How poultry battery cage system working in poultry farm
Time : 2021-02-17

Basic information

One of the most important challenges for the poultry farmers is to enhance chicken productivity while remaining economically and environmentally sustainable. Feeding represents the major cost in raising of broiler chickens and has important implications for environmental impact, either directly or indirectly

Therefore, improving broiler capacity in converting ingested feed into body growth, which is generally referred to as feed efficiency often expressed through the feed conversion ratio is fundamental to promoting a sustainable intensification of poultry production

In this review, we highlight the importance of feed efficacy improvements in terms of overall sustainability for the broiler chicken production chain. Furthermore, the potential of feed additive-based nutritional strategies, such as the dietary administration of crystalline amino acids, proteases, phytases and organic minerals, is critically discussed in the light of their role in supporting the sustainable intensification of this crucial livestock sector

Improving the feed efficiency would increase profitability for producers while also reducing the environmental footprint of livestock production, profitability, especially since all of the above are routine management measures

How poultry battery cage system working in poultry farm

Product description 

Poultry battery cage system is designed to house laying hens, meaning a female chicken that produces eggs. After being born in hatcheries, undergoing the process of debeaking and awaiting maturity which usually takes about 18 weeks. While designs may differ based on country or individual farm, generally battery cages are made of wire on all sides, including the bottom, so that waste falls through to collection troughs below

Poultry battery cage system is a small metal wire cage. This poultry battery cage for poultry is the most commonly arranged in three rows of identical small metal wire cages connected together like cells, hence the name. Further, these rows are stacked on top of one another. This formation is called tier cage

The floors of the poultry battery cages system are sloped so that eggs roll down toward the troughs on one end of the cage, where the eggs are then carried away via conveyor belt. A feeding trough is located on the other side of the cage, and food is generally always available to the chickens. They must push their heads and necks through the wire mesh

A poultry battery cage also known is made up of 2 parts the starter section, which has the medication tanks, and supplies water to the rest of the layer cages, and follower sections. You can add as many follower sections to a starter section as you wish (the length of the house will limit more follower layer cages. A layer cage has a nipple drinking systems included in the cages these allow the chickens to get water by pecking at a nipple. A trough runs along the length of the layer cage which makes feeding the hens very easy

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more

1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries

2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house

3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents

4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken

5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour

6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays

7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package

8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%

9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

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Poultry battery cages are 2000mm long and 2300mm wide and 1500mm high

Nipple drinking system

Feeding grooves

Medication tanks

Galvanized steel

Adjustable foot plates for leveling

Each layer cage unit holds between 96 birds


1. It helps in identifying poor producers and prompt culling

2. It helps in the controlling of vices of poultry cannibalism and egg eating

3. It helps in production of clean eggs

4. It helps in the removal of stress factors

5. It had easy control of parasitic disease like coccidiosis and worm infestation

6. It prompts steps to control feed wastage

7. The cage method of housing is ideal for the area of moderated climate conditions where the day temperature in summer does not high and temperature does not fall too low

8. Greater number of birds is reared per unit of area

9. It facilitates correct maintenance of records


1. High level of automation 

It consists of fully automatic feeding, drinking water, manure removal, cooling of cooling curtains, standardized management, automatic control system, saving energy consumption, improving labor efficiency, reducing manual service feeding costs, and further improving the farm’s High efficiency of feeding in poultry farming equipment

2. The chickens have good epidemic prevention and reasonable prevention of diseases

The chickens do not touch the excrement, which can make the chickens become healthier, and show the chickens a clean and comfortable natural environment for growth and development, and the time for meat production is greatly early

3. Save places and increase the relative density of feeding

The relative density of cages is more than 3 times higher than the relative density of flat raising

4. Conservation of feeding concentrated feed

Cage farming can save a lot of feeding concentrated feed. Chickens are fed in cages, exercise intensity is reduced, energy consumption is less, and waste material is reduced. The materials show that cage keeping can reasonably save breeding costs by more than 25%

5. Durable

The complete equipment battery cage for broilerschickens adopts hot-dip zinc processing technology, which is anti-corrosion and anti-aging, and can be used for 15 to 20 years

6. It is more convenient

The number of chickens raised can be increased three or four times than usual, greatly increasing the benefits of farmers. In addition, raising chickens in layer cages is more convenient for the management of the flock

7. It helps in providing a setting for lights 

It has been suggested that a constant lighting program such as 23 hours light and 1 hour darkness which might not be the best in terms of feed digestibility. Under constant lighting, birds tend to over consume feed, which tends to increase feed rate passage. Given that birds are fed at or near maximum genetic potential levels, this extra feed they consume has limited time to interact with digestive enzymes, resulting in reduced feed digestibility. In contrast, a lights-on, lights-off program (for example, 1 hour light, 1 hour darkness, and so on) allows birds to fully digest their feed while resting (which also improves feed efficiency as birds do not walk aimlessly all day), and gives them enough time to "refill" during light hours. The only problem with this system is that there should be enough feeding spaces for all birds to eat simultaneously, something that requires careful pre placement feeder management

8. It uses feeders that do not waste feed

It might appear obvious to buy feeders that minimize feed wastage, but low cost is always an alluring factor that quite often makes us buy something less efficient in the long run. Feeders should also be managed (cleaning, placement, distances, number of birds per feeder, etc.) So that feed consumption is neither an opportunity to beat boredom nor a hurried fight to eat. Quite often a factor that greatly enhances feed efficiency is the correct placement of drinkers close to the feeders, but not so closes as to cause feed spoilage


1. Chicken nutrition and feeding is an important part of production. If you are going to mix your own diet, great effort may be required to produce well-balanced diets, especially certified organic diets. Chickens are able to obtain some of their nutrients from insects, worms, and plants when on pasture, thus reducing costs

2. Feeding broiler chickens the appropriate amount of feedper day is essential in that it helps them achieve optimal health and size, helping you turn out quality products for consumers, Broilers chickens raised for meat is well-known for their high feed conversion ratios and fast growth rates

3. The amount of feed you will need per broiler or free range chicken will depend on its age, make sure to feed your broiler chicks organic, non-GMO starter feed to ensure they are getting optimal nutrition

4. Feeding young chicks requires a feeder that will hold the food in place as the birds eat. When broilers are less than one week old, you can help them learn to eat by putting their food in a shoebox lid or egg carton lid. Once broiler chicks get accustomed to eating, you can cut holes in the carton and place a lid on top, or buy a commercial feeder designed for chickens

Our services

1. We offer the detailed information about our product and services

2. We offer the best equipment which meets our customer’s every requirement

3. We have long time and rich experience on the products manufacturing. If any machine operation questions after sales, we will reply you within 24 hours with solution. And customers can be rest assured

4. We give customers detailed information on the product they want to buy

5. We give guideline to our first time customer’s on how to go about their poultry farm

6. After purchasing our poultry equipment, we do follow up on our customers about the equipment they purchased

Frequently ask questions

Q: How can one prevent feed from wasting in the poultry battery cage system?

A: First, you have to have a particular measurement of feed you give to them on a daily or weekly bases in other not to over load the feeding trough, thereby causing feed spillage 

Q: What is the best way for feeding the broilers in the poultry battery cage system?

A: The best way is to use a feeding trough because it helps them to get a better access to the feeds



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