Reasons to use battery cage system for egg productivity
Time : 2005-10-13

Basic information

Eggs are produced by laying hens also known as layers. Laying hens are specialised breeds of chicken that have been selected for their high rates of egg production and are different to the breeds reared for meat (broilers)

If you are willing to venture into this egg production business or have started raising chickens for egg production, you need to understand birds’ production capabilities

It is expedient to know how to gauge the number of eggs your hens can produce and be aware of the variables that affect egg production

It is necessary to identify which hens are laying and determine why your hens are not laying. By having a firm grasp of these factors, it will help you to ensure the success of your flock

Light is an important factor in stimulating hens to lay eggs. It is the main environmental cue that the hen receives, which in turn regulates hormone levels that affect egg laying. Both the duration of the light period and the intensity of the light are important, and farmers provide artificial lighting in specially developed cycles to optimise both frequency of production and the quality of eggs

Reasons to use battery cage system for egg productivity

Purpose for battery cage in poultry

Series of researches have helped us to confirm and affirmed that battery cage is the best and adequate system of rearing birds. If you want your chickens to remain healthy over the period of rearing, then you must not overlook the use of battery cages.  Battery cages are very good means of accommodating your chickens in healthy conditions that will boost their reproduction We don’t mean any kind of battery cage with a wire mesh floor and essential heating elements for brooding chickens, but our company battery cage is superior and in terms of quality and go beyond that kind of features. A good battery cage is designed in such a way that it allows the chicken droppings to go through it. This means that this battery cage does not hold chicken manure/feces, when the poultry dung can drop freely, it is easier to clean it away from the chickens’ surroundings As a result, and you tend to minimize the risks of diseases resulting from the attachment of chicken droppings to the battery cage.  Besides the safety issue, this will keep the chickens healthy and make chicken rearing a task worthwhile for the poultry farmer

It also helps to increases egg production in layers poultry, Aside, safeguarding the health of your chickens, battery cages also help to increase egg production in layers poultry. We agree that when a chicken is healthy, it will significantly become more productive. However, the reverse is the case for chickens that you rear in environments that do not boost their health.  A well built battery cage increases the potential of egg production in chickens. Recent estimations also reveal that 70% of eggs in products such as mayonnaise, sandwiches and cakes are from chickens reared in battery cages. In fact, most poultry farmers have confessed that the caging system is way better than the deep litter system in terms of egg production. Farmers confess that “Egg production from chickens has doubled since they moved them from deep litter to the battery cage system.” So, if you are going for the layers poultry business, then we will advise you to use battery cages to aid egg production

Using a chicken cage reduces the cost of labor, the battery cage system of poultry farming reduces the cost of labor on the farmer. This is because the chickens are well-organized and arranged in rows of cages having all the necessary facilities. Each row of battery cages has feeding trough and a drinker that the farmer can easily fill. Also, there is no need to wash the waterers and feeders every day as is the case of the deep litter system. Since the birds are in cages far away from their feeding facilities, they cannot jump on the facilities to contaminate it. Another beautiful thing about the cage system is that the poultry feces drop in one place so that it is easy to clean. In addition, eggs roll freely the front of the cages where workers can easily pick them up without missing any. Poultry management becomes easy with the cage system. It reduces stress for the farmer and the need to employ many workers for poultry farm

Another purpose is that it helps the farmers to rear a larger number of birds per unit in small area with battery cages. With modern battery cages, you can rear a greater number of birds per unit of an area. That means battery cages save you cost in construction and help you maximize the use of whatever space you have available

Many A type poultry battery cages can accommodate between 96, 128 and 160 chickens or more per unit, depending on the size and model you buy. Therefore, it is rewarding to invest in poultry farming using battery cages with high capacity for accommodation

Series of products to serve the poultry farm fully, click the name to learn more
1. Steel structure poultry house, opening type for hot countries and close type for cool countries
2. Poultry hatching equipment’s capacity of eggs up to 120,000+ to be hatching house
3. Chicken rearing cage and equipment of layer, day old chicken, brooder, broiler and chicken parents
4. Chicken feed processing equipment from feed crushing and mixing to stock to feeding chicken
5. Paper egg tray manufacturing equipment, the output from 1000 trays per hour to 6000 trays per hour
6. Egg processing equipment from automatic egg collection to packing egg to trays
7. Chicken slaughtering equipment from slaughter to vacuum package
8. Chicken manure cleaning and drying equipment to control the water content in chicken manure between 10% and 40%
9. Other poultry farm equipment are coming soon...

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How eggs are produced

There are three different production systems in commonly use: cages, barns and free-range. The conventional, unenriched cage (‘battery cage’) was developed in the 1950s for high intensity egg production by maximising egg production per unit area

The reduced welfare state of hens kept in conventional battery cages led to banning their use and they introduced new minimum welfare standards for caged hens. A new ‘enriched cage’ is now used in many countries, along with the other two common egg production systems

All the egg production systems globally are tightly regulated with respect to welfare standards. In enriched cage systems, hens spend their productive life indoors in large cages with other hens, where they have access to all the facilities required to meet their essential needs

Production Expectations and Variables Affection production

A hen can lay only one egg in a day and will have some days when it does not lay any egg at all. The reasons for this laying schedule relate to the hen reproductive system. A hen’s body begins forming an egg shortly after the previous egg is laid, and it takes 26 hours for an egg to form fully. Because a hen’s reproductive system is sensitive to light exposure, eventually the hen will lay too late in a day for its body to begin forming a new egg. The hen will then skip a day or more before laying again

Also, not all hens begin to lay the same day, nor do they continue laying for the same length of time. The hens might start into production quickly, peaks, and then slowly reduces the level of production. The length of time that a flock will produce eggs varies as well

Many home flocks produce eggs on and off for three to four years. Each year, the level of egg production is lower than the previous year. Also, egg size increases and shell quality decreases each year

Both the number of eggs you can get from a flock and the number of years a flock will produce eggs depend on several variables

Layers are raised in battery cages for the following reasons

1. The system helps you keep birds within a small space and allows very limited movement, this makes the chickens conserve their energy and hence enjoy an increase in production level

2. It provides comfort and stability for the birds

3. Feeds are less consumed and it avoids wastage

4. Records keeping of individual egg production and culling of poor layers are made easier

5. A farmer can easily do a stock count of the chickens

6. It is easier to care for pullets

7. It is much easier to evacuate the waste in the battery cage system.  Faeces drop through to the floor or metal trays which are cleaned regularly

8. It is easier to operate

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Frequently asked questions

Q: Is battery cage good for layers?

A: This makes the chickens conserve their energy and hence enjoy an increase in production level. It provides comfort and stability for the birds

Q: Why are battery cages good?

A: Battery cage reduces labour by the poultry farmer

Q: What is battery egg production?

A: Battery hens are egg-laying hens that are kept in battery cages



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