be moving to laying house
5. Layers feed-restricted during growing period have been found to produce heavier eggs in longer clutches than those fed ad libitum
2. Uniformity
At a given age, growing pullets should have average body weight very closer to breeders as recommended and atleast 70% of the birds’ weight within 10% of flock average. Points to be considered for getting uniformity among growing pullets are
1. Receiving chicks of uniform weight
2. Provide proper feeding, watering and floor space
3. Change the feeder and water trough according to the age
4. The height of the feeder and water trough should be at the back height of the bird
5. Provide proper energy in the diet
6. Sample weights of the pullets are taken at regular intervals and change the feed accordingly
7. Provide proper feeding space, so as to all birds consume feed simultaneously
Our services
1. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy
2. We give guideline to our first time customer’s on how to go about their poultry farm
3. After purchasing our poultry equipment, we do follow up on our customers about the equipment they purchased
4. We offer the best equipment which meets our customer’s every requirement
5. We have long time and rich experience on the products manufacturing. If any machine operation questions after sales, we will reply you within 24 hours with solution. And customers can be rest assured
6. We offer excellent services in all our equipment
Frequently ask questions
Q: How do I monitor the well-being of the growers?
A: Feed and daily management of the growers should be checked four times a day, taking note of any abnormal behaviour and ensuring that they are healthy and not heat- or cold-stressed
Q: What I can do to maintain a healthy living of my chicks?
A: Proper cleaning and disinfection of the grower house should be done before introduction of grower birds
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