Operation instruction of poultry battery cage
Time : 2010-09-23

Basic information

Instruction is the key that unlock the uses of any machine or equipment that you know nothing about and it is essential to guide these instructions with all diligence as it will help us to overcome every difficulty that may arise in the course of operating the equipment that we purchase. Farming is a much broader term that is used for various different kinds of farming methods collectively. Farming is not restricted to the growing of crops only, but even the raising of cows, goat and domestic birds like chicken, ducks; turkey’s etc. Our focus will be chickens that are raised in poultry battery cages especially on automatic type. What are the reasons for adopting this method? How effective this method has been in recent years while raising hens through poultry battery cages?

poultry battery cages are a housing system used for various animal production methods, but primarily for egg-laying hens and broilers. The name arises from the arrangement of rows and columns of identical cages connected together, in a unit, as in an artillery battery. Although the term is usually applied to poultry farming, similar cage systems are used for other animals. poultry battery cages have generated controversy between advocates for animal welfare and industrial producers. This method is adopted so that a large quantity of hens could be accommodated in a very limited space so as to reduce the cost and to gain the same level of output, that is, production of eggs. This method of poultry farming has been in the limelight since the discovery of such that being practice for the egg laying hens

Operation instruction of poultry battery cage

Poultry battery cage description

Automatic poultry battery cage as the name implies works with little or no human efforts, as its works automatically what it’s being instructed to do. It comes with all necessary accessories like the  feeder, drinker, conveyor belt(that removes chicken’s manure) and the other conveyor belt (gathers the eggs).Automatic cage makes chicken rearing easy and bearable for all poultry farmers. Our poultry cages have been exported to many countries. We have offices in China and other countries all over the world, always available for farmers both locally and globally to supply them cages of different types

With the rapidly development of modern husbandry industry, automatic poultry cage for has been used by chicken farmers at home and abroad. This kind of chicken poultry cage system in poultry industry is very suitable for feeding chickens like layers, broilers, baby chickens and breeder chickens in large quantities

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

Bookmark our website and contact us now to discuss your modern poultry farm plan and quotation

Working Principles of poultry battery cage components

1. Automatic feeding machine

The automatic chicken feeding machine takes feed from a central hopper or bin out to feed the birds continuously all day. In place of having to fill the score of separate feeding troughs, the poultry man fills just one – the hopper – and does it just this process once a day. There is also a manpower hopper is the beginning of main feed line

The distributing systems consist of with an endless chain driven by the motor and also gears. Here we can have a pan feed sensor where the ends of each feeding line that controls motors on and have to achieve automatic feeds delivery. When all the feeds pan are filled of feed, control box will stop the motors from working. When pan is eaten up, these start the control that will restart the motor

After the feeds are put into the hopper and the machine is started, the operations are continuous. Feeds in the hopper are moved to an outlet ports at the bottom of hopper. It falls through the opening onto the slowly moving chain. The chain, which are travels through the trough, carries the feeds along with it out to the flock. The bird eat it from trough

2. Automatic drinking system

Automatic layer drinking system is one of the most essential equipment in the whole poultry industry, which needs scientific design and convenient operation. We produces a series of automatic drinking system as customer’s needs demand and “creating high efficiency products for our clients”. Installed with nipple drinker or nipple cups in the layer chicken cage. Our nipple drinker is produced in an excellent processing workshop without leaking 

3. Automatic egg- collector system

The egg collecting system uses an automatic tray which employs a mechanical system powered by energy which collects the egg that has rolled to the front of the cage, and moves it to a collection point for identification, classification and packaging. Its proper functioning should be constantly checked, and periodic maintenance must be carried out, the egg production cycle to ensure good efficiency, high quality, and safety, it is an important step to the egg collection

The eggs are transported using this system, it is highly recommended that the time elapsed between egg-laying and transport must be as short as possible. The egg collecting system is a probability that the egg will be not be contaminated or suffer damage that may affects its safety. Elapsed between egg-laying and transportation must be as short as possible, reducing the times in each of these stages favours the hygiene of the egg since it reduces the probability that the egg will be contaminated or suffer damage that affects its safety


1. Avoid the entry of external infectious agents through vehicles or external personnel to the farm: keep entry and exit records, carry out complete disinfection of vehicles, utensils, and staff

2. Carry out periodic cleaning and disinfection inside the vehicles used to transport eggs to avoid contamination of these during the trip

3. Qualify the personnel who carry out the transport of eggs in measures of good hygiene and food handling practices, to avoid the loss of safety of the eggs due to improper handling

3. Minimize any risk of egg breakage, including environmental, human, or mechanical factors: this will prevent the entry of microorganisms into the egg

4. Ensure that the load of eggs is secured correctly inside the transport truck, to avoid accidents that could damage the eggs

5. Collect the eggs after feeding the hens to avoid stress during their feeding and not to interfere with this stage

4. Automatic manure removal system

Our manure removal is primarily used with the poultry battery cage system to eradicate and get rid of the poultry manure in poultry farming cages. This will provide an optimal cage environment for your chickens. The equipment comes in either two-blade or three-blade varieties, depending on the conformation of your poultry pen. We believe in the importance of heavy duty reliable systems to transport the manure from the sheds to their final destination either via trucks or conveyors to the stocking area. In our company technical solutions, components' quality and efficiency are the main characteristics, it also keeps poultry cages clean and hygienic. The manure elevator, amply dimensioned, allows the loading of the manure onto special trucks or its transfer to the stocking area. The heavy duty driving unit is specifically designed to be weather resistant. Horizontal manure belt takes the product from the PPP belts under the cages and transports it to another belt elevator placed at 90° or in line. Particular attention has been placed in the quality of the belts

Our company as one of the most prominent poultry cages manufacturers in China, specializes in producing a whole set of chicken equipment and supporting facilities in poultry farming. Because the thorough knowledge of the varied aspects of the market, we have been able to provide the customers with a wide array of poultry cages. Under this range, we offer broiler chicken cages, poultry battery cages, poultry battery cages for breeders, poultry battery cages for layer, layer cages, etc. Available in varied sizes and shapes, the range can also be customized as per the clients’ requirement

Our services

1. We give adequate instructions to our customers

2. We ensure that our engineers put our customers through on how to use our products

3. We emphasize precautions on any of our equipment customers are purchasing

4. We do follow up to see how effectives our equipment are working

Frequently ask questions

Q: Do you give manual for every of your product?

A: Yes we do give manual to guide our customers

Q: what if I don’t understand how to use the equipment even with manual

A: Our engineers are always available to put our customers through



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